5 minute read

Butane vs. CO2 Which is the best extraction method?

Using water, alcohol, or even oils as solvents is one of the oldest methods of extraction. However, these methods result in very poor-quality crude products with numerous impurities. Although these methods are still widely used, industries prefer more efficient methods that help get purer products with the fuller extract.

One such way of getting high-quality natural extracts is using supercritical gases. Under high pressure and yet maintaining high temperature, it is possible to convert any gas into a cloud-like state. It is something in between the liquid and gaseous state. Supercritical solvents have much greater solubility, and they can readily penetrate natural raw materials, helping extract the most beneficial compounds. Moreover, this method allows altering the solvency of supercritical gas by altering the temperature and pressure, thus getting very different types of extracts.

Two of the most common supercritical gases used in the industrial extraction of CBD are hydrocarbon gases like butane or propane or using CO2. However, both these methods have their advantages and drawbacks.

Comparing BHO Extraction against CO2 Extraction

BHO stands for butane hash oil or CBD extracted using butane as a solvent. Butane and carbon dioxide are very different kinds of gases with entirely different physical properties. It also means that their properties as supercritical gas and solvent differ. It essentially means that CBD extract using these gases would differ considerably. Before looking deeper into the differences, let us understand more about these two ways of extraction.

What is BHO Extraction

It uses butane gas for extraction. Supercritical butane is an excellent solvent; thus, it has a fantastic ability to penetrate cannabis and strip not only cannabinoids but also terpenes, lipids, waxes. It creates quite a potent and full-spectrum end product.

Using butane for CBD extraction is one of the fastest and efficient methods. By altering the pressure and temperature, one can get different types of resins fit for various uses.

Many professionals like butane as it helps preserve various active compounds, textures, and aroma of the CBD. It is especially good for creating CBD distillate. The end result of such extraction is a high-terpene and broad-spectrum extract.

Since this method is among the faster methods, it results in time-saving and cost savings.

Once the extraction is complete, most modern machines would recycle the butane by removing it from the extract by heating or reducing the pressure. As most modern types of equipment are closed-loop, very little butane would escape along with the end product.

However, critics of butane may not like that some traces of solvent are still left in the final product. In addition, butane is toxic to the human body. Nonetheless, experience shows that it is left in minimal amounts to pose any health hazards. Another worry regarding its use is that butane is a highly inflammable gas, thus issues in handling it. 

Further, it is worth knowing that no closed-loop machine can recycle 100% of the gases. For most, 95% would be a limit. It means that about 5% butane is still released into the environment during each cycle. Thus, butane extraction has its environmental costs.

What is CO2 Extraction

Supercritical CO2 extraction is the most common way of extraction these days. It is good in the way that CO2 is a highly safe gas. CO2 is present in the air and is also produced as a byproduct of the metabolic activity of the human body. 

It appears that supercritical CO2 is an excellent solvent. However, it is not very good for extracting terpenes. That is why many machines using CO2 may use other solvents like ethyl alcohol to get full spectrum extract, but this can add up to the costs. Nonetheless, solvents like ethyl alcohol are safe for humans and the environment.

Additionally, CO2 extraction results in a resin that must still be processed before use. Thus, it must be winterized and go through fractional distillation to get the usable product.

Despite some hassles, CO2 is relatively safe to handle. Moreover, its leakage does not pose much threat to health.

Highest Quality Hemp Extraction

Unlock the power of pure cannabinoids: Contact us to process your hemp using supercritical CO2 extraction.

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What is the Difference between BHO and CO2 extraction

Generally, butane (BHO) helps get CBD resin faster, more efficiently. BHO resins are also rich in the aroma as it preserves terpenes. Therefore, it is an excellent way of producing full-spectrum CBD. When used at an industrial scale, it is also cheaper than supercritical CO2 extraction.

However, things are not so simple as they may sound. Butane still leaves some residue in the end product, and CO2 does not. Further, handling butane requires additional licenses, and investment in the infrastructure, as it poses a threat. Butane comes under highly flammable and hazardous substances.

Every country would have some strict fire safety requirements for using butane. This means high expenses on ventilation. It also requires building an explosion-proof room, considerably adding to the setup costs.

Modern closed loop machines using butane are indeed highly safe. Nonetheless, each year tens of incidences of explosions and injuries caused by butane extraction machines are reported.

BHO vs CO2: Which Provides the Best Product

BHO extract is generally of higher quality, with better texture and aroma, and requires less post-processing. However, full-spectrum is not always required as it also means a more significant amount of impurities and residual solvent. Thus, CO2 extracts may have fewer terpenes, but it also has no toxic residual solvent. Thus, BHO may be good, but CO2 appears to be safer.

Further, it would be wrong to say that one cannot get full spectrum or broad-spectrum extract by using supercritical CO2. It is also a matter of expertise. To get various extracts, one can run the extract through multiple cycles, using different temperature and pressure settings. As far as terpenes are concerned, greater amounts of them may be extracted by adding ethyl alcohol as a solvent. Moreover, both CO2 and ethyl alcohol are absolutely safe.

