5 minute read

Terpene Retention Through CO2 Extraction

Public interest in cannabis compounds like cannabinoids and terpenes continues to rise, as ongoing scientific research shows their therapeutic potential for a range of common neurophysiological conditions. These range from chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis and bursitis to mood disorders like depression and insomnia. But how can consumers ensure their terpene extracts are of high quality, particularly if they aren’t especially well-educated on cannabis compounds and their benefits?

Consumers looking to buy weed-extracted terps, CBD and other cannabis isolates with a mind on quality are best served to select products processed via CO2 extraction, rather than solvent or cold pressure extraction. This post goes over different kinds of CO2 extraction, their respective advantages and disadvantages, and Essentia Pura’s CO2 extraction method and system of choice.

Extracting Terpenes with CO2

As its name suggests, CO2 terpene extraction is done using carbon dioxide as the solvent. The carbon dioxide is dried and then condensed for use in the extraction process. This process can be used to extract terpenes, cannabinoids or even flavonoids from plants, leaves, flowers, roots, and bark. This is obviously much more efficient than most other extraction techniques, where plant matter is simply decarboxylated before making oil.

As of this writing, CO2 extraction is commonly used within the food, fragrance, cannabis, sports medicine and vaping industries. It has proven to be a game-changer in the utilization of medicinal plants and their inherent beneficial properties. The next section briefly explores the differences between different CO2 extraction methods.

Processes of CO2 Extraction

There are essentially two types of CO2 extraction: wet and dry. Each of these come with different costs, ranges of equipment and advantages.

  • Wet CO2 extraction

    is cheaper, but it’s generally less environmentally friendly. The machine process for wet extraction basically works like a supercharged coffee machine, pushing CO2 through plant material with enough pressure for the CO2 to dissolve everything that’s soluble into the gas. This draws and isolates cannabinoids (e.g. THC, CBD) as well as other potentially beneficial components (e.g. terpenes, flavonoids) out of everything from cannabis to herbs and spices.

Wet CO2 extraction requires lower pressure (5-16 bar) to run smoothly; excessive pressure (>16 bar) can irreversibly damage lipids in the plant cell membranes to turn them into free fatty acids. This is obviously undesirable, as it can have a negative impact on terpene structure, cannabinoid potency and the overall quality of the final product.

High Quality Co2 Extraction

Supercritical CO2 extraction is the key to obtaining the purest cannabinoids, free from solvents and toxins. Contact us, and let us process your hemp.

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co2 extraction ingredients

Too much pressure causes less desirable compounds to dissolve into the gas phase making it harder to remove, and giving the resulting solution a more pungent smell. On the other hand, if pressure is too low, not all desirable components may be properly extracted. Low pressure may even cause some degradation due to the lower temperature used for extraction, as higher temperature causes higher solubility.


  • Wet extraction has been used for over 50 years to extract CBD from hemp plants, using a process called supercritical fluid extraction. During the 1980s, scientists discovered that exposing CBD-saturated solvent to extreme heat and pressure separated the compound into layers. This process beca me known as subcritical extraction.
  • Dry CO2 extraction

    can be used for both solventless and solvent-based extractions, but the latter requires higher pressures and temperatures. Dry ice is placed in a closed container filled with product at atmospheric pressure, which causes carbon dioxide to evaporate from solid CO2 (dry ice) into gaseous CO2 (CO). The pressure difference forces liquid molecules through the plant material, extracting desirable oils and leaving behind undesirable solids such as chlorophylls, lipids, waxes and terpenoids.

The dry ice CO2 extraction method was pioneered by Dave Watson in 2007, but its use didn’t become widespread until 2010. The equipment required for this process consists of a closed system which is filled with liquid nitrogen and plant materials. Other than that, there are no special tools or equipment required.

Due to its low risk profile and cost efficiency, dry CO2 extraction is becoming more popular than wet methods for many industries, such as food processing plants where cleanliness is most important.

Do Terpenes Degrade in the Extraction Process

Compared to conventional solvent extraction, much less terpene degradation takes place in CO2 extraction. This is due to two primary factors: low process temperature, and the preservation of terpene structure due to pressurised CO2 passing through plant matter like gas, while simultaneously being able to dissolve desirable plant material like a liquid.

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Retaining Terpenes through CO2 Extraction

An added advantage of CO2 extraction that leads to increased terpene retention is the lack of a decarboxylation step in the process. The cold separation procedure further aids in protecting fragile plant compounds. For even greater terpene retention, shorter, lighter CO2 runs (i.e. subcritical extraction) can be utilised to afford maximum protection and selectivity between desirable plant components.

Finally, the use of CO2 produces the “cleanest” possible terpene extracts as of this writing, with next to no leftover residue whether from plant matter or solvents — many of which can harm the quality of the final product. This is true for the extraction of terpenes from everything from hemp to herbs and spices.

How Essentia Pura Extract Hemp Medicinal Plants & More

Essentia Pura prefers to use supercritical extraction (SCE) to extract cannabinoids from hemp and other medicinal plants, using Škrlj MoSES SCE systems. These systems are designed for bulk-scale, fully automated operations, and come with a number of advantages including:

  1. High selectivity, extracting maximal yields of target compounds while simultaneously filtering out undesirable components like chlorophyll.
  2. Utilisation of inert, non-toxic supercritical fluids for optimal extraction with no leftover residue carried over.
  3. Closed CO2 loop, allowing for supercritical solvent recirculation without contamination and with minimal solvent loss.
  4. Full software integration for efficient monitoring, management and date logging via connected computer systems.
  5. A low temperature process, protecting desirable extracts from degradation or wastage.
  6. User-friendly and high throughput system with multiple quickly opening closures.

Whether for the manufacture of cannabinoid, terpene, broad- or full-spectrum products, CO2 extractors stand as the superior choice in a burgeoning cannabis industry. Despite the high initial investment required for acquisition, the low risk profile, cost effectiveness and high selectivity of CO2 extractor machine processes make them a no-brainer for any cannabis company who can afford them.

To know more about our extraction system, send us an e-mail. For inquiries and quotes, complete our web form here.

Advanced CO2 extraction equipment

Humans have used various ways of extracting active compounds from herbs, like soaking them in water, alcohol, or oils. Further, many would heat the oil or boil the water to get more herbal compounds. However, these traditional extraction methods had numerous limitations. On the contrary, the CO2 supercritical process is a highly efficient way of extracting herbal bioactive compounds.

Each liquid has different physical properties and is only suitable for extracting certain types of extracts from specific herbs. Moreover, these traditional methods produced highly crude extract and thus often needed further complex processing. Even then, there was limited control over the extraction methods, meaning that large amounts of active or essential compounds were lost, and numerous unneeded impurities were introduced.

In modern times, these methods are still used, but by deploying complex equipment. Further, researchers discovered that using gases for extraction has some unique benefits. Modern technology allows liquifying the gases even at room temperatures. Moreover, by altering the pressure and temperature, the same gas would display different properties as a solvent. Thus, helping extract a broad spectrum of compounds. Using various pressures also allows extracting multiple extracts from the same herbal source.

Moreover, at the end of the extraction process, gas will readily escape when temperature and pressure are raised without leaving any residues (unlike liquid solvents) behind. Moreover, gases are also cleaner and lack impurities, whereas most liquid solvents would have some amounts of contaminants.

CO2 supercritical extraction is preferred among various gases, as it is safer and easier to handle than other gases. Further, it has some unique properties, making it an excellent solvent at specific temperatures and pressures.

Process of CO2 Extraction Overview

Supercritical CO2 extraction is the most common way of extracting cannabis extract or CBD and various other herbal extracts. CO2 is preferred over other gases due to its safety profile and ease of handling, but more importantly, it does not leave a residue. Thus, it is used to extract various bioactive compounds.

Supercritical is a unique state of matter. Everyone knows that most compounds may exist as liquid, solid, or gas, depending on the storage temperature and pressure. Thus, under pressure, gas may become liquid. Further, increasing the pressure and lowering the temperature may even covert gases to solids.

For creating supercritical fluids, one increases pressure without lowering the temperature much. Gas is pressurized at temperatures, where it would generally be in a gaseous state. However, high pressure forces it to achieve a state between gas and liquid (refer to Table 1). It reaches a cloud-like state. In this state, it is a highly penetrating solvent with extremely low viscosity and surface tension. Further, this supercritical mass of gas can be altered by changing pressure and temperature.

Studies show that CO2, a gas at room temperature, may be converted to supercritical mass at temperatures above 31.2 degrees Celsius and pressure above 7.3 MPa. However, the choice of temperature and pressure would differ for other gases.

supercritical CO2

Figure 1 supercritical CO2 (Image source: 1. Capuzzo A, Maffei ME, Occhipinti A. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Plant Flavors and Fragrances. Molecules. 2013;18(6):7194-7238. doi:10.3390/molecules18067194)

Supercritical Carbon dioxide

Once this supercritical stage is reached, it may be further altered to control its physical and solvent properties. Thus, one may increase temperature or pressure or alter its flow rate. It means that by changing the pressure or even temperature, one may extract different bioactive compounds from the plants. Of course, these alterations can be done manually. However, many automated machines would allow doing this at the touch of a screen, thus allowing to extract a range of bioactive compounds from any given plant. Therefore, it may help manufacturers to create unique products in a short time.

Further, most of the modern and automated systems would be closed loop. It means that after the extraction process, CO2 is recycled and reused.

Can one use the same CO2 machine to extract bioactive compounds from different herbs? Yes, definitely, though one may need to know more about specific parameters like the pressure, temperature, and flow rate to use. Similarly, altering pressure may help control what fraction of any herb, including cannabis, one wants to extract. Thus, cannabinoid extractors may use various regimes to get terpenes, full-spectrum extract, and so on. So, as one can see that CO2 extraction provides lots of flexibility.

schematic diagram of the MoSES extraction system

Adding solvents to extraction machines

Quite like any other solvent, CO2 also has its downsides. For example, some compounds are insoluble or poorly soluble in CO2. Thus, adding another solvent to these machines solves these problems helping to extract terpenoids, carotenoids, alkaloids, glycosides, polyphenols, and other compounds.

Moreover, since most good equipment would allow changing pressure and temperature, thus it may help target and extract specific compounds.

List of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Extraction Equipment

CO2 extraction is not cheap in the short run, but it may readily help recover the cost of equipment in the long run due to its high efficiency and ability to produce quality extracts. Many manufacturers are making CO2 supercritical extraction machines, but few stand out. These are usually manufacturers from North Americas or Europe, where Industrial hemp extraction equipment is most needed.

The Boss 

It is good in a way that it is simple to install, set up. However, the company is more focused on high-volume machines. Thus, this machine can extract up to 200 pounds if used continually. Like many machines in its class, it is fully automated, controlled from a tablet or phone, and built for continuous use.

On the downside, it is relatively expensive and costs above 250k USD. It does not allow adding of solvents, which may have certain downsides and limitations. It is a Canadian company with US and Canadian certification. However, it may lack specific certifications needed to operate such types of machinery in the EU.

Cannabis SFE

It is a company focused mainly on the US market and has numerous machines for every need. Their machines are especially good for subcritical and supercritical extraction. However, they rarely provide the option of adding solvent for the extraction of specific bioactive compounds. Although these machines are highly versatile and can be adapted to various needs, they are generally regarded as overly complex. Even small extraction volume machines are quite complex for their category, meaning issues with maintenance. Despite pros like affordable cost and scalability, they remain complex systems, and these machines also operate at high pressures.

Apeks Supercritical – The Force

These are a state of art, powerful, fully automated machine from one of the US manufacturers. The machine is highly efficient, relatively easy to set up. However, it is primarily focused on large-scale manufacturers, and thus it may be pretty expensive for small to mid-manufacturers. The base model cost is about half a million USD, and other setup costs may be involved. Though it is an automated solution, it is for experienced professionals, as it still requires a high degree of expertise to operate. If the plans are big, this machine could be an option. However, for small to mid-cap companies, there are many other options, too.

