What are Endocannabinoids

The Endocannabinoid System Explained

The Endocannabinoid system (ECS) is one of the human body’s biological systems discovered fairly recently, in 1990. Like the pulmonary system, circulatory, skeletal, muscular, and skeletal systems all have their specific functions, so does the Endocannabinoid system. 

The ECS is responsible for regulating the activity of all the other biological systems which ensures their proper functioning. This means our ECS affects everything the human body does and is affecting us every second. How come we know so little about such an important part of our lives?

A brief history of the Endocannabinoid system

As scientists were trying to figure out how cannabis works, mainly how Tetrahydrocannabinol influences us, they found the receptors to which THC can bind if consumed. Hence naming them cannabinoid receptors. To their surprise, they found the cannabinoid receptors scattered all over the human body. 

And even more stunning, they discovered an endogenous ligand, for which the cannabinoid receptors exist. Later, they found more chemicals produced by our bodies that interact with cannabinoid receptors and named them endocannabinoids.

The first identified endocannabinoid, anandamide, was documented in 1992. The researchers were amazed how anandamide structurally resembles THC, and how similar it is in activity when it binds to receptors. Soon, they uncovered another compound, 2-AG, mostly located in our brain which has a great affinity to cannabinoid receptors. Later, more followed.

A well-balanced diet is key for a healthy endocannabinoid system. Essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals are all very important for the biosynthesis of endocannabinoids!

What are Endocannabinoids?

These fascinating compounds are produced in our bodies and act as signaling molecules, similar to neurotransmitters. Like neurotransmitters, they are produced in the neuron cells and their role is to send messages from one neuron to another. However, endocannabinoids are produced in the postsynaptic neuron, contrary to neurotransmitters which are produced in the presynaptic neuron. 

By going in the opposite direction in neurons the endocannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors regulating the amount of neurotransmitter release in the presynaptic neuron.

With this counter grade signaling, endocannabinoids like Anandamide and 2-AG serve as a blocking-releasing mechanism. Their role is to limit neurotransmitter activity by tapering their release. Doing so they are slowing down the neurotransmitter-receptor interaction which prevents the nervous system from getting burned out. 

Neurotransmitters like dopamine are produced in the Presynaptic Neuron and travel to the Postsynaptic Neuron. The endocannabinoids are the opposite!

The Role of the Human Endocannabinoid System

Endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and enzymes are in charge of taking care that every function in our body works properly. The Endocannabinoids are biosynthesized on demand through enzymatic production in the postsynaptic neuron.

In case neurotransmitters are required to send signals, the endocannabinoids are not produced. If the neurotransmitters are too active, endocannabinoids are made and sent into the presynaptic neuron to limit neurotransmitter activity.

For now we are aware of these endocannabinoids which influence our CB1 and CB2 receptors: Arachidonoylethanolamine (Anandamide or AEA), 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), 2-Arachidonyl glyceryl ether (noladin ether), N-Arachidonoyl dopamine (NADA), Virodhamine (OAE), Lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI)

Examples of how endocannabinoids system regulates our bodies:

  • If we get in danger, our body starts to send adrenaline through our neurons. Dopamine signals our body to breath faster, the heart rate rises, we become more alert and focused. Once out of danger, we do not require dopamine anymore. Endocannabinoids are deployed and stop dopamine from being released. We are calmed down.
  • When it gets dark at night, our body starts to send melatonin through our neurons. Melatonin signals our body to slow down and rest, we become tired and sleepy. In the morning, endocannabinoids send messages to melatonin to stop releasing. We become awake and it’s time to get up!

After the situation settles, endocannabinoids are not required anymore and get degraded by enzymes. Enzymes like FAAH (Fatty acid amide hydrolase) and MAGL (Monoacylglycerol) also make part of the endocannabinoid system, along with CB1 and CB2 receptors and the endocannabinoids. The enzymes are a very important part of our ECS since they make the breakdown of endocannabinoids possible, which basically means the enzymes shut down the endocannabinoid activity.

black and silver portable speaker beside green leaves
Our endocannabinoid can benefit greatly with cannabidiol intake Hemp extracts show great potential in treating all kinds of problems because of its positive impact on our ECS.