How Essentia Pura Extract Hemp Medicinal Plants & More

For Essentia Pura focus is on the quality and safety of the products. Supercritical CO2 extraction using solvent helps get either CBD isolate or broad-spectrum CBD distillate. Both these products are free from impurities. Moreover, equipment like MoSES used by Essentia Pura is safe for the environment. Additionally, Essentia Pura produces both oil-soluble and water-soluble CBD isolate and distillate. As a result, Essentia Pura produces almost pharma-grade pure products for CBD businesses and consumers. 

Do you have any further questions about extracts? Send us an e-mail! For inquiries about our extraction system, please fill out our contact form.

5 Best Carrier Oils for CBD

What is a Carrier Oil?

Carrier oils are various oils that may be used to produce CBD oil from CBD isolate or distillate powder. They help create stable, easy-to-use products with some additional health benefits.

One may use CBD isolate or CBD distillate to create CBD products. However, these have a very high concentration of CBD and are unfit for direct consumption. Even if one extracts CBD using CO2 extraction, it will still result in a high concentration product with poor bioavailability and would be difficult to use for health benefits. 

Since CBD is naturally soluble in oils, it is a common practice to dissolve it in some oil to create an end product. These oils in which CBD extract, CBD isolate, or CBD distillate are dissolved are called carrier oils.

Impact of Adding Carrier Oils to CBD

It is worth understanding that CBD distillate or broad-spectrum CBD is also rich in terpenes, polyphenols, essential oils. Many of these compounds are highly volatile, and they tend to degrade quickly, whereas using carrier oil reduces their volatility and enhances stability.

Additionally, carrier oils may also help boost the bioavailability of CBD products. Most often, people would take CBD oil sublingually, and part of CBD would be quickly absorbed. However, another part enters the intestines, where CBD carrier oils may help protect CBD from the harsh effect of gastric juices.

Olive oil is one of the most popular oils used in culinary and also in the CBD industry.

Benefits of CBD Carrier Oils

Improved stability

These oils form the base of the product, to which one may add CBD isolate or distillate to create the end product. It is also common practice to add various terpenes and essential oils to enhance the aroma and health benefits of CBD products. Mixing these various compounds to carrier oils help create much stable product, as carrier oil are not volatile and have an excellent shelf life.

Improved absorption

CBD is naturally soluble in lipids and does not dissolve well in the water (except specifically created water-soluble CBD). Thus, it is natural to use carrier oils as something to dissolve CBD isolate. These carrier oils also help protect CBD from gastric juices and improve CBD’s absorption through the intestine.

Further, dissolving CBD in oils may also help prolong their action. Without carrier oils, whatever CBD will make to the bloodstream would be quickly metabolized by the liver. On the contrary, CBD dissolved in carrier oils takes much longer to metabolize. It may also accumulate in greater amounts in various fatty tissues. 

The unique mechanism of action

Fats are absorbed and metabolized quite differently by the body than carbs, water-soluble nutrients. After digestion, fats are taken up by the lymphatic system. In contrast, water-soluble ingredients go directly to the liver. By bypassing the liver and using lymphatic tissues, fat-soluble substances may have unique health benefits. For example, most lymph is rich in immune cells. Thus, fat-soluble agents may have more significant immune-modulating action.

Easier dosing

Theoretically, one may consume CBD isolate powder. However, since CBD is needed just in a few milligrams a day, dosing CBD isolate or distillate would be almost impossible. On the other hand, dosing CBD oil is much easier, and one can use a few drops of CBD oil a day.

Helps provide unique products

These days it is a common practice to create CBD products for specific needs. It is achieved by adding terpenes from other plants like tea trees, Spanish sage, citrus fruits. Thus, some CBD products may help calm the nerves, while others may help uplift the moods. Therefore, carrier oils help create value-added products. Moreover, not only CBD but most terpenes also dissolve pretty well in oils.

Apart from terpenes, some CBD manufacturers may add essential oils to CBD products like eucalyptus oil and lavender oil. However, essential oils cannot be consumed directly as they may irritate mucus membranes. But, using carrier oil helps create effective and safe products.

Perhaps the most common carrier oil used for CBD drops formulation, offering a true whole plant experience.

Added health benefits of carrier oils for CBD

Carrier oils are not something inert. They may also have their health benefits. Some may be rich in high-quality fatty acids. For example, olive oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and may help reduce inflammation. Some oils may be rich in fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and so on.

Below is the list of carrier oils and their benefits:

Hemp seed oil

It is perhaps the most natural choice. The hemp seed oil contains cannabinoids only in traces, and it may contain other beneficial compounds in small amounts like terpenes. Further, it has an excellent balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.  It means that using it as a carrier oil may help boost the “entourage effect” of the end product. It is especially preferred when creating full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD oil. Thus, it could be regarded as one of the best carrier oils for CBD.

MCT oil

It is usually created from coconut but may be extracted from palm kernel oil. This oil differs from all other types of oil in the way that it has high amounts of saturated fats. It does not contain inflammation-causing omega-6 fatty acids. Saturated fats are good for health in small amounts, and they also appear to improve gut health. Saturated fats also absorb quite well and quickly. It is also among the inexpensive options.  