SEF process

It has numerous models for supercritical extraction with various capacities. Some of these machines are made explicitly for cannabis extraction, like the SFE PROD 2X10L 400 BAR. The company has a high focus on producing machines for pharma and large-scale extract manufacturers. Its machines are made by keeping GMP standards in mind. However, as one can expect, these machines might be pricy and difficult to operate. Therefore, these machines are created by considering that the facility already has some machines and experience in handling complex systems.

Sub-critical MoSES CO2 extraction system
Our Super and Sub-critical CO2 extraction system – MoSES


Moses is produced in Europe and has all the European certifications. It belongs to the new class of machines called modular machines. Thus, MoSES stands for Modular Supercritical Extraction System. These machines are specifically made by keeping in mind the various requirements of the CBD industry.

Some of the features that make it stand out are:

  • Modular design, and thus the ability to expand machines according to business needs.
  • Fully automated control.
  • Ability to extract various fractions in a single run.
  • Faster extraction time, as it operates at increased pressure.
  • Flexibility to add polar co-solvents for extracting phenols, terpenoids, and other compounds.

MoSES systems are equally suitable for small to large manufacturing needs, and these machines can be upgraded accordingly. Moreover, these machines are specifically produced for the European market, with all the needed approval. 

Further, these machines are also tested for extracting various extracts apart from CBD, providing greater flexibility to manufacturers.

Which CBD/Hemp Products can CO2 Extraction Produce?

CO2 supercritical extraction is generally accepted as one of the best ways of extracting “full-spectrum” hemp extract. The end product is a light-colored paste or resin rich in CBD/CBDA (60-70%). Along with other beneficial compounds like polyphenols, terpenes, and other minor cannabinoids. 

Generally, this full-spectrum extract is appreciated by CBD lovers due to its intense flavour and presence of entourage effect. 

However, it is vital to understand that one may extract different kinds of CBD extracts by tweaking temperature and pressure settings. Further, one may enrich the extract by adding various solvents. Thus, the quality of the final extract would depend on the specific machine parameters used, along with what solvent was used or wasn’t used. 

It means that though these machines are highly automated, they leave room for lots of experimentation so that any producer can come up with a unique end product. Although ethanol is the most commonly used solvent along with CO2 extraction, one may create quite a different end product by using other solvents. Similarly, extraction temperature and pressures have a significant influence on the end product.

One may use this extract for further processing and creating either CBD isolate or broad-spectrum CBD. Generally, this extract would still require to go through processing before making its way to the final product. Thus, winterization and filtration help remove fats, oils, and waxes. Other processes involved in getting CBD isolate are decarboxylation, distillation, and crystallization. 

extracting CBD

Certifications to Look For

Needless to say, that it would depend on the location of the manufacturing facility, as requirements vary from place to place. Generally, European companies are pretty good at meeting local European and global requirements.

If someone is planning to install a unit in the EU zone, most machines for CO2 extraction should preferably include the EC declaration of conformity. Furthermore, it would include additional certificates for pressure tests, control procedure reports, material certificates, welding specifications, to name a few.

One may ask the manufacturer to provide component conformity, material conformity, leakage test, tank cleaning ability, and other reports as per the requirements.

Many high-quality machinery producers would also produce radiographic weld testing reports to ensure the quality of their products. In addition, the EU also requires pressure testing of the tank as mentioned in the EU Pressure Equipment Directive (PED 2014/68/EU).

For some manufacturers located in less regulated places, many of these certificates may not be needed. However, it is still good to ask for these certificates as the presence of these certificates helps confirm not only the quality of the product but also the presence of quality control measures.

It is vital to understand that though many products may appear to have similar specifications, some are produced using better safety standards. Certifications can only confirm these standards. Many of the mentioned certifications are given by third parties to the manufacturers.

Buying CO2 Extraction Equipment 

CBD extraction machine price always remains the prime concern. However, it is good to start by identifying the capacity of the machinery. Understand if a particular machine is made for small to mid-level or large-scale producers. The decision in this respect would be based on the buyer’s needs. Nonetheless, it is also good to know if its capacity is expandable or not, about automation, safety features, installation, and training. 

It is also good to look deeper into technical specifications regarding maximum pressure, temperature, and other features.

Also, pay particular attention to additional features like the possibility to use solvents along with CO2 usage. It is also vital to know how much CO2 is recycled. Pay attention to the power usage by the machine, as it is often neglected but may ultimately add to the bills.

Next, inquire about all the safety certifications that any equipment has. It is essential to ensure safe operation, reduce operational costs, and, more importantly, meet regulatory requirements.

Generally, it is a good idea to buy equipment from a company that is good at providing post-sales services. If needed, a company that can help expand production in the future, as having multiple machines from different manufacturers is rarely a good idea.

Additionally, one may inquire about specific needs for machine installing, kind of infrastructure needed, space, ventilation, environmental temperature.

Finally, try to figure out about its about maintenance issues with it, workflow with equipment. It is also good to know about labour requirements and any other expertise needed to run the machine.

If you would like to inquire about MoSES extraction system, use the contact form on our website. For any further questions about supercritical CO2 extraction reach out to us at info@essentiapura.com

What is Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)

Every natural extract is a bouquet of organic compounds. In most cases, hundreds of these organic compounds work in synergy to provide health benefits. However, some compounds have a greater role. 

Similarly, cannabis has hundreds of bioactive compounds. Among these compounds, cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are well known. CBD has a mild calming effect, whereas THC may cause euphoria. It is also an example of how a single plant extract may contain highly diverse compounds. In many cases, these compounds may even have opposite properties.

The opposite properties of various bioactive compounds in a plant are not bad. These properties help balance the different effects of plant extract. It also has a role in reducing the side effects of plant extract. And this is where Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) comes into play.

What is THCV?

THCV though less known is one of the major compounds in the cannabis plant. It is chemically related to THC. However, its influence on the human body is quite different. In fact, it may have quite an opposing action to THC in many cases. THCV is not even much psychoactive. And even more, it may even block certain ill effects of THC, including its mind-altering action. In addition, THCV has various other metabolic effects.

Unlike CBD, THCV also appears to have more potent influences on various body functions. Therefore, it means that it may have greater health benefits. Although THCV was discovered way back in 1971, it is still not fully understood and remains a less appreciated molecule present in cannabis.

How THCV Affects the Human Body?

Cannabinoids work by influencing the endocannabinoid system (ECS), especially by affecting CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, it is worth knowing that cannabinoids also have other less understood mechanisms of action. For example, cannabinoids appear to target other receptors in the body, too.

Thus, CBD may influence both CB1 and CB2 receptors and thus modulate the ECS system. However, its influence on these receptors is weak. Further, it may mildly stimulate or suppress these receptors, depending on the dosage of CBD and health conditions. However, researchers think that CBD’s action on ECS is weak, and thus it may have other ways of working.

THC, on the other hand, is a potent CB1 activator. It is especially good at activating CB1 receptors in various brain centres. Thus, it is good for multiple brain disorders. However, it also causes euphoria and is not fit for regular use.

THCV is quite interesting in the way that it is the most potent suppressor or antagonist of CB1 receptors in cannabis. Thus, many of its health effects differ or are opposite to that of THC. Additionally, it may also modulate CB2 receptors.

Researchers know that suppressing CB1 receptors have powerful even on various metabolic indicators. For example, a drug called Rimonabant, a potent CB1 inhibitor was approved for weight loss and diabetes management by the US FDA.  However, it was later withdrawn due to its severe effects on mood. So, could THCV be a safer alternative to Rimonabant for managing metabolic disorders?

Potential Benefits of THCV

THCV is not commonly available as a health supplement. However, it may be called an experimental drug. Researchers are highly interested in this particular molecule. They know that it is a potent modulator of the ECS system, and it also appears to be safe.

Early studies on withdrawn drug rimonabant show that inhibiting CB1 receptors may aid weight loss and fight diabetes. THCV shares some properties with this potent drug, but it is still quite different. Thus, researchers think that THCV may be a much safer option. Below are some Tetrahydrocannabivarin effects:

Helps overcome obesity

Since researchers already know that CB1 inhibition causes weight loss, there is a reason to believe THCV may work. Early studies show that THCV may have a milder effect than Rimonabant. It does not appear to have much impact on appetite; however, it improves energy expenditure and thus promotes weight loss. It also helps restore insulin signalling in the liver. Therefore, it may be especially good for preventing obesity-related disorders.

Lower cholesterol

THCV improves lipid metabolism and thus may promote the burning of fats. In addition, it may help reduce cholesterol. It may also have some role in modulating food choices, preventing unhealthy behaviours.

Help manage diabetes

Researchers are especially interested in its role in preventing or managing diabetes. It appears that THCV may help lower blood glucose. It seems to boost pancreatic function, reduce insulin resistance. It’s action also helps counter levels of other inflammatory enzymes. These properties have been studied in a clinical trial in 62 subjects living with type 2 diabetes, confirming its benefits.

Reduce inflammation

Early experimental studies show that it may help lower inflammation and counter pain. Thus, it may have a role in preventing systemic and localized inflammation.

Counter psychotic effects of THC

Since it has an opposing action on CB1 brain receptors in comparison to THC, its continuous use may help counter some of the psychotic effects of THC. These effects are confirmed in animal studies. However, researchers think that it may have other mechanisms of influencing mood, like acting on serotonergic receptors

Rimonabant was once an approved drug to treat metabolic disorders. It is proven beyond doubt to work. However, it was withdrawn due to its effects on mood. THCV appears to be as effective as Rimonabant but without its side effects. Although there is still a need for more research, it may emerge as a potential treatment of metabolic disorders.

Manufacturing THCV Products 

Since THCV appears to be a wonderful and potent molecule, one may be interested in adding it to health supplements. Furthermore, in medicine, it is regarded as an experimental drug. Thus, it would be too early to start using it as a remedy. 

Is THCV legal? It may or may not be, if present in small amounts in natural extracts, it may be legal. But if added to the product, its use may be controversial. How to extract THCV? Well, it is complex as it mixes well with other cannabinoids. What plants contain tetrahydrocannabivarin? It is present in most strains of cannabis, though amounts may vary.

THCV extract could be added to the watch list. Researchers are studying it extensively. There is a high probability that it may emerge as a safe way to counter obesity, diabetes, and inflammation. In addition, it does not appear to cause many side effects or alter the mood. However, there is still a need for more clinical studies. 

As the full spectrum hemp extracts Essentia Pura produces contain the whole essence of the plant, THCV is always present, albeit in small quantities. Let us know if you would like to see us carry Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) isolates in the future!

Exploring the CBD Edibles Market

Overview of the CBD Edibles Market in 2021

Both the data and understanding of the CBD market are a bit sketchy. Some estimate that the CBD market in 2021 will be around 2.8 billion, while others estimate it at 3.5 billion USD. Again, it is because perfect data is unavailable, and thus many reports are based on expert estimates.

Things with CBD edibles are even more complex. It is simply because the definition of CBD edibles varies significantly from place to place. Most experts would consider CBD foods or chewable as CBD edibles. However, others may also consider CBD oil and capsules as edibles too.

However, it would be a good idea to keep CBD edibles separate from traditional oral CBD formulations like CBD oil or capsules. Thus, it would be right to say that CBD edibles include gummies, chocolates, brownies, honey, and other CBD food products. 

CBD Edibles Market Size & Growth

It would be difficult to say about the market size of an industry that is still poorly regulated and where many manufacturers do not share their sales data. Nonetheless, it would be correct to say that the market size of CBD edibles is at least 30% or more of the total CBD market. 

Thus, it may be correct to say that the CBD edibles market is at about 1 billion USD or even a bit more. Moreover, as per conservative estimates, it will continue to grow at the CAGR of 24.30% and is expected to reach or even cross the 5 billion mark by 2027

It appears that these estimates do not include CBD gummies. It is because CBD gummies alone have greater sales than perhaps all other CBD edibles combined. Thus, if CBD gummies are taken into consideration, it would be a much bigger segment. That is why some experts predict that CBD gummies are a big thing, and they alone may account for as much as 13 billion USD plus sales by 2028 and is growing at the CAGR of 30.7%.