The Endocannabinoid System and CBD Oil

As we found out, the endocannabinoid system has a very big influence on our life. What happens if the system does not work as it should? 

The consequences of a distorted endocannabinoid system are seen in:

  • Unexplained mood swings and sudden changes behavior
  • Irregular sleep patterns and eating disorders
  • Migraines and other forms of headaches
  • Autoimmune diseases and Nervous system diseases

The reason for the malfunction of an endocannabinoid system can be neither:

  • Cannabinoid receptors can get worn out due to stress, lack of sleep, etc.. and are unable to receive endocannabinoid signaling
  • Enzymes are not working correctly, (likely because of unhealthy diet or alcohol and drug abuse, poisoning) and too many endocannabinoid are present which result in a hyperactive endocannabinoid tone
  • Endocannabinoid deficiency, meaning the body does not produce enough of its own cannabinoids to support other processes.

And for all the reasons above, CBD oil comes into play. CBD can solve many issues by simply putting our endocannabinoid system in check. Cannabidiol can influence all 3 parts of our ECS:

  • it binds to CB1 and CB2 receptor without activating them, which puts them to rest
  • CBD supports the body to produce more endocannabinoids
  • Cannabidiol diminishes enzymatic degradation of endocannabinoids, increasing their count


In the perfect scenario, we would not need CBD to supplement our endocannabinoid system. With a healthy diet, daily exercise, unpolluted air, and water, a consistent sleep regimen,… the production of our own cannabinoids would be sufficient.

Meditation, yoga and other exercises, social activities like dancing and singing all pronounce our endocannabinoid tone!

However, the modern lifestyle which we live today shows quite the opposite. Lots of processed food, long work hours, stress on every corner, all take a toll on our endocannabinoid system. With little time to care for ourselves, CBD offers the ultimate solution to boost our ECS to make our minds and body happy.

Essentia Pura is one of the leading CBD manufacturers in Europe and can supply CBD in various forms for every situation. From full-spectrum CBD oil to CBD isolate, we bring to the market CBD products for all kinds of consumers.

Therefore, if you feel the urge to make the world become a better place, you can do so with CBD. Get in touch with us to discover all the Essentia Pura CBD options and help to make a healthy endocannabinoid system available for everyone!

Is CBD legal in Luxembourg?

CBD (cannabidiol) has been causing massive disruption around the western world, the rapid rise in demand for CBD products is changing the cosmetic industry and has a great potential to change the medical and food industry. But the fast innovation of the market has caught the governments by surprise. Even when the government machine started to respond, the market was already light years ahead and the regulation could do more good than bad. Nonetheless, Luxembourg is actively looking around the world for different views and the best solution on how to best regulate CBD to help consumers, businesses, and last but not least the state. This is why, we at Essentia Pura, believe that Luxembourg deserves a closer look.

It seems that Luxembourg recognises the extraordinary potential CBD oil and other similar products can have. The Health Minister of Luxembourg even went as far as saying that both CBD and THC have been shown to have a positive effect on treating certain medical conditions, such as pain treatment, and should be authorised for wider use. What a difference compared to some other European Union member states!

In this article, we will take a closer look at what exactly makes Luxembourg unique. You can explore these topics:

  • What is CBD?
  • What is the difference between marijuana and hemp?
  • How are they regulated in Luxembourg?
  • Where can you buy or sell CBD products in Luxembourg?
  • What are the plans for the future in connection with the CBD industry in the country?
  • What can other European Union member states learn from Luxembourg?

If you are interested in those topics, please read the piece in full.

CBD in Luxembourg

To start the conversation about CBD we must first explain what CBD is. We believe that some of you are very familiar with it, but we also recognise that a whole lot of you might be trying to find out what exactly your neighbour is so excited about.

CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol which is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. This does not tell you a whole lot, does it?

Let us try to explain it in another way. You should think of CBD as a component of the cannabis plant. Cannabis consist of a lot of components similar to CBD, each one of those has its own function. Recently scientists have shown a lot of possible health benefits that might come from CBD use, which sparked great commercial interest in CBD oil and similar CBD product.

You might be asking yourself on how you can get a CBD product from a cannabis plant? Does this mean that you have to use the whole plant? Isn’t cannabis a drug that gets you high? Is this even legal according to the law in Luxembourg?

Let’s tackle these questions.

Cannabis in Luxembourg

There is more than one type of cannabis plant and not all of them get you high. Most importantly you have to differentiate between hemp and marijuana.


Marijuana (also known simply as weed) is the type of cannabis plant that is rich in both CBD and THC. The latter (THC) is another cannabinoid, the one responsible for the intoxicating feeling you get if you use marijuana. But it also does other things, which is why in some countries, marijuana can be consumed for medical purposes. On the other hand, you can easily think of a country that still treats cannabis use as dangerous and where it can be punished with prison sentences.

Where do Luxembourg drug laws stand on the matter?

Since 2001 marijuana is considered a category B substance, which means that recreational consumption is only punished with a fine. The fine depends on the amount of cannabis, individuals are found with and it ranges from 250 to 2.500 Euros. So technically speaking cannabis consumption and possession are not criminal but are not legal either. This is similar to other countries in Europe, like Belgium. Nonetheless, we urge you to be cautious and not do anything illegal. Drugs are still treated seriously in the country. For example, using a cannabis product with high THC levels in front of minors can bring you into major trouble.

Luxembourg however, took a step forward. The Prime minister in the country promised to legalise cannabis in late 2021. The date of legalisation is not known yet, but we will keep you posted.

What about medical cannabis?

We should explain that patients can get the drug Sativex for almost a decade. On top of that, according to the prime minister, the cannabis legislation in Luxembourg made medical cannabis legal in 2017, although the program is still in a pilot scheme and has not been widely implemented. We hope that more treatments will include cannabis products in the future.

Hemp in Luxembourg

The other major type of cannabis is hemp. Hemp cannabis production had been an important part of the economy in Europe for centuries, but it slowly died out in the 20th century. All the signs are here that cannabis cultivation is making an important comeback in Europe. For example, you can see the number of growers rising in Luxembourg, as well as in Belgium.

How does hemp differ from marijuana? Well, the most important difference is that hemp has virtually no THC but is still rich in CBD. This means that if you use cannabis products from hemp you can avoid the intoxicating feeling of THC while you can still retain all the health benefits of CBD.

We stated above that hemp does not contain THC, actually, according to the law, THC levels in hemp cannot be higher than 0.3%. This is slightly higher than the usual limit in Europe, which is set at 0.2%. We expect further changes in the law so that the laws will become even more liberal in the future. Perhaps the government laws will even allow cannabis coffee shops.

So is CBD allowed in Luxembourg?

The short answer is yes, CBD is completely legal in Luxembourg. You can freely shop for cannabis CBD products all around the country.

Moreover, you can also set up your own CBD-related shop, this is much easier than in most places around the EU.

There are, however, a couple of conditions you should know before you enter the market. If you want to ensure that your CBD product is legal you have to be certain that it is derived from hemp. As we described above, marijuana will most likely be completely legal for the recreational purpose by the end of this year. However, in May 2021 it is still only decriminalised. This means that you should still rely just on hemp, with less than 0.3% THC content for your CBD products. Furthermore, CBD products are only legal for adults, this means that you have to be at least 18 years old to buy CBD.

Police also clarified that people are allowed to drive if they use CBD products. Nonetheless, police can do a quick drug test. You should probably not be worried about it, but if you use a lot of CBD products, then it can show signs of THC, despite the low THC content in cannabis products. So we advise you to be careful about that.