Olive oil

It is the most well-known healthy oil that is exceptionally high in omega-3 fatty acids. It is also among the lighter oils due to its high content of monounsaturated fats. Moreover, it is one of the most well-studied oils. One of the distinct benefits of using olive oil as carrier oil is that it absorbs pretty well through the skin. Thus, it may be a good choice for creating CBD oil for topical use. In addition, olive oil is thought to boost immunity, reduce inflammation, and help prevent age-related cognitive decline.

MCT oil as a CBD carrier oil
Deemed as the best carrier oil for CBD. MCT oil has improved absorption, a neutral taste, and longer shelf life.

Avocado oil

It is another carrier oil gaining popularity. It is especially good for topical use, as it absorbs readily via skin. However, it is among the thicker oils, and not everyone may like it. It is also among the most expensive carrier oils. Nonetheless, it is worth understanding that many people may love the idea of consuming avocado oil along with CBD due to its numerous perceived health benefits.

Arnica oil

CBD is gaining popularity among physically active people and athletes. These are individuals prone to sprains and strains. Arnica oil may be preferred for topical use for reducing inflammation, muscle soreness. In addition, it possesses some pain-killing properties. However, arnica oil may not be a good choice for oral formulations as it may cause side effects at higher doses.

Manufacturing CBD Products

CBD oils are highly popular for a reason; they are pretty straightforward to produce. Thus, one may buy CBD isolate or CBD distillate (THC free broad-spectrum) in bulk. The next step would be deciding about the carrier oil. Thus, one may dissolve CBD isolate or distillate in a carrier oil in the necessary amount to create the desired concentration, and CBD oil is ready! For added benefit or product differentiation, one may add terpenes to it. Generally, terpenes are added in a very small amount (rarely exceeding 2%). They enhance the aroma and health benefits of the final product.

Did we miss any carrier oil that would make it to the top 5 list? Send us your opinion! And when placing an order, do not forget which carrier oil you want to see used in your formulations.

5 minute read

Terpene Retention Through CO2 Extraction

Public interest in cannabis compounds like cannabinoids and terpenes continues to rise, as ongoing scientific research shows their therapeutic potential for a range of common neurophysiological conditions. These range from chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis and bursitis to mood disorders like depression and insomnia. But how can consumers ensure their terpene extracts are of high quality, particularly if they aren’t especially well-educated on cannabis compounds and their benefits?

Consumers looking to buy weed-extracted terps, CBD and other cannabis isolates with a mind on quality are best served to select products processed via CO2 extraction, rather than solvent or cold pressure extraction. This post goes over different kinds of CO2 extraction, their respective advantages and disadvantages, and Essentia Pura’s CO2 extraction method and system of choice.

Extracting Terpenes with CO2

As its name suggests, CO2 terpene extraction is done using carbon dioxide as the solvent. The carbon dioxide is dried and then condensed for use in the extraction process. This process can be used to extract terpenes, cannabinoids or even flavonoids from plants, leaves, flowers, roots, and bark. This is obviously much more efficient than most other extraction techniques, where plant matter is simply decarboxylated before making oil.

As of this writing, CO2 extraction is commonly used within the food, fragrance, cannabis, sports medicine and vaping industries. It has proven to be a game-changer in the utilization of medicinal plants and their inherent beneficial properties. The next section briefly explores the differences between different CO2 extraction methods.

Processes of CO2 Extraction

There are essentially two types of CO2 extraction: wet and dry. Each of these come with different costs, ranges of equipment and advantages.

  • Wet CO2 extraction

    is cheaper, but it’s generally less environmentally friendly. The machine process for wet extraction basically works like a supercharged coffee machine, pushing CO2 through plant material with enough pressure for the CO2 to dissolve everything that’s soluble into the gas. This draws and isolates cannabinoids (e.g. THC, CBD) as well as other potentially beneficial components (e.g. terpenes, flavonoids) out of everything from cannabis to herbs and spices.

Wet CO2 extraction requires lower pressure (5-16 bar) to run smoothly; excessive pressure (>16 bar) can irreversibly damage lipids in the plant cell membranes to turn them into free fatty acids. This is obviously undesirable, as it can have a negative impact on terpene structure, cannabinoid potency and the overall quality of the final product.

High Quality Co2 Extraction

Supercritical CO2 extraction is the key to obtaining the purest cannabinoids, free from solvents and toxins. Contact us, and let us process your hemp.

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co2 extraction ingredients

Too much pressure causes less desirable compounds to dissolve into the gas phase making it harder to remove, and giving the resulting solution a more pungent smell. On the other hand, if pressure is too low, not all desirable components may be properly extracted. Low pressure may even cause some degradation due to the lower temperature used for extraction, as higher temperature causes higher solubility.


  • Wet extraction has been used for over 50 years to extract CBD from hemp plants, using a process called supercritical fluid extraction. During the 1980s, scientists discovered that exposing CBD-saturated solvent to extreme heat and pressure separated the compound into layers. This process beca me known as subcritical extraction.
  • Dry CO2 extraction

    can be used for both solventless and solvent-based extractions, but the latter requires higher pressures and temperatures. Dry ice is placed in a closed container filled with product at atmospheric pressure, which causes carbon dioxide to evaporate from solid CO2 (dry ice) into gaseous CO2 (CO). The pressure difference forces liquid molecules through the plant material, extracting desirable oils and leaving behind undesirable solids such as chlorophylls, lipids, waxes and terpenoids.