It does not matter what figures we consider. It is evident that the market is bound to grow at a CAGR of 24 to 30%, which is quite a fantastic growth rate in comparison to other industries.

CBD Edibles Industry Trends

When it comes to CBD, gummies rule, they remain the most popular form of CBD products. In fact, gummies are generally becoming quite popular in the health supplements market. In some cases, they are even overtaking traditional preparations like oils, tinctures, and capsules. It could be because consuming gummies is comfortable, and it does not feel like taking medications, and they also come in many flavours.

Next comes the CBD infused food items like chocolates, brownies, and even other edibles. However, they have been slow to pick up due to multiple challenges. Because, generally, such edibles have a shorter product life, are bulkier, and involve logistics challenges. Further, they also have specific regulatory challenges. As the CBD market becomes more regulated, getting regulatory approval for CBD-infused food products may become challenging.

Another exciting segment to watch out for is CBD infused beverages. These are not indeed edibles, but some would include them in the segment. It is a niche segment, but its popularity is growing. It may grow considerably, as visible from the market growth of various other health drinks.

Another exciting trend to watch for is the acceptability of CBD by young and active adults. Lots of sales in CBD indeed come from adults aged 30 to 65 years, as they buy CBD for specific health benefits. However, a greater number of adults below the age of 30 are using CBD regularly. These are not individuals who are essentially living with some disease conditions. Instead, they buy CBD edibles to stay active, focused and energized. Many of these young adults may buy CBD edibles to overcome sports-related fatigue or to improve mood.

Essentia Pura’s Analysis of the CBD Edibles Market

Essentia Pura’s take on the CBD edibles market is that although this particular segment is bound to grow, it has some specific challenges. There is a good probability that sales of edibles may grow greater than other CBD types. This particular segment also has lower competition in comparison to CBD oils and caps. However, its diversification would depend on regulatory changes in the market. It may be challenging to get regulatory approval for products like CBD infused cookies or honey. In addition, CBD edibles’ legality remains an area of concern.

The safest bet at present is to expand in the gummies market. This is because CBD gummy bears are relatively easy to manufacture. They also have a dedicated and huge consumer base. Therefore, gummies do not pose much regulatory challenge. Moreover, studies show that 90% of the gummies market is of low CBD content gummies. Thus, 1 mg to 20 mg of CBD per gummy is what most consumers are looking for.

Although, it may be a good idea to experiment with some new offerings, too. Thus, one may increase brand value by introducing CBD chocolates, honey, candies, and similar other products.

Another point worth noticing is the changes in points of sales of CBD products. Although the shift from brick-and-mortar stores to online platforms is an old trend, covid-19 epidemics accelerated things. Even though in 2020, offline stores accounted for about half of all CBD sales. However, from 2021 and onwards, most of the sales would come from online sales and promotion.

CBD edibles in different regions

Finally, regarding the regions to focus on. Although data may show considerable and equal sales of CBD globally, most sales come from North America, UK, and the EU. Other regions Latin America, the Middle East, and South Asia are less likely to pick up any time soon. However, Asia Pacific is a region to keep an eye on, as it has a considerable middle-income population and tradition of using natural remedies.

One may produce CBD edibles using water soluble CBD for better bioavailability. Further, water soluble CBD just mixes quite well with various edibles. Else, one may consider buying CBD edibles wholesale and repacking them.

Opportunities for Businesses Expanding into CBD Edible Products

In CBD edibles market is dominated by CBD gummies. It is a segment that is also projected to grow considerably in the next five to ten years. Gummies are relatively easy to produce. Thus, those selling CBD oil may consider making gummies. Even new manufacturers may start their business with gummies. 

It is quite possible that gummies may overtake CBD oil, tinctures, and capsules sales in certain age groups and specific locations. Gummies are especially an attractive product offer for young adults, busy professionals. 

Additionally, one may consider certain niche segments like edibles for vegans or those on the keto diet. 

The good thing about CBD edibles is that consumers are not expecting a high concentration of CBD in these products. It is because they are not consuming these products to treat some medication conditions. Instead, they use CBD to stay healthy, focused, energized, and yet calm.

Which CBD edibles do you think the market is missing? Share your thoughts with us!

Looking for a reliable source of quality CBD ingredients? Reach out for a sample of our CBD isolates or distillates and add another layer to your recipes!

5 minute read

Does CBD Affect Heart Rate?

Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of mortality. But, more importantly, it remains the primary cause of disability and mounting costs in healthcare. 

Most cardiovascular conditions are chronic, like hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and heart failure.

In heart conditions, a high heart rate is not good, as it makes the heart work faster and increases its needs for oxygen and other nutrients, thus increasing the risk of a heart attack. On the other hand, keeping heart rate lower is preferred, as it helps control blood pressure and lowers stress on cardiac muscles.

For a long time, researchers knew little about the influence of cannabinoids on heart health. Since CBD was illegal just a few decades back, it was impossible to carry out clinical trials or even lab studies. However, now things have changed, and using CBD in clinical trials is legal and ethical.

Effects of CBD on your Heart Rate

The most beneficial effects of CBD seem to occur due to its impact on the endocannabinoid system (ECS). At first, researchers thought that ECS is mainly present in the brain. However, now they understand that it is present in almost every organ. Thus, it is present in blood cells, adipose tissues, heart muscles, blood vessels. It can influence inflammatory responses, blood pressure, heart rate, platelet aggregation, and much more.

It seems that now researchers understand how cannabis can affect heart rate. Judging by this research it appears that ECS activates or deactivates the transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V, member 1 (TRPV1). Studies point to TRPV1 being activated by THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). And on the contrary, the cannabinoid is a strong desensitizer of TRPV1.

Additionally, the latest studies also show that CBD may have a much broader impact on heart health. It may alter inflammatory responses, help prevent the formation of plaques, may exert a protective action on the cardiovascular system.

CARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults) cohort study confirmed that not only CBD but even recreational marijuana appears to be safe for heart health. However, unlike CBD, marijuana is more complex, as it contains various compounds with opposing effects on ECS receptors. Therefore, understanding a single compound and its impact on heart health is more straightforward.

What does CBD do to your heart rate

Since CBD is a desensitizer of TRPV1 channels, it has a mild calming effect on the heart. In addition, it tends to slow down the heart rate, which is beneficial for those living with hypertension or those at the risk of a heart attack. It also lowers the metabolic rate in heart muscles. However, it is worth noticing that CBD only has a mild effect on the heart.

Generally, the THC heart rate effect may be stimulating, and the CBD heart rate effect would be calming.

At present, there are not many studies regarding its impact on heart rate. Nonetheless, most observations indicate that it may help keep the heart calm. It is vital to understand that it mildly lowers the heart rate and, more importantly, may slow down unnecessary cardiac response to minor stressors. It means that it reduces the heart rate variability, which may be pretty good for the heart. 

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Heart rate variability and CBD

There is a difference between the heart rate at rest and the heart rate under stress (physical or emotional). Greater variability in the heart rate is bad for heart health. 

However, it is essential to know that individual sensitivities differ, and in some, CBD may instead cause a mild increase in heart rate along with lowering blood pressure. This increase in heart rate is more common after the first few dosages (acute ingestion) and only when CBD is used at extremely high doses like 600 mg a day. However, in most people, a moderate dose of 70 mg a day would only have a calming effect. Nonetheless, it is vital to remember that its heart action will depend on the dosage and will change over time.

Additionally, it is also worth noticing that CBD has many indirect benefits for heart health. It may lower fast heart rate due to its ability to counter anxiety and other emotional responses.

This means that CBD may be suitable for controlling heart arrhythmia. It can lower heart rate, and it may even help prevent irregular heartbeats. Thus, one can also use CBD for heart palpitations, which are commonly caused by either fast heart rate or irregular beating of the heart. Although its effect would be mild, but beneficial. In fact, its mild effect is a good thing, as it means that people can use it frequently without worrying about the side effects or the need for consulting a doctor.

Taking CBD when you have Heart Issues

There could be many reasons to take CBD when living with a heart condition:

  • Hypertension: CBD generally lowers blood pressure. Its blood pressure-lowering action appears to be mild at the recommended dosage of below 70 mg/day.
  • Heart rate control: its effect will vary. At the recommended dosage of 70 mg/day or below, it will have a calming effect. However, a very high dosage of 600 mg may cause an increase in heart rate. Further, the body will get used to it with time, and it will have a minimally calming effect. Additionally, CBD will also reduce heart rate variability.
  • Myocardial infarction: usually, it would help reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and thus boost cardiac function. It may reduce episodes of cardiac pain.
  • Atherosclerosis: ECS system is also widely present in macrophages and vascular smooth muscles. Its dysregulation increases the risk of plaque formation. CBD may help regulate ECS and thus lower the risk of atherosclerosis.

ECS regulation with the help of CBD appears to be one of the promising approaches for managing heart issues. CBD oil is good for lowering heart rate, overcoming palpitations. It also helps prevent or manage more severe conditions like arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease. However, these are still early days, and there is a need for more studies in humans.

Since individual sensitives vary, so does the dosage. 10 to 20 mg a day would be a good starting point for those taking CBD for the first time. Generally, a dosage of 70 mg a day is regarded as moderate and highly safe. However, one should be a little careful if exceeding this dose. Nevertheless, it is worth noticing that CBD is safe even at much higher dosages like 600 mg or even 1000 mg a day. But, at higher dosages risk of adverse effects is also higher.

Safe and legal, CBD has the potential to change the shape of people’s health for the better. Get in contact with us and find the various CBD options we offer!

Is CBD Oil Suitable for Pet Rats

Though keeping rodents as pets may not be for all, but they can be a good friend. Rats are highly social animals. They might be considerably smaller than dogs or cats, but they are highly intelligent and have an excellent memory. Though their vision is not very sharp, once they have learned to navigate places, they never forget the path.

A more important reason for keeping rats as pets is that they are indeed social animals. They like to live in families. It means that they can accept their human companion and show affection. For example, they may enjoy a massage and may even react to tickling. 

For humans, keeping rats as pets can also be quite rewarding. They recognize various emotions. They would do various things to attract the attention of their human friends. Thus, rats can also be good companions for humans.

Would CBD oil work for rats?

Mammals come in various sizes and forms. Even dolphins and whales are mammals, but they have quite a different metabolism compared to rats and cats. So, what may work well for one species may not necessarily work well for another.

Nonetheless, it is worth noticing that many hormones, receptors, hormone pathways are well preserved within all mammals. So, despite the differences, mammals do share a lot. That is why insulin extracted from swine works in humans. It does not mean that swine insulin is precisely the same. It differs. Swine insulin has different chemical structures, but amazingly most parts of the molecule responsible for its function are well preserved in various species. It means that even insulin from a fish would influence humans.

It means that generally, most drugs have a similar action in various mammals, but with some differences. For example, some mammals may be more sensitive to alcohol, marijuana, or CBD, and others less. Nonetheless, the effect is generally predictable. It also means that what works for humans would mostly work for other mammals, including rats.

Another proof of the concept could be veterinary medications. Most medical drugs used in humans work in other mammals, too.

However, there are some challenges in using substances in mammals. There is a massive variation in metabolic rate, and even more importantly, in body sizes. In animals, this variation may be huge, even within a single species. It means that rats would generally require a very low dose of CBD.

Rats are pretty similar to humans

Ever wondered why rats are so commonly used in lab experiments? Why are drugs often tested in rats and mice before they are given to humans?

The explanation is simple. These small and humble beings share many traits with humans. Modern studies show that their genome contains an almost similar number of genes as humans. Thus, humans have 2.9 gigabases (Gb) of genes, and rats have slightly less at 2.74 Gb. But, that’s not all. Studies show that at least one-fourth of all genes between rats and humans are exactly the same.

So, the answer to can rats have CBD is yes.