Last, but not least, CBD products cannot be advertised as medical products, but rather cosmetics or food supplements. If customers are looking for treatments, you should advise them to seek medical treatment, so to see their doctor.

Selling CBD

We want to offer you some further advice if you are thinking of starting your own CBD business or selling CBD.

As stated above, CBD can be legally sold both online and in-person shops according to the laws.

In both cases, we recommend that you structure your business around clear, consumer-friendly information about CBD that is in line with scientific research.

We recommend that you thoroughly examine your supplier beforehand. Focus on whether they follow all essential cannabis laws so that you avoid any legal troubles. You should only work with accredited shops and dealers of CBD products. Your supplier should show you that CBD products contain less than 0.3% of THC and are extracted from hemp. Check that they follow other legal guidelines issued by the authorities.

If you are looking for a partner to supply your CBD-related shop, Essentia Pura is a Slovenian company that offers the bulk sale of CBD extracts. We take pride in ensuring strict compliance with the law. We are a trusted wholesale partner for your CBD-oriented company with plenty of experience.

If you have any questions regarding the bulk sale of CBD and other products, as well as any legal questions about cannabis regulations in Luxembourg do not hesitate to contact us. Our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

What can the European Union learn from Luxembourg?

Europe can draw many important. In our opinion, the most important lesson is that the cannabis market and customers need certainty and predictability in order to organise and grow. A clear, bold, and straightforward approach in regards to cannabis, such as the one taken by the coalition government allowed the Luxembourg CBD market to become one of the leading powers in Europe when it comes to CBD. Regulation of low THC cannabis products sold in Luxembourg protects consumers, public health, and aspiring entrepreneurs.


So is CBD oil legal?

Luxembourg has a vibrant cannabis market that the whole of Europe can strive towards. Let us quickly recap the most important points:

  • CBD is derived from cannabis plants.
  • There are two important types of cannabis: marijuana and hemp.
  • Marijuana is considered part of narcotics due to its high THC content, but consumption and possession are decriminalised.
  • Medical cannabis is legal but still in the trial phase for pain treatment.
  • The government is introducing legislation that will make it legal to use marijuana for recreational purposes.
  • Selling, possessing, or cultivating large amounts of high THC marijuana can land you in jail.
  • Hemp is legal and you can cultivate it yourself.
  • You can buy CBD both online and in stores all around the country.
  • Selling CBD products to customers is straightforward and much easier than in other countries.

If you are interested in CBD laws in other countries around the world you are welcome to read our articles about:

Cannabigerol (CBG) Overview, Uses & Benefits

Cannabigerol, CBG in short, is another cannabinoid that is well represented in the plant Cannabis Sativa. There are more than a hundred cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, most of which are still unidentified. We know a whole lot about tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and are becoming very fond of cannabidiol (CBD). But there are a handful of minor cannabinoids which are about to bust the door open into the market.

The first in the line is CBG! CBG is already being sold in the same forms as we can find CBD. CBG drops, CBG sprays, CBG gummies, CBG softgels, CBG mints, CBG skin care, CBG flowers.. It is either found alone or incorporated into CBD formulations in different ratios. What makes CBG different from CBD is a matter of scientific debate. Still, many users already report very positive results with their newfound cannabinoid. 

In this topic, we will explore how CBG is made and what the researchers think of it. We will explore which products are the best for CBG applications, what are the CBG benefits, how it stands on the market, and what the future holds for CBG.

What is Cannabigerol (CBG)?

It is quite interesting that CBG started to gain traction just recently, as the cannabis plant actually produces larger quantities of CBG than CBD or THC. It is really important to know how this magic happens! 

From Cannabigerolic acid, many cannabinoids like CBD, THC, CBC,.. are born.

Where does CBG come from?

Most cannabinoids are biosynthesized by the cannabis plant during its flowering stage. When the buds and trichomes start forming, the chemicals olivetolic acid and geranyl diphosphate react together. The result of synthase is cannabigerol acid, CBG in its acid form. Out of cannabigerol acid (CBGa), several cannabinoids are formed from CBGa. reacting with different catalytic enzymes. 