The dry ice CO2 extraction method was pioneered by Dave Watson in 2007, but its use didn’t become widespread until 2010. The equipment required for this process consists of a closed system which is filled with liquid nitrogen and plant materials. Other than that, there are no special tools or equipment required.

Due to its low risk profile and cost efficiency, dry CO2 extraction is becoming more popular than wet methods for many industries, such as food processing plants where cleanliness is most important.

Do Terpenes Degrade in the Extraction Process

Compared to conventional solvent extraction, much less terpene degradation takes place in CO2 extraction. This is due to two primary factors: low process temperature, and the preservation of terpene structure due to pressurised CO2 passing through plant matter like gas, while simultaneously being able to dissolve desirable plant material like a liquid.

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Retaining Terpenes through CO2 Extraction

An added advantage of CO2 extraction that leads to increased terpene retention is the lack of a decarboxylation step in the process. The cold separation procedure further aids in protecting fragile plant compounds. For even greater terpene retention, shorter, lighter CO2 runs (i.e. subcritical extraction) can be utilised to afford maximum protection and selectivity between desirable plant components.

Finally, the use of CO2 produces the “cleanest” possible terpene extracts as of this writing, with next to no leftover residue whether from plant matter or solvents — many of which can harm the quality of the final product. This is true for the extraction of terpenes from everything from hemp to herbs and spices.

How Essentia Pura Extract Hemp Medicinal Plants & More

Essentia Pura prefers to use supercritical extraction (SCE) to extract cannabinoids from hemp and other medicinal plants, using Škrlj MoSES SCE systems. These systems are designed for bulk-scale, fully automated operations, and come with a number of advantages including:

  1. High selectivity, extracting maximal yields of target compounds while simultaneously filtering out undesirable components like chlorophyll.
  2. Utilisation of inert, non-toxic supercritical fluids for optimal extraction with no leftover residue carried over.
  3. Closed CO2 loop, allowing for supercritical solvent recirculation without contamination and with minimal solvent loss.
  4. Full software integration for efficient monitoring, management and date logging via connected computer systems.
  5. A low temperature process, protecting desirable extracts from degradation or wastage.
  6. User-friendly and high throughput system with multiple quickly opening closures.

Whether for the manufacture of cannabinoid, terpene, broad- or full-spectrum products, CO2 extractors stand as the superior choice in a burgeoning cannabis industry. Despite the high initial investment required for acquisition, the low risk profile, cost effectiveness and high selectivity of CO2 extractor machine processes make them a no-brainer for any cannabis company who can afford them.

To know more about our extraction system, send us an e-mail. For inquiries and quotes, complete our web form here.

Advanced CO2 extraction equipment

Humans have used various ways of extracting active compounds from herbs, like soaking them in water, alcohol, or oils. Further, many would heat the oil or boil the water to get more herbal compounds. However, these traditional extraction methods had numerous limitations. On the contrary, the CO2 supercritical process is a highly efficient way of extracting herbal bioactive compounds.

Each liquid has different physical properties and is only suitable for extracting certain types of extracts from specific herbs. Moreover, these traditional methods produced highly crude extract and thus often needed further complex processing. Even then, there was limited control over the extraction methods, meaning that large amounts of active or essential compounds were lost, and numerous unneeded impurities were introduced.

In modern times, these methods are still used, but by deploying complex equipment. Further, researchers discovered that using gases for extraction has some unique benefits. Modern technology allows liquifying the gases even at room temperatures. Moreover, by altering the pressure and temperature, the same gas would display different properties as a solvent. Thus, helping extract a broad spectrum of compounds. Using various pressures also allows extracting multiple extracts from the same herbal source.

Moreover, at the end of the extraction process, gas will readily escape when temperature and pressure are raised without leaving any residues (unlike liquid solvents) behind. Moreover, gases are also cleaner and lack impurities, whereas most liquid solvents would have some amounts of contaminants.

CO2 supercritical extraction is preferred among various gases, as it is safer and easier to handle than other gases. Further, it has some unique properties, making it an excellent solvent at specific temperatures and pressures.

Process of CO2 Extraction Overview

Supercritical CO2 extraction is the most common way of extracting cannabis extract or CBD and various other herbal extracts. CO2 is preferred over other gases due to its safety profile and ease of handling, but more importantly, it does not leave a residue. Thus, it is used to extract various bioactive compounds.

Supercritical is a unique state of matter. Everyone knows that most compounds may exist as liquid, solid, or gas, depending on the storage temperature and pressure. Thus, under pressure, gas may become liquid. Further, increasing the pressure and lowering the temperature may even covert gases to solids.

For creating supercritical fluids, one increases pressure without lowering the temperature much. Gas is pressurized at temperatures, where it would generally be in a gaseous state. However, high pressure forces it to achieve a state between gas and liquid (refer to Table 1). It reaches a cloud-like state. In this state, it is a highly penetrating solvent with extremely low viscosity and surface tension. Further, this supercritical mass of gas can be altered by changing pressure and temperature.