Rats have similar kind of health issues as their humans

These days, for humans, the greater concern is non-infectious diseases or metabolic disorders. These disorders are the result of an altered lifestyle. Human diet has changed considerably in the last century or so and the level of physical activity.

Pet rats also have challenges similar to their human companions. They are physically less active than non-pet rats. In addition, they have a very different dietary pattern. It means that pet rats are also prone to metabolic disorders, obesity, bone disorders, hypertension, pains, and even oncological conditions.

Pet rats are fed differently. In addition, they have limited space to move around. As a result, pet rats have a very different lifestyle compared to rodents dwelling in the wilderness.

Why use CBD oil for pet rats?

One of the issues is that veterinary medicine is not ready to take care of pet rats adequately. It is mostly focused on preventing lice, fleas, worms, and some infections in rats. However, there is almost no focus on non-infectious diseases. Neither much effort is made to improve the quality of life, prevent metabolic disorders, help with pain, improve anxiety, help with sleep issues.

It means that many pet owners have to tackle these issues of their small companions by themselves. And it is where CBD may help. Moreover, CBD oil for pets may help prevent various disease conditions.

Some of the ways in which CBD oil may help pet rats

Pet rats are prone to metabolic disorders, eating disorders, and much more. This is because their diet when living with humans is quite different. Moreover, their human counterparts cannot understand all the intricacies of rodent diet.

Studies show that CBD oil may help prevent obesity and related disorders in rats. It may help by influencing dietary habits and boosting metabolism. 

Similarly, CBD may also help overcome pains, boost memory and learning in rats. It may help slow down age-related disorders. Thus, supplementing the diet of a pet with CBD may help keep it active.

CBD may also help reduce pain, have a calming effect. Studies show that it may reduce nausea, exert an anti-emetic influence. And thus, it may improve appetite in ill pets.

However, here is a word of caution. One should use much lower dosages of CBD in pet rats than in experimental studies. It is essential to remember that experimental studies are not done by keeping rats’ well-being in mind. They are simply done to demonstrate certain concepts so that similar ideas can be later applied to humans. Thus, most experimental studies may give toxic doses for quick results. 

Thus, for example, CBD dose for rats with tumors would be just a few milligrams. Perhaps 1 to 3 milligrams would work for most, considering that 70 mg is considered a moderate dosage for humans.

Another essential thing to remember is that it would be better to avoid THC in the rats. It is not because it is toxic for rats, but its effects may be challenging to predict. Instead, it would be a good idea to use CBD isolate. Even broad-spectrum CBD may have unpredictable results. 

To conclude, rats can be excellent companion animals. However, there are specific challenges in taking their care. CBD may help prevent various disorders in rats. It may have a unique role in preventing some diseases in rats, especially considering that veterinary doctors are not much aware of non-infectious conditions in pet rats.

Have you ever thought of adding CBD to your pet’s diet? Reach out to us and find out which option we offer as white label CBD for pets.

Expert Tips on How to Scale a CBD Business

Starting a business is possible even at a shoestring budget. However, lower initial investment also leads to lower turnovers and profits. Most individuals would feel a need to scale once they have mastered the basics. Nevertheless, many people struggle with the issue, as they might have a successful business, but not at a scale they would like.

However, one should not be discouraged and remember that even companies like Google and Amazon started their journey from a garage.

Scaling your CBD Business for Success in the CBD Market

First, one needs to understand that growth and scaling are two very different terms in business language. Growth is when a person increases business revenues through a proportionate amount of investment—in contrast, scaling means looking for ways to expand the business without a considerable increase in investment. 

Growth is not that bad as it helps get a more significant share of the market, boost brand value. However, as one can guess, scaling is the key to long-term success in any business.

Classical strategy to scaling is increasing the depth and width of business. It primarily involves expanding to new geographies or markets (e.g., within the country or internationally), expanding the product portfolio with a particular focus on brand extension as it helps save costs, and considering new ways of communicating with clients (expanding promotional strategy).

However, experts at Harvard business school recommend avoiding certain pitfalls like scaling too fast and too early, focusing on quantity and not quality, losing business focus, making all decisions, and being unable to delegate tasks.

Keeping Updated on the Changing CBD Laws & Regulations

One of the challenges for those looking to expand the business is the different CBD laws in various geographical locations, and more importantly, continually changing regulations. 

The CBD market is a fast-growing market. However, it also means that it is not a mature market and lots of changes keep happening at a fast pace. Just take an example of the classification of CBD as novel food by the EU. For those not ready for this law, it created considerable problems.

Additionally, when it comes to promoting products, laws also differ. For example, promoting CBD for pets in the UK may get any company into trouble. Moreover, laws regarding health claims are very different in the EU from the UK and the US. 

Even within the EU, laws may differ. It is vital to understand that some countries may ban certain CBD products on health concerns, even if those products were legally produced in the EU.

Just take the example of vaping. There is a growing concern regarding health risks associated with it—the EU commission is considering bringing CBD vapes under the tobacco regulation act.

Choosing the Right Supply Partners

When looking to scale a business, one needs to find a supply partner with expertise in various CBD business areas, from providing private labeling, CBD wholesale, dropshipping, etc.

Since, in the long term, the focus should be on quality, and only quantity will follow, one should look for a wholesale supplier with excellent expertise in producing various CBD products from isolate to distillate. For example, it could be a good idea to consider water-soluble CBD isolate and distillate. In addition, CBD wholesale companies should also be able to provide equipment for in-house production and provide tech know-how.

CBD eCommerce: Selling CBD Online

For those new to eCommerce, there could be numerous ways of selling their products online. Nonetheless, all the online selling ways can be divided into two groups:

Selling through eCommerce platforms. It is the most straightforward way of selling CBD products. Platforms like Amazon are global. But then every European nation has other local major players like Otto and Zalando in Germany. The good thing about these platforms is that they are like a huge mall, and clients regularly come to them. On the downside, they may not allow sales of CBD in some countries, and there may be hassles of account approval. Further, they may take a considerable commission from sales.

Dedicated CBD sales platform: It means creating a dedicated online store, like with the help of Shopify, WooCommerce, and so on. Here options are unlimited. These stores have certain upfront costs, but it is not very expensive to create an online store. The most significant benefit is that such stores are the property of the owner. Thus no one can ban them, ask for commissions. On the downside, it is like creating a shop in an isolated place, and no one knows about it. Thus, a need for substantial promotional investments. Like promoting a product via social media, google, Insta, Facebook, and so on. Promoting the store on some local channels in the country may be an economical option.

Product sourcing is another issue. There are multiple ways of product sourcing both for beginners and experienced players. It could be CBD dropshipping business with practically no need to hold stock, but it also means a lack of sufficient control over the supply chain. Or buying CBD wholesale from private labelers, and finally, setting your own production. 

Advice on Expanding your CBD Product Portfolio

The CBD market is growing at a fast pace, with a CAGR of almost 30%. That is way higher than most industries. However, competition in CBD is also increasing fast. Nonetheless, CBD business opportunities are many.

Differentiation is the key to long-term success.

It is the basics of marketing. One should be able to differentiate the product from others. If it is just another CBD oil, that may be challenging to sell. Further, consumers must be able to understand that difference. There are many strategies for creating products that stand out. 

Firstly, focus on value-added products. Days of simple CBD oil are long gone. Thus, develop a product with added health benefits. This doesn’t mean increasing the concentration of CBD. But creating a unique product by adding terpenes, essential oils, and other cannabinoids to CBD oil. Doing so may help to make a product that is especially good for specific health conditions like calming nerves, promoting sleep, improving skin health, anti-aging, preventing headaches, and much more.

Essentiapura cosmetics

Another good way to scale things could be focusing on a special user group. Thus, one may come up with CBD products specifically for sportspeople or active lifestyle, women health, topicals, cosmetics, veterinary products, to name a few. It would be a good idea to provide a range of products that focus on one of these segments, rather than trying to expand with single or some sub-quality products in all these segments.

Tips for financing the business

Doubts that banks or other financial institutions may not finance the CBD business are unfounded. Banks finance legal business activities or legal entities in any given nation. Thus, a legal entity may apply for a business loan based on the business plan and apply for a loan for equipment purchase or equipment lease.

Of course, there are also microlenders, and they are generally more flexible. However, the interest rate of such lenders tends to be higher.

Indeed, there are other flexible ways of finding investment, like offering the stake in your business to various lenders. These could be friends, venture investors, angel investors, and much more. The only thing to remember is that most investors, be it institutional or angel investors, will ultimately look at a business plan that is realistic, doable, and flawless.

The first step is always the hardest one. But don’t worry, Essentia Pura will help you kickstart your CBD business! Get in touch to find out more about programs we offer for upcoming businesses. Already an established CBD business and ready to grow with us? Just compile the web form on this page!

Analysis of the CBD Cosmetic Market

The CBD cosmetics market has been growing continuously for a decade and the year 2022 was no different. This trend of rising popularity is largely a product of the growing awareness about the advantages of CBD in skincare and beauty products. This means that the public is more prone to accepting these kinds of products, especially when it comes to skin conditions such as dry skin, eczema, psoriasis and even acne. 

Times were never so exciting for investing in the CBD cosmetic market. The year 2021 has been revolutionary in many ways. It demonstrated how mature and resilient the industry is as it kept growing even in pandemics. But more vitally, it has been a year of improved European regulations. 

The European Union has finally recognized cannabidiol (CBD) as safe for adding to cosmetics. Until now, only synthetic CBD could be added to cosmetics. But in February 2021, the EU added cannabis extract or resin or tincture to the CosIng database, which is the European database of components that may be added to cosmetics. This means that it is recognised as safe for adding to cosmetics, and thus increasing the requirement for organic CBD oil. This decision has definitely provided a much-needed impetus to the CBD cosmetic industry. As lack of clarity in specific regulations, the risk of being fined kept European manufacturers from venturing into the CBD cosmetic market.

In fact, European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) proposes a three-tier approach in its position paper:

  • To strictly regulate high dose CBD products and consider them as medications.
  • Recognize a medium dose of up to 70 mg/d as food supplements, thus allowing its wider use, like silymarin, ginkgo biloba, or certain vitamins.
  • Allow wider use of low concentration CBD in food products, cosmetics, and other items for daily use.

But the progress did not stop here. Although there have not been any major changes in the past year, the debate about CBD in cosmetics is as alive as ever and has made the European market of CBD infused cosmetics and self care products a fast growing industry. The most obvious obstacle that is holding back this region is that every country has its own specific laws. This makes it more difficult for manufacturers who have to tweak their products to satisfy each country’s preferences.

CBD Cosmetic Market Size

The CBD infused cosmetic market remains quite disintegrated, and numerous players dominate it, some of them being: Infineon Technologies AG, The CBD Skincare Co, Endoca BV, Cronos Group Inc, Joy Organics, Elixinol Limited and many more.However, such a scenario offers lots of opportunities for new entrants since entering the consolidated market dominated by just a few brands would be more challenging.

There is poor understanding regarding the exact size of the global CBD cosmetic market, as data is quite hazy. But The analyst has been monitoring the CBD-infused cosmetics market and it is poised to grow by $ 3.15 bn during 2022-2026. And what is more attractive is that this segment continues to be fast growing.

CBD has provided many small-time players to come up with value-added, premium cosmetics. However, the good thing about CBD infused cosmetics is that many lesser-known players are able to charge a much higher price for their products. 

CBD is now in almost every kind of cosmetic product ranging from beauty products like mascara to skincare creams, moisturizers, facemasks, oils, cleansers. It is also more prominent in products for acne treatments.Some companies are also introducing CBD infused products for more specific needs like helping with oily skin, managing acne, reducing skin irritation, and much more.

CBD Cosmetic Industry Growth

Here again, the projections differ. Nonetheless, the market report by Technavio suggests that the market has witnessed a CAGR of nearly 25% in the last few years, and this growth rate is only expected to accelerate.

Figure 1: Technavio report on CBD cosmetics and expected growth

Despite the steady growth of the European market, there is no doubt that the US continues to dominate the market. It is because the EU has been more stringent regarding the widespread use of CBD. Furthermore, European agencies took longer to legalize CBD infused cosmetics. 