This is also how CBD and THC are formed. Cannabis is always harvested at full maturity, either to produce ripe seeds for oil production or ripe flowers for CBD extraction. Hence, little CBG is present in cannabis at harvest as most CBG was transformed into CBD and other cannabinoids through molecular reaction changes.

Is CBG legal?

Especially in industrial cannabis varieties, suited for legal cultivation, we can find high levels of CBG even at harvest. This was achieved by selective breeding of cannabis varieties in which the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the formation of THCA from cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) is almost absent. 

The result is a cannabis variety with all the traits needed for commercial cultivation but without detectable levels of THC. The breeding to make low THC cannabis available for legal cultivation is what actually brought CBG cannabis varieties to life. 

Otherwise, the CBG compound is 100% legal all across the world since it does not fall into internationally controlled narcotic drugs under the 1961 Convention. There are no registered pharmaceutical drugs that contain cannabigerol, which could pose any other restriction on sales and consumption of the CBG compound.

Just recently, Panakeia was developed. The first cannabis variety that is completely free of THC and rich in CBG!

How is CBG made?

These varieties also made the production of CBG possible on a larger scale!  After harvesting CBG rich hemp biomass, we dry and cure the plants. To prepare them for extraction we finely mill the plant material. We then transport the ground CBG biomass to our lab facility where we process it using supercritical CO2. We obtain oil that is rich in cannabigerol acid. From here it is a pretty straightforward process to obtain CBG from CBGa via decarboxylation.

How CBG Affects the Human Body

Now we know that CBG is the parent molecule of the cannabinoid family, but how does this mother cannabinoid affect the human body? CBG affects cannabinoid receptors in the human body similar to CBD.

CBG antagonizes the CB1 receptor, meaning it has a blocking effect on the receptor which causes the “high” effect if activated. This makes CBG nonintoxicating. Similar to CBD, the binding on CB1 receptors with no action, produces 0 negative side effects. 

On the other hand, by binding and blocking CB1 receptors, we see a positive change in our bodies. As CB1 receptors are spread throughout our system, if they are blocked, they are calmed. This produces a “rest & relaxed” feeling as opposed to “fight or flight” feeling if CB1 receptors are stimulated.

When we are in the “Rest & relaxed” mode, or better in the parasympathetic state, we enable our body to calm, heal and regenerate.

On the second human cannabinoid receptor CB2, CBG has a more significant effect. Since it is a partial agonist on the CB2 receptor is has a clear action. Compared to CB1 receptors, which are located mainly in our central nervous system, we find CB2 receptors all around from hair to toes.

CBG flower resembles the traditional one very well. Usually, the flower appears whiter in color! As the plant stops developing further from Cannabigerolic acid, the trichomes never ripe.

Side effects of CBG

Patients that are using CBG to treat various issues report little negative side effects from its use. In a research survey many recommend it as a better and more effective option when compared to traditional medicine as the latter often presents with more unpleasant and long-term side effects or even addiction.

The main complaints from patients using CBG were dry mouth, sleepiness, hunger, and dry eyes. It is also important to note that just over half of the patients reported any of these side effects and others noticed none at all. The withdrawal symptoms were even less noticeable, with only about 15% reporting any. The most common symptom amongst those who endured any withdrawal was difficulty sleeping.

Although much more research needs to be carried out to conclude anything with certainty, these early results are very promising, showing minimal side effects and negligible withdrawal symptoms.

7 science-backed CBG Benefits 

So far, science has proven many beneficial effects of CBG on the human body. The list begins more general and then moves into more specific ones.