Studies show that CO2, a gas at room temperature, may be converted to supercritical mass at temperatures above 31.2 degrees Celsius and pressure above 7.3 MPa. However, the choice of temperature and pressure would differ for other gases.

supercritical CO2

Figure 1 supercritical CO2 (Image source: 1. Capuzzo A, Maffei ME, Occhipinti A. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Plant Flavors and Fragrances. Molecules. 2013;18(6):7194-7238. doi:10.3390/molecules18067194)

Supercritical Carbon dioxide

Once this supercritical stage is reached, it may be further altered to control its physical and solvent properties. Thus, one may increase temperature or pressure or alter its flow rate. It means that by changing the pressure or even temperature, one may extract different bioactive compounds from the plants. Of course, these alterations can be done manually. However, many automated machines would allow doing this at the touch of a screen, thus allowing to extract a range of bioactive compounds from any given plant. Therefore, it may help manufacturers to create unique products in a short time.

Further, most of the modern and automated systems would be closed loop. It means that after the extraction process, CO2 is recycled and reused.

Can one use the same CO2 machine to extract bioactive compounds from different herbs? Yes, definitely, though one may need to know more about specific parameters like the pressure, temperature, and flow rate to use. Similarly, altering pressure may help control what fraction of any herb, including cannabis, one wants to extract. Thus, cannabinoid extractors may use various regimes to get terpenes, full-spectrum extract, and so on. So, as one can see that CO2 extraction provides lots of flexibility.

schematic diagram of the MoSES extraction system

Adding solvents to extraction machines

Quite like any other solvent, CO2 also has its downsides. For example, some compounds are insoluble or poorly soluble in CO2. Thus, adding another solvent to these machines solves these problems helping to extract terpenoids, carotenoids, alkaloids, glycosides, polyphenols, and other compounds.

Moreover, since most good equipment would allow changing pressure and temperature, thus it may help target and extract specific compounds.

List of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Extraction Equipment

CO2 extraction is not cheap in the short run, but it may readily help recover the cost of equipment in the long run due to its high efficiency and ability to produce quality extracts. Many manufacturers are making CO2 supercritical extraction machines, but few stand out. These are usually manufacturers from North Americas or Europe, where Industrial hemp extraction equipment is most needed.

The Boss 

It is good in a way that it is simple to install, set up. However, the company is more focused on high-volume machines. Thus, this machine can extract up to 200 pounds if used continually. Like many machines in its class, it is fully automated, controlled from a tablet or phone, and built for continuous use.

On the downside, it is relatively expensive and costs above 250k USD. It does not allow adding of solvents, which may have certain downsides and limitations. It is a Canadian company with US and Canadian certification. However, it may lack specific certifications needed to operate such types of machinery in the EU.

Cannabis SFE

It is a company focused mainly on the US market and has numerous machines for every need. Their machines are especially good for subcritical and supercritical extraction. However, they rarely provide the option of adding solvent for the extraction of specific bioactive compounds. Although these machines are highly versatile and can be adapted to various needs, they are generally regarded as overly complex. Even small extraction volume machines are quite complex for their category, meaning issues with maintenance. Despite pros like affordable cost and scalability, they remain complex systems, and these machines also operate at high pressures.

Apeks Supercritical – The Force

These are a state of art, powerful, fully automated machine from one of the US manufacturers. The machine is highly efficient, relatively easy to set up. However, it is primarily focused on large-scale manufacturers, and thus it may be pretty expensive for small to mid-manufacturers. The base model cost is about half a million USD, and other setup costs may be involved. Though it is an automated solution, it is for experienced professionals, as it still requires a high degree of expertise to operate. If the plans are big, this machine could be an option. However, for small to mid-cap companies, there are many other options, too.

SEF process

It has numerous models for supercritical extraction with various capacities. Some of these machines are made explicitly for cannabis extraction, like the SFE PROD 2X10L 400 BAR. The company has a high focus on producing machines for pharma and large-scale extract manufacturers. Its machines are made by keeping GMP standards in mind. However, as one can expect, these machines might be pricy and difficult to operate. Therefore, these machines are created by considering that the facility already has some machines and experience in handling complex systems.

Sub-critical MoSES CO2 extraction system
Our Super and Sub-critical CO2 extraction system – MoSES


Moses is produced in Europe and has all the European certifications. It belongs to the new class of machines called modular machines. Thus, MoSES stands for Modular Supercritical Extraction System. These machines are specifically made by keeping in mind the various requirements of the CBD industry.

Some of the features that make it stand out are:

  • Modular design, and thus the ability to expand machines according to business needs.
  • Fully automated control.
  • Ability to extract various fractions in a single run.
  • Faster extraction time, as it operates at increased pressure.
  • Flexibility to add polar co-solvents for extracting phenols, terpenoids, and other compounds.

MoSES systems are equally suitable for small to large manufacturing needs, and these machines can be upgraded accordingly. Moreover, these machines are specifically produced for the European market, with all the needed approval. 