In addition to being the biggest market region, the US will also continue to see the biggest growth: over 40 % of global market growth is expected to originate from this region. However, the EU is picking up the pace and may even become as strong as the US market in the near future, or even exceed it.

Entering this segment may help existing CBD manufacturers to expand their portfolio. In addition, the existing cosmetic producers are starting to come up with their own CBD infused cosmetic products,which is strengthening the market even more. It is evident that CBD infused cosmetics will continue to enjoy premium prices in the foreseeable future.

Current CBD Cosmetic Industry Trends

Most trends clearly indicate that CBD is bound to become one of the essential components in the cosmetics industry. The ongoing research will ensure its growth and supply new, innovative products to keep the market interesting.

Many chose products with CBD because of its benefits for skin like antioxidants, skin conditioning, skin protection, and even anti-sebum. It can considerably help overcome skin redness, dullness and has a calming effect. 

This is why customers are not just looking for a beauty product but also to get rid of some minor skin- related issues. To accommodate this demand, vendors are focusing on making specific products that implement new strategies to help with hair and skin related issues. Many focus on creating premium ranges to try and enter the luxury market. This is an effective strategy to secure your place in the industry. And as luxury products become more popular, the demand for more affordable options also rises, creating a steady increase in popularity. The luxury market is also a great place for introducing organic cosmetics including ingredients such as aloe vera, sea salt, shea butter, mango seed butter, lanolin, and others, which are preferred by consumers at present.

CBD oil is still quite a new trend in cosmetics, as evident from the graph below. Although there has been some interest in it for the last 10 years, it has really picked up from 2017 onwards. The growth of interest in CBD oil is incredible.


U.S. CBD skin care market size, by type, 2015-2025 (USD Million)

Is CBD going to be the next big thing in cosmetics? The trends of the beauty industry seem to confirm that. We may start seeing some more CBD oil makeup products start popping up in the near future.

Figure 2: Sudden increase in “CBD skincare” search since 2019 (source: Google trends)

Essentia Pura’s Analysis of the CBD Cosmetic Market

Here are Essentia Pura’s takes on the CBD cosmetic market:

  • It is still a nascent market, with low market access costs
  • There has been a sudden increase in interest in CBD cosmetics since 2019, thus a sudden upsurge expected in the market in coming years
  • CBD market in EU may pose CAGR of above 30% for next five years, or at least up to 2025
  • The legalization of natural CBD extract and its addition to the CosIng database will further boost the EU CBD cosmetics market
  • One can still expect a premium price for CBD cosmetics 
  • Demand for CBD cosmetics private label will increase

The market’s strongest area continues to be skincare, boasting the largest range of different products. Medical news today lists the best CBD products to be lip balms, serums and face and body creams. Many of these items have the common characteristic of being hydrating. Another great source if you want to try some new CBD infused cosmetics is allure, who created a list of products with the help of their readers.

Opportunities for CBD Cosmetic Businesses in 2022

CBD can be added to almost every kind of cosmetic product. Therefore, it does not essentially have to be targeted at managing some skin conditions. In fact, decorative cosmetics will remain a bigger segment than cosmeceuticals. Thus, more people would buy CBD infused mascara or day-to-day skincare products than CBD products for managing acne.

People buy CBD cosmetics due to perceived benefits. They believe that CBD cosmetics are in some way superior, and it may be the case in some instances. Thus, CBD infused creams, moisturizers, serums, soaps, masks, lip balms, and eye balms are all in trend and offer opportunities.

To conclude, CBD cosmetics offer an excellent opportunity to expand the existing CBD business. It is an equally good segment for newcomers. It is still a segment in its infancy, ready to witness a boom in the coming years. Take your step into the CBD cosmetic market with our white label CBD skincare line. Fill the contact form for your order or send us an e-mail with any questions or concerns about our products.

Take your step into the CBD cosmetic market with our white label CBD skincare line. Fill the contact form for your order or send us an e-mail with any questions or concerns about our products.

What we know about Delta 8 THC

We know that cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of the cannabinoids in the hemp or cannabis plant. Most cannabinoids are chemically related. These chemically related substances share traits, health benefits. Nonetheless, they are different, and each of the compounds has unique effects on health.

In fact, it is not rare for the industry to look for chemically related compounds. Chemically related compounds may have similar actions, but each may have unique benefits. Just take the example of antibiotics called beta-lactams. It all started with the discovery of penicillin, but now we have numerous antibiotics in the group that are better than penicillin, like ampicillin, amoxicillin, and so on.

Since delta 9 THC (regular THC) is a banned substance, there is an increased interest in substances related to it. Delta 9 THC causes euphoria, and it is addictive. Still, at the same time, it may be pretty good for specific disease conditions like countering anxiety and panic. So, can delta 8 THC be regarded as its safer and legal analog?

What is Delta 8?

Delta 8 has suddenly gained lots of popularity in certain groups. This is because people are actively looking for something that could be as good as regular THC, but with a much better safety profile.

Delta 8 is quite similar to delta 9 in its chemical structure, with only a small difference. However, the molecule is a little smaller and has much lower potency when compared to its bigger brother delta 9 THC. Nonetheless, it must be understood that both are forms of THC. Nevertheless, when people are saying THC, they generally refer to delta 9 and not delta 8.

Vaping is the most common method of delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol consumption

What is Delta 8 Legal?

It is one of the complex questions. However, since most of the delta 8 is extracted in a similar way to delta 9, they appear to have a similar legal fate.

Nevertheless, how substances are regulated differs a lot. For example, even in the recreational drug industry, it is not rare to develop some potent psychotic agent, which is not illegal in the books. It means that if someone creates an entirely new chemical with a mild-altering effect, it may remain legal for some time before regulatory agencies step in. 

And the same is valid for delta 8, which falls into the gray area. It is not entirely legal, as it retains the main properties of a typical psychotic agent. Nonetheless, due to the lack of enough data, it may remain legal in some places. 

Most nations or states are just starting to classify delta 8, which is already legal in some states of the US. While in parts of the EU, it may be legal or illegal. 

Nonetheless, its minute amounts in CBD would be legal. Quite like regular THC, if delta 8 is in amounts that do not cause euphoria (less than 0.2%), it remains legal.

Gummies, the most popular d8 THC edible

Does Delta 8 make you High?

Many people are looking for ways to experience a legal high. It is this category of individuals highly interested in delta 8. Additionally, some people are always looking for something not as potent as delta 9 THC and can yet provide some high or similar relaxing effects at lower dosages.

When comparing delta 8 vs delta 9, it appears that delta 8 is very similar to delta 9 in most of the ways. Unfortunately, due to ethical reasons, there are not many studies. Nonetheless, it is worth knowing that delta 8 was discovered way back in the mid-20th century. Some of the early studies suggest that oral or intravenous delta 8 is quite comparable to delta 9.

But again, the experience of marijuana enthusiasts varies greatly from clinical researchers. Clinical researchers have a narrower approach, and they are only interested in whether delta 8 causes high or not. They are not interested in exploring the quality of the high. On the other hand, people who have used delta 8 describe it as much lighter, having greater relaxing and energizing properties. 

So, does delta 8 get you high? Yes, both the researchers and cannabis enthusiasts agree that delta 8 can give high.

How is Delta 8 Extracted?

Delta 8 is in very small amounts in the legally grown hemp plant. Thus, the most common way of its production is through the conversion of pure CBD to delta 8 THC.

Most CBD manufacturers would start with decarboxylation, also called decarbing of the plant material. It involves heating hemp material to a certain temperature, which converts CBDa to CBD and thus helps improve the quality of raw material.

The next process would be CBD extraction. For this, most would use one of the methods that are oil extraction, solvent-based extraction, and solventless extraction (supercritical CO2 extraction).

After this, the next logical step is creating high concentration CBD with the help of winterization and distillation. It produces 99% pure CBD isolate.

Needless to say, that manufacturers can skip the steps above and can start with CBD isolate, which is commonly available.

Next comes the most critical step called rapid isomerization of CBD, which can help convert CBD to either delta 9 THC or delta 8 THC. 

clear delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol distillate should be an indication of quality.

For CBD isomerization, producers would generally dissolve CBD into glacial acetic acid. This will initially convert CBD to delta 9 THC; however, THC created this way is not stable, and it will ultimately convert to delta 8 after about 72 hours.

It is worth knowing that researchers also know other ways of synthesizing delta 8 THC by using other organic compounds as a base.

Where is Delta 8 Available?

Delta 8 is still widely available on various online platforms, with varying degrees of purity. It is available in powder forms and as a delta 8 flower. It still remains legal in most parts of the EU and many parts of the US. 

However, its future is unclear. If recreational use of marijuana becomes legal in the future, then the future of delta 8 also seems bright. Nonetheless, there are chances that various drug enforcement agencies may go against delta 8, and there are high chances of it becoming illegal.

To conclude, delta 9 THC causes euphoria and is addictive. Nonetheless, it has an excellent relaxing effect on the brain that is not possible with CBD alone. So, it means that people are looking for something that may have a mind-altering impact closer to delta 9, and still, it should be legal. At present, delta 8 is one such option and a legal option in parts of the world.

Essentia Pura is focused on full spectrum extracts of industrial cannabis, but the uprising of compounds such as delta-8 THC, which are rare in hemp are intriguing. Which minor cannabinoids do you believe will be the next big thing? Let us know!

Do CBD patches work?

Everything you need to know about CBD patches

There are numerous methods of drug delivery, and the same is true for CBD products. Each delivery method has its pros and cons. A transdermal patch is a way of creating extended-release CBD products. Transdermal patch releases active ingredient slowly for hours, in some cases even in days.

In recent years, there has been increased interest in CBD patches, Hemp patches, Cannabis patches.

What are CBD patches?

Transdermal cannabinoid patches are non-invasive. It is a patch with adhesive applied to a specific part of the body. Once applied, CBD is slowly absorbed via the skin.

Many people find a CBD oil patch more comfortable than oral CBD oil. As, in this case, there is no need for multiple dosing during the day. One may simply apply the patch and forget about it.

Patches are slow to work but have a prolonged duration of action. They also help gain more predictable levels of the active ingredient in the blood as the patch slowly keeps releasing it. It means once an adequate amount of CBD has reached the blood, it will remain in that steady-state for hours. Thus, in specific chronic conditions, patches may be more effective.

Like other methods of delivery, not all patches are created equal. Some are made for a faster and short duration of action. Others are designed for prolonged activity. Some may use absorption enhancers to increase the efficacy of the product. 

How do CBD patches work?

Transdermal drug delivery is one of the oldest methods. Ancient practitioners have also utilized this method. Ancient people would often apply various herbal oils and pastes and cover them with leaves or cloth. However, modern medicine has been slow to pick up this route of drug delivery.

It has a very simple mechanism of action. When CBD patches are applied, CBD gets absorbed via the skin and enters the systemic circulation.

This route provides some distinct benefits like a steady-state of CBD in plasma, no first-pass metabolism, or degradation of CBD. No loss of CBD in the intestinal tract. Prolonged duration of action and improved patient compliance.

However, there are some variations in CBD absorption depending on age, ethnicity, skin hydration, gender, and so on. It means that manufacturers should test their products in various population groups before their commercial introduction.

There are already some early bioavailability studies showing that this route of administration works for CBD. Studies show that transdermal patches are slow to start acting. It may take few hours before any considerable amount of CBD could be detected in the blood. 

Bioavailability study shows that transdermal patch achieves steady plasma concentration after several hours. However, once this constant state is achieved, it is easier to maintain it than other dose forms. It means that patches are especially good for chronic painful conditions. Further, the bioavailability study shows that steady-state CBD concentration can be increased several folds by adding a permeability enhancer.

Transdermal CBD is preferred in many health conditions. CBD patches for pain relief are popular. CBD patches for anxiety are another area of interest.

Where do I put my CBD transdermal patch?