  1. By turning off and easing CB1 receptors, conditions that affect the central nervous system can be alleviated
  2. By acting on the CB2 receptors, conditions affecting organs can be alleviated
  3. Antibacterial effect: CBG was found to be effective against Gram-negative organisms like MRSA, by inhibiting the inner membrane of the pathogens
  4. Appetite stimulation: Cannabis was always an effective treatment for chemotherapy patients who suffered from loss of appetite. The effect was mostly attributed to THC. Now non-psychoactive CBG has been proven to have a massive appetite stimulative effect!
  5. Anti Inflammatory: CBG shows strong anti-inflammatory effects for patients who suffer inflammatory bowel disease like Chron’s disease. It can also alleviate neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis patients.
  6. Intraocular tension relieving: a significant reduction in ocular pressure was seen when administering CBG. The effects of fluid drainage from the eyes are very promising for treating glaucoma.
  7. Neuroprotective effect: CBG acts extremely active as a neuroprotectant, improving motor deficits and preserving striatal neurons. Great potential for preventing Huntington’s disease.

The stem cell of cannabinoids, CBG, has just begun to integrate into the scientific community. They believe CBG benefits may help to treat many ailments, from cancer to anxiety. While more cannabigerol research is welcome, the substance is non-toxic and non-addictive, even in therapeutic doses, so we welcome you to try it yourself!

CBG compared to CBDa, CBD and CBN

The mentioned substances are different cannabinoids that are either derived from the plant or are the result of the transformation of other substances. As we mentioned before, CBG is derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant and is often referred to as the mother of all cannabinoids. But how is it different from other derivatives?

CBDA (cannabidiolic acid) is one of many compounds produced by cannabis and hemp. The molecules are usually found in the plant in their original form which is an acid. It is from this form that the other substances are made when the plant is exposed to heat. CBDA, for example, transforms into CBD. We could also say it is its raw form. It is a bit more difficult to get CBG however, because it is naturally present in smaller quantities. To get larger amounts, breeders need to resort to genetics and cross-breeding.

CBD is the most known and most widely studied cannabinoid. Compared to CBN, it is present in much larger quantities and thus more widely available. This is also their biggest difference. They are both non-intoxicating and possess similar therapeutic effect, binding to the same receptors in the brain.

CBN, also known as cannabinolthe is different in that it is derived from THC and does not come naturally from the plant. We could say it is a degraded version of it and has little to no psychoactive properties. The research around it is very limited but it does suggest that the compound stimulates appetite and reduces nausea, making it a promising help for treating anorexia. It is also said to have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This said, we can see that its uses are very different to those of CBG.

Using and Manufacturing CBG Products

Consuming CBG

If using CBD products is already your domain, like CBD oil, trying CBG is not going to be much different. There are already a lot of CBG products to choose from. We would suggest starting with CBG drops, as it still proves to be the best method of delivery. It contains just two ingredients, the CBG oil, and the carrier oil. CBG drops also provide accurate dose gauging and are available in many different potencies, great for experimenting.

There is also a great rise in the popularity of CBG flowers. CBG Inflorescences contain very low levels of THC (<0.2%) naturally. So the CBG buds offer a great 100% legal alternative to CBD flowers! Vaporising CBG flowers is also an advantageous route of administration since CBG has an extremely low boiling point of 58°C. 

CBG is not as soluble in supercritical CO2 as CBD. But with the right parameters, our CBG extraction is flawless!

CBG manufacturing

At Essentia Pura, the CO2 extraction experts, we have already started CBG production. Although we don’t keep CBG products in regular offers, we are open to prepare any kind of CBG formulation according to your needs:

  • full spectrum CBG Oil
  • isolate infused CBG Oil
  • CBD : CBG full-spectrum oil in various ratios
  • CBD : CBG isolate oils in various ratios
  • CBG for pets
  • Skincare with CBG
  • CBG raw ingredients
  • And many more…

The Cannabigerol compound proves to be the next big thing in the cannabis industry. And to stay ahead of the market demands, we will add CBG products to our regular offer!

To give CBG products a try, head over to our website and complete the contact form. If you would like any further information on the topic, do not hesitate to reach us at info@essentiapura.com