Further, these machines are also tested for extracting various extracts apart from CBD, providing greater flexibility to manufacturers.

Which CBD/Hemp Products can CO2 Extraction Produce?

CO2 supercritical extraction is generally accepted as one of the best ways of extracting “full-spectrum” hemp extract. The end product is a light-colored paste or resin rich in CBD/CBDA (60-70%). Along with other beneficial compounds like polyphenols, terpenes, and other minor cannabinoids. 

Generally, this full-spectrum extract is appreciated by CBD lovers due to its intense flavour and presence of entourage effect. 

However, it is vital to understand that one may extract different kinds of CBD extracts by tweaking temperature and pressure settings. Further, one may enrich the extract by adding various solvents. Thus, the quality of the final extract would depend on the specific machine parameters used, along with what solvent was used or wasn’t used. 

It means that though these machines are highly automated, they leave room for lots of experimentation so that any producer can come up with a unique end product. Although ethanol is the most commonly used solvent along with CO2 extraction, one may create quite a different end product by using other solvents. Similarly, extraction temperature and pressures have a significant influence on the end product.

One may use this extract for further processing and creating either CBD isolate or broad-spectrum CBD. Generally, this extract would still require to go through processing before making its way to the final product. Thus, winterization and filtration help remove fats, oils, and waxes. Other processes involved in getting CBD isolate are decarboxylation, distillation, and crystallization. 

extracting CBD

Certifications to Look For

Needless to say, that it would depend on the location of the manufacturing facility, as requirements vary from place to place. Generally, European companies are pretty good at meeting local European and global requirements.

If someone is planning to install a unit in the EU zone, most machines for CO2 extraction should preferably include the EC declaration of conformity. Furthermore, it would include additional certificates for pressure tests, control procedure reports, material certificates, welding specifications, to name a few.

One may ask the manufacturer to provide component conformity, material conformity, leakage test, tank cleaning ability, and other reports as per the requirements.

Many high-quality machinery producers would also produce radiographic weld testing reports to ensure the quality of their products. In addition, the EU also requires pressure testing of the tank as mentioned in the EU Pressure Equipment Directive (PED 2014/68/EU).

For some manufacturers located in less regulated places, many of these certificates may not be needed. However, it is still good to ask for these certificates as the presence of these certificates helps confirm not only the quality of the product but also the presence of quality control measures.

It is vital to understand that though many products may appear to have similar specifications, some are produced using better safety standards. Certifications can only confirm these standards. Many of the mentioned certifications are given by third parties to the manufacturers.

Buying CO2 Extraction Equipment 

CBD extraction machine price always remains the prime concern. However, it is good to start by identifying the capacity of the machinery. Understand if a particular machine is made for small to mid-level or large-scale producers. The decision in this respect would be based on the buyer’s needs. Nonetheless, it is also good to know if its capacity is expandable or not, about automation, safety features, installation, and training. 

It is also good to look deeper into technical specifications regarding maximum pressure, temperature, and other features.

Also, pay particular attention to additional features like the possibility to use solvents along with CO2 usage. It is also vital to know how much CO2 is recycled. Pay attention to the power usage by the machine, as it is often neglected but may ultimately add to the bills.

Next, inquire about all the safety certifications that any equipment has. It is essential to ensure safe operation, reduce operational costs, and, more importantly, meet regulatory requirements.

Generally, it is a good idea to buy equipment from a company that is good at providing post-sales services. If needed, a company that can help expand production in the future, as having multiple machines from different manufacturers is rarely a good idea.

Additionally, one may inquire about specific needs for machine installing, kind of infrastructure needed, space, ventilation, environmental temperature.

Finally, try to figure out about its about maintenance issues with it, workflow with equipment. It is also good to know about labour requirements and any other expertise needed to run the machine.

If you would like to inquire about MoSES extraction system, use the contact form on our website. For any further questions about supercritical CO2 extraction reach out to us at info@essentiapura.com

What is Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)

Every natural extract is a bouquet of organic compounds. In most cases, hundreds of these organic compounds work in synergy to provide health benefits. However, some compounds have a greater role. 

Similarly, cannabis has hundreds of bioactive compounds. Among these compounds, cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are well known. CBD has a mild calming effect, whereas THC may cause euphoria. It is also an example of how a single plant extract may contain highly diverse compounds. In many cases, these compounds may even have opposite properties.

The opposite properties of various bioactive compounds in a plant are not bad. These properties help balance the different effects of plant extract. It also has a role in reducing the side effects of plant extract. And this is where Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) comes into play.

What is THCV?

THCV though less known is one of the major compounds in the cannabis plant. It is chemically related to THC. However, its influence on the human body is quite different. In fact, it may have quite an opposing action to THC in many cases. THCV is not even much psychoactive. And even more, it may even block certain ill effects of THC, including its mind-altering action. In addition, THCV has various other metabolic effects.

Unlike CBD, THCV also appears to have more potent influences on various body functions. Therefore, it means that it may have greater health benefits. Although THCV was discovered way back in 1971, it is still not fully understood and remains a less appreciated molecule present in cannabis.

How THCV Affects the Human Body?