It is vital to understand that skin patches only work if applied correctly. For example, skin patches should not be applied to irritated or injured skin. In addition, one should not put a patch into the mouth or chew it.

When applying a patch, one should use certain precautions like not touching the adhesive side of the patch. Doing so may have an impact on how the patch works.

So, where do you place a transdermal patch?

Before starting, one should ensure that the skin is clean and dry. It could be especially important for those living in warmer climatic zones with lots of sweating. The best place to apply a patch is on the upper arm, chest, or even back. One should preferably apply a patch at places that do not move much.

Another essential thing to remember is that not to apply a patch on hair parts of the skin. It is because the patch would not stay in its place for long. Further, the presence of hair would also alter the rate of absorption.

If one needs to clean a part of the skin before applying a patch, it is better to use plain water. Likewise, one should avoid using oils or even alcohol-based cleansers.

After applying the patch, press it firmly for about 30 seconds to ensure it stays in place.

How long any patch can be applied would differ, as the technologies used to produce patches vary significantly. For example, some patches are made to be applied once every day. However, certain technologies might allow 72 hours of action.

Manufacturing CBD patches

The manufacturing approach would differ, as there are numerous proprietary technologies available.  Each technology has its pros and cons. Some may provide better adhesive properties, while others may have higher bioavailability and prolonged duration of action. Therefore, a CBD transdermal patch manufacturer would need to explore some technologies.

Most patches would have these five components:

  1. Protective liner: It is removed before the application of a patch. Its role is to protect the patch when it is stored. It may also help enhance the stability and shelf-life of the product.
  2. Drug reservoir: It is precisely where the active ingredient, that is, CBD, is contained. There could be certain technologies to ensure that a definite amount of CBD can be applied to any patch.
  3. Drug release membrane: It is generally regarded as the most vital component of any transdermal drug delivery patch. This membrane comes directly in contact with the skin, and the rate of drug release or CBD release is highly dependent on this membrane. Therefore, this membrane must be compatible with CBD.
  4. Contact adhesive: It ensures that the patch sticks to the skin. Again, there are numerous medical-grade adhesives available with various degrees of sticking strength. Strong adhesive is not necessarily better as the patch must be removed, too. The adhesive ought to be hypoallergic to avoid local skin reactions.
  5. Clear backing: It protects a patch from outside contamination.

To conclude, transdermal drug delivery is not new, and neither is its use in medicine. Transdermal patches were first approved by US FDA and European nations in the late 1970s. It means that there is a lot of experience in using patches for drug delivery. There are numerous drugs available in this form. CBD patch manufacturers need to build upon this extensive experience of the pharma industry with patches.

What is your opinion on the CBD transdermal patches? Share your thoughts with us at info@essentiapura.com

5 minute read

Can you add CBD Oil to Essential Oils?

CBD and Essential Oils

Essential oils are derived from various parts of the plants, and they usually retain the odor of that particular plant. They are pretty volatile. They might be extracted from leaves, peels, flowers, bark, seeds, and so on.

There are thousands of known varieties of aromatic plants. It means that there are thousands of types of well-documented essential oils. These plants are also commonly referred to as medicinal plants due to the innumerable health benefits of these essential oils.

Researchers are still trying to decode the secrets of essential oils. They are made up of hundreds of complex organic molecules like terpenes, phenol-derived aromatic compounds, and much more. These compounds also have multiple health benefits like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory. 

More interestingly, they have a wonderful aroma that may cause various psychological responses like relaxing, stimulating, mood-elevating, and much more.

Since these molecules are so complex, researchers still have a very limited understanding of essential oils in any given plant. Nonetheless, science has identified thousands of aromatic molecules in essential oils like beta-pinene in basil or alpha-limonene in lemon.

For those interested in learning more about essential oils (as there are so many essential oils) and various aromatic and non-aromatic compounds in them, there are few excellent freely accessible databases like AromaDB or EssOilDB. One may use these databases to learn more about different essential oils and creating unique products.

Is CBD an Essential Oil

Users often ask, is CBD considered an essential oil? CBD is just one of the chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. It is a short form for a compound called cannabidiol (CBD). Since essential oils are a mix of numerous aromatic and volatile compounds, CBD isolate cannot be regarded as an essential oil. It is just one of the compounds found in cannabis oil.

It is also vital to understand that CBD oil and Cannabis oil are different terms. CBD oil may be created by adding CBD isolate or broad-spectrum CBD distillate to any carrier oil (olive oil, coconut oil, and so on). Cannabis oil, on the other hand, is a raw product, an essential oil extracted from the cannabis plant.

Nonetheless, broad-spectrum CBD distillate is quite close to essential oils, as it contains other organic compounds, cannabinoids, terpenes, and so on.

The reason why the industry does not use cannabis oil and instead utilizes CBD isolate or distillate to make products is that cannabis oil has very low CBD content. 

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However, researchers understand that the benefits of CBD products can be considerably enhanced by combining CBD with various other essential oils. Or another approach is to add different terpenes to CBD products to create designer, value-added products.

Combining CBD with specific essential oils or terpenes results in products with known particular properties. Researchers believe that in the future, this would help create CBD products for specific health conditions. 

Adding CBD to Essential oil

There are many reasons to add CBD to essential oil. One of the simple reasons could be that there is a need for a carrier oil. Further, CBD oil and essential oils may help boost the health benefits of each other (via entourage effect).

Some benefits of adding CBD to essential oil

Here possibilities are innumerable, and one may add CBD to lavender or chamomile essential oil for creating stress relieving product. It may help relax better, induce sleep, and have an enhanced calming effect.

If one wants to create something with a mood-elevating and energizing effect, adding CBD to lemon essential oil would be good.

Similarly, adding CBD to eucalyptus essential oil may help create a product with good anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. 

Some people love the cooling effect of peppermint oil. In addition, CBD-infused Peppermint oil may also be suitable for pain relief.

Jasmine has a mild mood-elevating effect. It may help counter stress, help with depressive mood, and much more.

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Adding terpenes to CBD oil

It is another new approach to creating products with remarkable health benefits. Some manufacturers are now adding terpenes to CBD oil. Here too, the possibilities are innumerable, and hundreds of terpenes are commercially available with distinct health benefits.

  • Limonene– as the name suggests, is extracted from citrus fruits and can add to CBD oil a citrusy aroma. It is especially good for reducing inflammation and helps combat stress. Researchers are also exploring its other health benefit like antimicrobial properties.
  • AlphaPinene– is derived from pine needles, basil, rosemary, and other plants. Pinene can provide good anti-anxiety properties. It is also suitable for respiratory health and has mild bronchodilatory action. Meaning it’s better for those living with various chronic conditions of the respiratory tract.
  • Myrcene– a terpene with a musky smell, has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It has a sedating effect on the mood and thus may be suitable for improving sleep quality. 

Here the possibilities are countless like beta-caryophyllene (spicy aroma) is good for neuroprotection, linalool (floral scent) relieves anxiety.

Some people like to use CBD essential oil diffusers for aromatherapy, too. So, one of the questions asked is, can I put CBD oil in my oil diffuser? Well, the answer is that it is possible in some cases, but not all cases. If CBD is added to essential oil, then it is suitable for use with a diffuser. However, many CBD oils do not contain essential oils and are made explicitly for ingestion. 

CBD Essential Oil benefits

Essential oils are not just carrier oils; they also provide the so-called “entourage effect,” thus considerably enhancing the health benefits of CBD. 

Cannabis essential oil is generally regarded as moderately antibacterial. It is good for anxiety, mood issues, countering pain and stress, improving sleep quality. 

However, combining CBD with other essential oils or adding terpenes to CBD oil provides greater creative freedom to manufacturers. It opens doors to almost endless opportunities to create products for different health benefits. 

Although cannabis is accepted as one of the medicinal plants, it is vital to understand that most of its health benefits are mild and occur on prolonged use. These products are not a replacement for any medication or treatment. They are just utilized for added benefits.

To conclude, CBD isolate or broad-spectrum CBD distillate are safe, free from impurities. However, they either lack or have a low entourage effect. Combining CBD with various essential oils and terpenes may help create products with unique aromas and benefits.

Which are Essential oils do you think are best combined with CBD? Mail us your opinions! Or if you are willing to try CBD blended with your desired essential oils, complete the contact form to make an order.

Exploring the Water Soluble CBD Market

Introducing Water Soluble CBD

Days of offering clients just a CBD oil are over. There is intense competition in the market. Thus, a successful CBD company must offer its clients value-added products. It is also vital to provide a wide range of products.

Differentiating the product from others is the key to success. And offering products with better bioavailability in a greater range may help. For example, water soluble CBD may offer an edge over competitors, helping enhance the range of products.

The Water Soluble CBD Market

The water soluble CBD market is relatively nascent yet. It means that it is the right time to explore this segment. Almost every day, there is news for one or another manufacturing launching its water soluble series in the market.

At present, most launches of water soluble CBD are happening in larger markets like the UK or Germany. However, it is worth understanding that many EU markets like France or Nordic regions will grow quite fast in the near future. As a result, the European CBD market is expected to grow by at least 400% in coming four years.

Water Soluble CBD’s use in the Food industry

Almost all food items require adding water, and only some foods have added oils. It means that water soluble CBD offers innumerable opportunities. Theoretically, it can be added to any food item without any changes to the original recipe.

Did you know that cannabis edibles have been consumed for thousands of years? In India, marijuana-infused sweets and beverages are offered to lord shiva. It is a tradition people have been practicing since the Vedic era, that is, for the last few thousand years. Offering cannabis edibles is a part of rituals. That is why marijuana-based products (full-spectrum CBD with high THC) were never banned in the holy city of Varanasi.

Here are some of the most common water-soluble CBD food items available these days:

Baked goods

Some manufacturers are already producing CBD-infused cookies in small batches. However, due to issues related to shelf-life and specific regulatory challenges, CBD-based baked products are generally made in small quantities for local sales. Therefore, producing a range of CBD-baked products may be a good idea for smaller manufacturers.


Europeans are the largest per capita consumers of chocolates. As chocolate has a good shelf life, there are already many manufactures into it. The good thing is that, quite like regular chocolate, people can use CBD chocolate to make their favorite recipes like brownies, chocolate-dipped cones, and much more.

Gummies & candies

Gummies and candies are among the most common and preferred ways of consuming CBD. They can be produced in innumerable flavors and types. Of course, one may use regular CBD isolate powder or CBD crystals to make them. However, water soluble CBD isolate would provide much higher bioavailability.

Snacks foods

It is another less explored area by manufacturers. Sportspeople love CBD. One may produce CBD-infused energy bars, high CBD hemp protein bars. These are examples of excellent value-added products, as they provide CBD along with other health benefits. One may position their product as something that helps with quicker recovery post-workout, and so on.

Cooking ingredients

On searching the internet, one may readily understand how underexplored this segment is. For those selling CBD products via retail chains, supermarkets, cooking ingredients could be an excellent idea. One may add CBD to various blends of spices, baking powders, and much more.


CBD-infused sauces are already making their way to the shelves of certain retail chains.

Water Soluble CBD’s use in the Beverage industry

This is where water soluble CBD excels. After all, one cannot create water-based drinks using CBD oil.

The market trend is usually to create sparkling CBD water/drinks. There could be three options for most manufacturers:

CBD infused energy drinks

It is no secret that CBD is mainly loved for its ability to help fight pain and its calming effect. Such drinks may be targeted towards those living an active lifestyle, though not necessarily. One may even create a pre or post-workout drink.

CBD infused soothing drinks

Many people love the calming effect of CBD. Thus, it is a common idea to create CBD drinks infused with extracts of other calming herbs like chamomile, lavender, ashwagandha. These drinks could be good for countering mild episodes of fear and anxiety. They may also help sleep better.

CBD infused flavored or refreshing drinks 

It is the most straightforward approach of adding CBD to commonly used various flavored or refreshing drinks. Such drinks are usually for frequent consumption, and thus only small amounts of CBD need to be added to them.

Water Soluble CBD’s use in the Cosmetic industry

Infusing CBD to cosmetic products helps create cosmeceuticals, products that not only enhance beauty but have some health benefits, too.

Topical use of CBD is supported by science, as there is evidence of endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the skin. Dysregulation of ECS may have a role in eczema, psoriasis, and even skin cancer.

CBD topical products may offer some unique benefits. CBD may help enhance the hydrating, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory effect of some products. In addition, CBD may help reduce skin itching, slow down skin aging, and much more. 

Although CBD oil may be used to produce CBD cosmetics, water-soluble may help create non-sticky unique skincare products. Following products good could be a good option to enter the CBD cosmetics market:

Skincare serum

Serum for special skin concerns like acne. CBD may help due to its mild antimicrobial activity and anti-inflammatory action.


These are generally for preventing skin itching, especially during summer. Such a powder may also help prevent skin allergies caused by certain fabrics.

Makeup cleansers

Makeup cleanser with anti-inflammatory action may be quite an attractive product.


Moisturizing creams are one of the most commonly used products. However, adding water soluble CBD may have some additional benefits in such products.

Sunburns soothing cream

CBD may help reduce skin inflammation and irritation caused by sunburns. 

Massage gel 

Oil-based massage creams or massage oils are indeed loved by many, but not all. Some individuals do not like oily skin left after the massage. Water soluble CBD-based oil-free massage gel may be a great option for many.

Lip balm

Water soluble CBD may be especially effective in preventing local irritation, cracking of lips.

Evening skincare gel

Many people like to apply skincare gels in the evening. When skincare products are applied to the skin before going to bed, they have ample time to work.


CBD shampoos are often recommended for preventing hair loss. In addition, CBD may help due to its antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory action.

To conclude, the above are just some of the unique ways to enter a highly competitive CBD market. One may procure water soluble CBD isolate or full spectrum water soluble CBD wholesale and start producing some of these products.

Cosmetics, food, or beverages? Let us know where you think water soluble CBD shines the most. And to make your water soluble formulations happen, contact us on this page.

5 minute read

How To Make Water Soluble CBD?

CBD oil is the most commonly used form of cannabidiol. Although it has moderate bioavailability of 13-19%, that is not enough. Moreover, when people take CBD oil, lots of it goes through first-pass metabolism (metabolism in the liver immediately after absorption), and a considerable amount of it is destroyed.

These issues related to CBD bioavailability forced researchers to look for alternative ways of delivering CBD to the body. Of course, CBD inhaling is an excellent option, however it is not for everyone. Thus, researchers came up with another technology that is creating water soluble CBD.

What Is Water Soluble CBD

A substance can be described as water soluble essentially when it has the capability to dissolve in water. CBD does not have this ability naturally so we have to process it in order to be able to disperse it in water and other liquids. The finished product that can easily be added to food or drink, which provides endless opportunities for different types of products. But this process can be quite complicated.

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Challenges in creating water soluble CBD

It is not as straightforward as it may sound. One cannot just directly dissolve CBD isolate or CBD distillate into the water. It is because the CBD molecule is lipophilic. That is, it loves oils but repels water. So, only an inconsiderable amount of CBD powder would dissolve in the water.

Nevertheless, researchers have long known various natural products in which oil molecules are suspended in water as if they are mixed with it. It is called emulsion. Some of the good examples could be milk and egg yolk. There are known ways of emulsification, and the same can be applied for producing water soluble CBD.

The word liposome derives from two Greek words: lipo (“fat”) and soma (“body”)

How water soluble CBD is made

Water soluble CBD isolate or distillate still require the use of oil. It is because CBD simply does not mix well with water. So, how to make water soluble CBD? The starting point in creating water soluble CBD is mixing it with oil. Then comes the next step, which is breaking these CBD oil particles into tiny (nano) droplets so that they can remain suspended in the water. Thus, the resulting solution is a nano-emulsion.

There are many ways of breaking CBD oil into smaller particles. But the most common strategy used is deploying either high shear mixers or high energy ultrasonic sound waves. There are special machines in which this whole process is carried out. This equipment can break CBD oil into nanoparticles, small enough to get homogeneously suspended in the water, and remain stable for quite a long time.

Usually, ultrasound homogenizers (using ultrasonic waves) are regarded better than high shear mixers (moving oil and water mixture at high velocity). However, most producers use a combination of these methods. One can start with high shear mixers and then use ultrasound homogenizers to produce even better and more stable nano-emulsion

These nanoparticles are so small that they can readily penetrate through various membranes, including intestinal membranes. These particles can also escape the first-pass metabolism in the liver in large amounts. All this means far greater bioavailability of CBD.

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Liposomal CBD vs water soluble nano-emulsion

There are other well-known ways of boosting the bioavailability of various natural extracts. One such method is using liposomes as carriers. Liposomes form a bubble-like structure over natural extracts like CBD resulting in better absorption.

Although there is no doubt that liposomal CBD has better bioavailability than CBD oil, it is still inferior to water soluble nano-emulsion. It is because the size of CBD droplets in nano-emulsion is extremely small. In contrast, liposomes are 10 to a hundred times larger than nano-emulsion droplets. Thus, despite the benefits of improved bioavailability, liposomal technology is much inferior to water soluble nano-emulsion.

Both offer bigger efficiency. but nano, being smaller, is also absorbed better!

Kinds of water soluble CBD

When choosing water soluble CBD, one does not have to compromise on the range of options. Like non-water soluble options, water soluble CBD is available as isolate, distillate, and even full-spectrum.

Water soluble CBD isolate 

Much like CBD isolate powder or CBD crystals, it contains CBD without other cannabinoids and is THC-free. It is loved by many due to its perceived better safety profile and a wide number of applications. It may be a better fit for certain kinds of products like edibles, CBD for older adults and athletes, and so on. Nonetheless, it is less potent due to the lack of entourage effect.

Water soluble CBD distillate

This is perhaps an optimal solution for most needs. It contains CBD, other cannabinoids, and terpenes but is free from THC. Thus, it is generally regarded as quite potent and safe for special population groups who do not want any THC like athletes.

Full-spectrum water soluble CBD 

As the name suggests, this is CBD along with other cannabinoids, terpenes, and even traces of THC. THC is only in the permissible levels, which is usually below 0.2%. Therefore, it is a very small amount of THC to cause any mind-altering effect. However, full-spectrum water soluble CBD wholesale might be better for producing products for severe conditions like anxiety, sleep disorders, and so on.

Various pharmaceutical drugs, mRNA, and DNA vaccines are using liposomal delivery methods.

6 Water Soluble CBD Benefits

There are numerous benefits of water soluble CBD:

  1. The main and most noticeable benefit is that water soluble CBD provides a very high absorption rate. This means that a certain dose will show more powerful effects than with other forms. Many of its other benefits correlate with this greatly.
  2. It is a cost-effective way of enhancing the bioavailability of CBD, which helps keep the cost of CBD products low and yet improve its effectiveness.
  3. Water soluble CBD is proven in human studies to have reliably better pharmacokinetics. In one of the human studies, water soluble CBD was 4.5 times more bioavailable than CBD oil. Thus, it is considerably better than other technologies like liposomal or the addition of other herbal extracts.
  4. Convenience for both users and producers. For users, water-soluble products are easier to use and carry. For producers, it also means ease of adding CBD to various formulations.
  5. It starts acting faster, and thus, those who use water soluble CBD always prefer it.
  6. Another benefit of water soluble CBD is that it can be more easily measured and dosed due to the precise nature of the process it goes through.

It is vital to understand that not all benefits of it are visible. For example, water soluble CBD achieves a much higher concentration in various organs, especially when used for prolonged intervals. It means that people may achieve health effects that they could not get from other types of CBD products.

Would you like to see a different approach in making CBD water soluble? We are open for discussions at info@essentiapura.com. If you are ready to dive into water-soluble CBD, complete our contact form here to get your samples!


What is Water Soluble CBD?

When it comes to CBD products, things are evolving fast. It isn’t easy to believe that CBD primarily became legal just a couple of decades back. However, since then, lots have changed. Consumers are now more quality conscious and informed.

The CBD market has long been dominated by CBD oil, but things are changing fast. CBD oil has its own pros and cons. It is vital to understand that the human body is mainly composed of water. Thus, it handles water-soluble compounds better. 

It is not rare for CBD manufacturers to see their consumers complaining about their products. It is because some products fail to deliver despite the best of intentions of CBD producers. Researchers think that one of the reasons could be that many oil-based products do not get absorbed much into the body. So, could a solution be in the form of water soluble CBD?

Exploring Water Soluble CBD

Water soluble CBD empowers manufacturers to create a whole range of new kinds of products. More effective products, and yet easy to produce. 

What is Water Soluble CBD?

To begin with, one should not confuse CBD with CBD oil. It is true that CBD is highly lipophilic and mixes much better in oil than in water. However, it does not mean that CBD does not dissolve at all in the water. Nevertheless, technological challenges remain, as low water solubility must be overcome.

Various researchers are investigating different approaches. Some are even exploring ways of tweaking the chemical structure of cannabinoids to make them more water soluble. But perhaps the more straightforward approach is to create CBD emulsion.

It is wrong to suggest that water and oil do not mix, as they do mix well even in nature. Just take an example of milk, a classic example of an emulsion. It is a water-based food product with suspended fat particles. 

Milk – A prime example of fat nanoemulsion

When creating water soluble CBD, manufacturers use a similar approach to creating CBD emulsions. Thus, it is a nano-particle of CBD oil dispersed in water, creating an emulsion. This emulsion could be made from isolate (containing primarily CBD only), resulting in water soluble CBD isolate. Or it could be broad-spectrum (thus containing other cannabinoids, terpenes, for added benefits), resulting in water-soluble CBD distillate.

Water soluble CBD – a better delivery system, higher bioavailability

The whole purpose of creating this type of CBD is to enhance CBD’s delivery. It means increasing its bioavailability considerably and thus improving the safety and efficacy of the product. 

Higher bioavailability means that CBD would be effective even at lower dosages, which considerably improves its safety. In addition, a higher concentration of CBD in the body would mean better relief from various health issues.

Although there are very few studies on the subject, all studies confirm that water soluble CBD is multiple times better. 

In one of the pharmacokinetics studies published in the Phytotherapy Research journal, researchers found that water soluble CBD had 4.5 times higher bioavailability than lipid-soluble CBD (CBD oil) on oral intake. So, the difference is enormous.

Water soluble in liquid or in powder form? Find out in the next article!

Benefits of Water Soluble CBD

There are several reasons for consumers to prefer water soluble CBD:

  • Higher bioavailability means greater effectiveness even at lower dosages.
  • Higher concentration in the blood means that water soluble CBD may help in conditions where CBD oil failed to help.
  • Easier to add to food products, but more importantly to various drinks and beverages.
  • Easier to carry than CBD oil

Above are the benefits from a consumer point of view. Water soluble CBD also offers numerous advantages for CBD manufacturers:

  • Can be added to various beverages without altering their formula or recipe.
  • Ability to produce a greater variety of CBD products.
  • Higher and predictable health benefits for consumers means greater client loyalty and higher brand value.

Types of Products made with Water Soluble CBD 

One can use water soluble CBD isolate or broad-spectrum distillate to produce just almost any kind of CBD product. Quite like CBD oil, it can be added to various food items, gummies, and so on. However, the most significant benefit of water soluble CBD is that it can be readily added to a wide variety of drinks or beverages like cold brew coffee, flavoured drinks, cold tea, etc.

Since it is almost tasteless and readily mixes into water based beverages, in most cases, manufacturers won’t require to make changes to their pre-existing recipes. All they need to do is simply add it to any of the well known beverages.

The Difference between Water Soluble CBD and CBD Oil

The main difference between the two is in faster, greater, and reliable absorption when taken orally. It ultimately translates into quicker relief, higher efficacy, and consistent health benefit.

This is not to suggest that CBD oil is not as good. Nevertheless, water soluble formulations are better in most ways.