Cannabinoids work by influencing the endocannabinoid system (ECS), especially by affecting CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, it is worth knowing that cannabinoids also have other less understood mechanisms of action. For example, cannabinoids appear to target other receptors in the body, too.

Thus, CBD may influence both CB1 and CB2 receptors and thus modulate the ECS system. However, its influence on these receptors is weak. Further, it may mildly stimulate or suppress these receptors, depending on the dosage of CBD and health conditions. However, researchers think that CBD’s action on ECS is weak, and thus it may have other ways of working.

THC, on the other hand, is a potent CB1 activator. It is especially good at activating CB1 receptors in various brain centres. Thus, it is good for multiple brain disorders. However, it also causes euphoria and is not fit for regular use.

THCV is quite interesting in the way that it is the most potent suppressor or antagonist of CB1 receptors in cannabis. Thus, many of its health effects differ or are opposite to that of THC. Additionally, it may also modulate CB2 receptors.

Researchers know that suppressing CB1 receptors have powerful even on various metabolic indicators. For example, a drug called Rimonabant, a potent CB1 inhibitor was approved for weight loss and diabetes management by the US FDA.  However, it was later withdrawn due to its severe effects on mood. So, could THCV be a safer alternative to Rimonabant for managing metabolic disorders?

Potential Benefits of THCV

THCV is not commonly available as a health supplement. However, it may be called an experimental drug. Researchers are highly interested in this particular molecule. They know that it is a potent modulator of the ECS system, and it also appears to be safe.

Early studies on withdrawn drug rimonabant show that inhibiting CB1 receptors may aid weight loss and fight diabetes. THCV shares some properties with this potent drug, but it is still quite different. Thus, researchers think that THCV may be a much safer option. Below are some Tetrahydrocannabivarin effects:

Helps overcome obesity

Since researchers already know that CB1 inhibition causes weight loss, there is a reason to believe THCV may work. Early studies show that THCV may have a milder effect than Rimonabant. It does not appear to have much impact on appetite; however, it improves energy expenditure and thus promotes weight loss. It also helps restore insulin signalling in the liver. Therefore, it may be especially good for preventing obesity-related disorders.

Lower cholesterol

THCV improves lipid metabolism and thus may promote the burning of fats. In addition, it may help reduce cholesterol. It may also have some role in modulating food choices, preventing unhealthy behaviours.

Help manage diabetes

Researchers are especially interested in its role in preventing or managing diabetes. It appears that THCV may help lower blood glucose. It seems to boost pancreatic function, reduce insulin resistance. It’s action also helps counter levels of other inflammatory enzymes. These properties have been studied in a clinical trial in 62 subjects living with type 2 diabetes, confirming its benefits.

Reduce inflammation

Early experimental studies show that it may help lower inflammation and counter pain. Thus, it may have a role in preventing systemic and localized inflammation.

Counter psychotic effects of THC

Since it has an opposing action on CB1 brain receptors in comparison to THC, its continuous use may help counter some of the psychotic effects of THC. These effects are confirmed in animal studies. However, researchers think that it may have other mechanisms of influencing mood, like acting on serotonergic receptors

Rimonabant was once an approved drug to treat metabolic disorders. It is proven beyond doubt to work. However, it was withdrawn due to its effects on mood. THCV appears to be as effective as Rimonabant but without its side effects. Although there is still a need for more research, it may emerge as a potential treatment of metabolic disorders.

Manufacturing THCV Products 

Since THCV appears to be a wonderful and potent molecule, one may be interested in adding it to health supplements. Furthermore, in medicine, it is regarded as an experimental drug. Thus, it would be too early to start using it as a remedy. 

Is THCV legal? It may or may not be, if present in small amounts in natural extracts, it may be legal. But if added to the product, its use may be controversial. How to extract THCV? Well, it is complex as it mixes well with other cannabinoids. What plants contain tetrahydrocannabivarin? It is present in most strains of cannabis, though amounts may vary.

THCV extract could be added to the watch list. Researchers are studying it extensively. There is a high probability that it may emerge as a safe way to counter obesity, diabetes, and inflammation. In addition, it does not appear to cause many side effects or alter the mood. However, there is still a need for more clinical studies. 

As the full spectrum hemp extracts Essentia Pura produces contain the whole essence of the plant, THCV is always present, albeit in small quantities. Let us know if you would like to see us carry Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) isolates in the future!

Exploring the CBD Edibles Market

Overview of the CBD Edibles Market in 2021

Both the data and understanding of the CBD market are a bit sketchy. Some estimate that the CBD market in 2021 will be around 2.8 billion, while others estimate it at 3.5 billion USD. Again, it is because perfect data is unavailable, and thus many reports are based on expert estimates.

Things with CBD edibles are even more complex. It is simply because the definition of CBD edibles varies significantly from place to place. Most experts would consider CBD foods or chewable as CBD edibles. However, others may also consider CBD oil and capsules as edibles too.

However, it would be a good idea to keep CBD edibles separate from traditional oral CBD formulations like CBD oil or capsules. Thus, it would be right to say that CBD edibles include gummies, chocolates, brownies, honey, and other CBD food products. 

CBD Edibles Market Size & Growth

It would be difficult to say about the market size of an industry that is still poorly regulated and where many manufacturers do not share their sales data. Nonetheless, it would be correct to say that the market size of CBD edibles is at least 30% or more of the total CBD market. 

Thus, it may be correct to say that the CBD edibles market is at about 1 billion USD or even a bit more. Moreover, as per conservative estimates, it will continue to grow at the CAGR of 24.30% and is expected to reach or even cross the 5 billion mark by 2027

It appears that these estimates do not include CBD gummies. It is because CBD gummies alone have greater sales than perhaps all other CBD edibles combined. Thus, if CBD gummies are taken into consideration, it would be a much bigger segment. That is why some experts predict that CBD gummies are a big thing, and they alone may account for as much as 13 billion USD plus sales by 2028 and is growing at the CAGR of 30.7%.

It does not matter what figures we consider. It is evident that the market is bound to grow at a CAGR of 24 to 30%, which is quite a fantastic growth rate in comparison to other industries.

CBD Edibles Industry Trends

When it comes to CBD, gummies rule, they remain the most popular form of CBD products. In fact, gummies are generally becoming quite popular in the health supplements market. In some cases, they are even overtaking traditional preparations like oils, tinctures, and capsules. It could be because consuming gummies is comfortable, and it does not feel like taking medications, and they also come in many flavours.

Next comes the CBD infused food items like chocolates, brownies, and even other edibles. However, they have been slow to pick up due to multiple challenges. Because, generally, such edibles have a shorter product life, are bulkier, and involve logistics challenges. Further, they also have specific regulatory challenges. As the CBD market becomes more regulated, getting regulatory approval for CBD-infused food products may become challenging.

Another exciting segment to watch out for is CBD infused beverages. These are not indeed edibles, but some would include them in the segment. It is a niche segment, but its popularity is growing. It may grow considerably, as visible from the market growth of various other health drinks.

Another exciting trend to watch for is the acceptability of CBD by young and active adults. Lots of sales in CBD indeed come from adults aged 30 to 65 years, as they buy CBD for specific health benefits. However, a greater number of adults below the age of 30 are using CBD regularly. These are not individuals who are essentially living with some disease conditions. Instead, they buy CBD edibles to stay active, focused and energized. Many of these young adults may buy CBD edibles to overcome sports-related fatigue or to improve mood.

Essentia Pura’s Analysis of the CBD Edibles Market

Essentia Pura’s take on the CBD edibles market is that although this particular segment is bound to grow, it has some specific challenges. There is a good probability that sales of edibles may grow greater than other CBD types. This particular segment also has lower competition in comparison to CBD oils and caps. However, its diversification would depend on regulatory changes in the market. It may be challenging to get regulatory approval for products like CBD infused cookies or honey. In addition, CBD edibles’ legality remains an area of concern.

The safest bet at present is to expand in the gummies market. This is because CBD gummy bears are relatively easy to manufacture. They also have a dedicated and huge consumer base. Therefore, gummies do not pose much regulatory challenge. Moreover, studies show that 90% of the gummies market is of low CBD content gummies. Thus, 1 mg to 20 mg of CBD per gummy is what most consumers are looking for.

Although, it may be a good idea to experiment with some new offerings, too. Thus, one may increase brand value by introducing CBD chocolates, honey, candies, and similar other products.

Another point worth noticing is the changes in points of sales of CBD products. Although the shift from brick-and-mortar stores to online platforms is an old trend, covid-19 epidemics accelerated things. Even though in 2020, offline stores accounted for about half of all CBD sales. However, from 2021 and onwards, most of the sales would come from online sales and promotion.

CBD edibles in different regions

Finally, regarding the regions to focus on. Although data may show considerable and equal sales of CBD globally, most sales come from North America, UK, and the EU. Other regions Latin America, the Middle East, and South Asia are less likely to pick up any time soon. However, Asia Pacific is a region to keep an eye on, as it has a considerable middle-income population and tradition of using natural remedies.

One may produce CBD edibles using water soluble CBD for better bioavailability. Further, water soluble CBD just mixes quite well with various edibles. Else, one may consider buying CBD edibles wholesale and repacking them.

Opportunities for Businesses Expanding into CBD Edible Products

In CBD edibles market is dominated by CBD gummies. It is a segment that is also projected to grow considerably in the next five to ten years. Gummies are relatively easy to produce. Thus, those selling CBD oil may consider making gummies. Even new manufacturers may start their business with gummies. 

It is quite possible that gummies may overtake CBD oil, tinctures, and capsules sales in certain age groups and specific locations. Gummies are especially an attractive product offer for young adults, busy professionals. 

Additionally, one may consider certain niche segments like edibles for vegans or those on the keto diet. 

The good thing about CBD edibles is that consumers are not expecting a high concentration of CBD in these products. It is because they are not consuming these products to treat some medication conditions. Instead, they use CBD to stay healthy, focused, energized, and yet calm.

Which CBD edibles do you think the market is missing? Share your thoughts with us!

Looking for a reliable source of quality CBD ingredients? Reach out for a sample of our CBD isolates or distillates and add another layer to your recipes!