The world of CBD beverages is now possible with water soluble CBD.

Manufacturing products with water soluble CBD

There are some differences from a manufacturing point of view. It is vital to understand that water soluble CBD isolate and distillate are in liquid forms, unlike CBD isolate or broad-spectrum distillate powders. Thus, they might be better suited for adding to beverages, other water-based products. However, water soluble CBD isolate or distillate may not be suitable for adding to certain topical products. 

One of the common questions manufacturers ask is why not use cheaper CBD isolate powders to create beverages? Or Is CBD isolate water soluble? Unfortunately, the usual CBD isolate powder is only marginally soluble in the water. Thus, it will not achieve a high concentration. Therefore, adding too much of it to beverages will result in sedimentation. On the other hand, water soluble CBD isolate or distillate (both are in liquid or emulsion form) would readily mix, providing the correct dose to the users.

Is water soluble CBD the future? Find it out your self and order some samples using our contact form. Whether you require more information on the matter send us an e-mail!

Is CBD Oil Beneficial for Dogs?

What you need to know about CBD oil for dogs

Companion animals, especially dogs and cats, are valuable family members. It means that their well-being is vital. Although animals may have different anatomy and physiology nonetheless, most mammals share numerous traits with humans.

It means that many health products that are good for humans might have health benefits for dogs. In recent years, CBD has gained popularity as a nutraceutical for humans and pets. Initial experience with CBD appears to confirm certain health benefits of CBD oil for dogs.

Is CBD Oil safe for my dog?

When choosing any remedy or health supplement, safety should be of prime concern. After all, it is necessary to ensure that it should not do more harm than good. 

There could be many reasons for considering CBD for dogs, from managing pain and inflammation to reducing aggressive behaviour.

CBD is safe for pets when used as indicated and at the correct dose. In addition, CBD products that are free from THC are less likely to have any side effects. However, full-spectrum CBD with small amounts of THC may have greater benefits in some cases, so one has to weigh the risk against the benefits before choosing CBD products.

Experience with CBD products shows that most CBD adverse effects are transient. It means that they would be gone in few days after discontinuing the product. Moreover, none of the side effects appears to pose any severe health risk to dogs.

Some of the known side effects that might occur at higher dosages are:

  • Mouth dryness results in low saliva, which may be a concern in some warm climate zones.
  • Lowering of blood pressure – again an infrequent side effect, which may occur at much higher dosages.
  • Lethargy – which may occur due to calming effect of CBD on dogs. It might not be an unwanted effect in many cases, especially when CBD is used to manage anxiety in the dog or control aggressive behaviour.
  • Behavioural changes are more probable on exceeding dosage or if any given product is high in THC. In such cases, owners may notice specific behavioural changes.

There is a firm reason to believe that CBD won’t cause any side effects in most cases and only minor hassles in some. Moreover, in the last few years, numerous clinical studies have emerged, confirming its safety. For example, in one of the dose-escalation studies in 21 dogs, CBD oil (even products with THC) was well tolerated, causing mild adverse effects only.

How does CBD oil affect dogs?

Pets like dogs differ from their human friends in a way that they have a pretty different kind of digestive system and metabolism. Although there is some research on how dogs metabolize CBD, it is worth keeping in mind that the difference between various breeds may be considerable.

Pharmacokinetics of CBD in dogs

Pharmacokinetics is the study of the movement of drugs or other substances into the body. The study of CBD in dogs show that it is absorbed pretty quickly, with a peak concentration in plasma reaching 1.9 to 2.3 hours. It means that CBD starts acting after a couple of hours in dogs. Further, studies show that half of the CBD would be gone from the dog’s plasma (not essentially body) in about 14 to 24 hours. 

Since the half-life of CBD may be as long as 24 hours in dogs, it means that the concentration of CBD may increase with repeated dosages. It also means that maximum benefit could be seen after few days only.

Pharmacodynamics or how CBD works in dogs

Once inside the body, CBD has to start working. Studies show that the endocannabinoid system is present in all members of the animal world. So, it may explain why CBD may have similar kinds of health effects in humans and dogs.

Targeting endocannabinoid receptors may modulate pain, inflammation, anxiety, reduce stress, have a calming effect, and much more. Researchers have identified various endocannabinoid receptors present in different body parts, from the brain to the skin.

What are the benefits of CBD for dogs?

As dogs reside with humans, they have become physically less active and prone to specific health issues. Therefore, supplementing the canine diet with CBD may have several health benefits for dogs:

Behaviour improvement

Behavioural issues like not listening to human friends, frequently whining for attention, continuing chewing objects may become issues. CBD may help alter behaviour in many cases. It may also help reduce unnecessary aggressiveness in some cases.

Stress reduction

Dogs are pretty emotional and highly attached to their human companions, and they are also prone to anxiety. In addition, some dogs may have a fear of separations, others may respond inadequately to noises. CBD may help calm the nerves of dogs and thus help not only reduce stress but even prevent the condition from becoming chronic.

Pain and inflammation

CBD for pain relief in dogs is quite effective. Pain and inflammation may occur due to numerous reasons like trauma, arthritis, age-related illnesses. Adding CBD to regular treatment may help in many cases. CBD may also be the right choice for chronic pain issues when continuous use of medications might not be an option.

Lowers risk of neurological conditions

Quite like humans, dogs may also develop epileptic seizures, diseases of the brain and spine. Although CBD might not be a cure for most of these conditions, it may provide considerable relief and thus improve the quality of life.

Lowers risk of tumours

CBD has anti-tumour properties. It means that regular supplementation of a canine diet with CBD may help prevent the development of certain types of tumours.

Metabolism enhancements

CBD also alters metabolism, and these effects are even more important considering that dogs are becoming prone to metabolic disorders. Dogs are not as active as they need to be due to limited space in cityscapes and other limitations. CBD has a proven ability to alter or enhance metabolism.

Reduce skin itching

Dogs often have problems with flicks and fleas, skin dryness, dermatitis, and much more. To a degree, scratching is normal. However, if a dog scratches too often, it might be a cause for concern. Although CBD is not a remedy for underlying causes, it may provide much needed symptomatic relief.

What is the best type of CBD to give to my dog?

CBD products for pets come in numerous forms like edibles, oils, gummies, and much more. Although most dose forms are equally good, each has its pros and cons.

CBD oil – is the most common form for use by humans and pets alike. It can be used in various ways, either directly taken orally or added to food items. For quick and consistent effect, it is always good to squirt it directly into the dog’s mouth, as this will result in fast and dependable absorptions. 

Broad-spectrum CBD is a good balance of efficacy and safety. It contains CBD, other cannabinoids, terpenes, and so on, resulting in entourage effect or greater effectiveness. However, it is still free from THC, thus the lower risk of neurological side effects.

Full-spectrum CBD – quite like broad-spectrum CBD oil, it has multiple beneficial phytocompounds along with CBD. At the same time, it has a low amount of THC in legally permissible levels. Although THC poses a greater risk of neurological side effects, it should not be demonized as (in the proper dosage) it may considerably boost specific health effects like providing greater anxiety relief.

Adding hemp oil to food products is also an option. However, it may result in lower bioavailability and thus the need for a higher dosage.

A word of caution:

when choosing hemp oil, pay particular attention to the source of oil and its total CBD content. Remember that many online hemp oil products are extracted from hemp seed, which may not have any CBD at all.

CBD isolate– as the name says, it is an isolated form of CBD, usually in a powder form containing more than 99% of CBD. Using such a product has cost benefits, reliability. Additionally, one can use isolate in many ways like adding to food products, and so on. However, CBD isolate does not contain other cannabinoids or terpenes, which may result in fewer benefits in some disease conditions due to the absence of entourage effect.

Edibles – edibles are a good option in a way that they are much easier to use. However, one of the issues with many edibles is an extremely low amount of CBD, which may not result in expected health benefits.

How much CBD oil should I give my dog?

Dosing CBD in pets can be challenging due to the huge variance in body weight between various breeds. Thus, unlike humans, it is best to calculate the dose based on body weight.

Generally, it is a good idea to start with the lowest dose and increase it gradually. Since CBD has some accumulating effect, it exerts its maximum effect in 3-5 days. It means that one may increase the dosage after 5-7 days if expected results are not achieved.

Most experts recommend starting from 1 mg per 10 pounds of body weight and then increase to 2 or 3 mg per 10 pounds of body weight (once or twice a day). One may even increase dosage much further for severe health conditions. Pharmacokinetic studies regarding the daily dosage say that up to 2 mg per kg is still a low dose. Up to 5 mg per kg is a moderate dose. Higher than 5 mg per kg can be regarded as a high dosage.

It means that CBD products have a broad safety range, and one can safely increase dosage when and as required. There is barely any risk of overdosing until or unless someone completely neglects recommendations.

Some of the other common questions regarding CBD dosing are:

Can I give my dog CBD oil for humans? Well, in short, the answer is yes. Vital here is proper dosing. 

How many drops of CBD for dogs are adequate? It would depend on the strength of CBD oil, that is, the amount of CBD in each drop. However, in most cases, one can give dogs few drops of CBD oil.

CBD dosage for dogs

Can CBD help relieve my dog’s health issues?

There is lots of research going on into CBD’s role in various health conditions. For example, it might help manage some disease conditions, be an add-on treatment, and even help counter specific symptoms.

CBD for dogs with cancer

Although there is limited research into the subject, CBD remains among the preferred non-pharmacological means of managing cancers in dogs. However, this does not mean that there is no supporting evidence in favour of such use. Numerous experimental studies show that CBD may alter immune responses, prevent tumour growth, and even induce the death of specific cancer cells.

Additionally, one can use CBD to manage pain and anxiety related to cancer. CBD may have a calming effect on the nerves. It may also improve metabolism and promote the survival of dogs.

CBD for arthritis in dogs

CBD may reduce inflammation and pain sensation. There is some research indicating that CBD may help dogs with arthritis. In one of the studies, 4 weeks of CBD oil could reduce pain and increase periods of activity in dogs diagnosed with arthritis. In the mentioned study, researchers gave CBD oil in the dosage of 2 mg per kg, twice daily.

CBD oil for dogs with heart problems

Although CBD oil for dogs with heart problems is not a well-studied remedy, there are reasons to believe that it can help. CBD has a calming effect, may alter stress responses, lower blood pressure a bit, and thus ultimately reduce cardiac load, and has a beneficial impact on heart health.

Cannabidiol oil for dog seizures

Cannabidiol based medications are already approved for managing resistant cases of epilepsy in children in the US and UK. However, in recent years, researchers have turned their attention towards using CBD oil for dog seizures. Many cases reports have confirmed that CBD oil, especially when added to the regular treatment, may help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures. Additionally, some pilot clinical studies also appear to confirm that adding CBD oil to standard treatment for dog seizures may help.

CBD for anxiety in dogs

Dogs are loving, dedicated, sensitive, and emotional beings. They are quite prone to anxiety, which may result in unexplained behavioural issues. Adding CBD to the daily regime may help overcome anxiety in dogs. One study demonstrated that CBD could reduce noise-induced fear in dogs. Yet another study showed that CBD could lower aggressive behaviour in shelter dogs towards humans due to its anti-anxiety action. CBD could be considered to manage subtle, unwanted changes in a dog’s behaviour due to anxiety.

Cannabidiol for inflammation in dogs

CBD is good for suppressing inflammation and reducing related pain. However, such use is not limited to arthritis. Supplementing a regular canine diet with CBD may help lower general inflammation and thus lower the risk of various other painful chronic ailments.


CBD oil for dogs may help counter numerous health issues. It can help prevent certain disorders, be used as an add-on treatment, or counter disease symptoms. CBD is good not only for dogs but also for various pets, and it is also suitable for cats. 

Those looking for CBD products for managing their pets’ health can check the list of our finished products. Please feel free to reach out after choosing from different CBD oils for pets. Queries from those interested in manufacturing custom CBD pet products are also welcome.

Featured Image Source: https://puppyhero.com/breed/nova-scotia-duck-tolling-retriever