5 minutes read

Is CBD legal in Iceland?

In Iceland, the laws around CBD oil are complex. If you are an individual and plan to travel to Iceland with your indispensable CBD Oil packed in the suitcase or a business thinking about selling CDB on the Iceland market, it’s important to understand the nuances of what you can and cannot do.

Iceland is known for its beautiful nature and modern approach to many issues. However, when it comes to CBD oil, which is gaining attention for its health benefits, the rules in Iceland are specific and not always simple.

This blog post will give a clear and easy-to-understand explanation of the laws about CBD oil in Iceland. Remember, laws can change quickly. This post is based on information readily available up to early 2024 and should not be considered legal advice.

The Legal Status of CBD Oil in Iceland

In Iceland, CBD oil regulations, particularly for medicinal use, are indeed more stringent compared to many other countries. While CBD is not classified as a narcotic, it is regulated under the category of medicinal products. This means that CBD oil intended for ingestion can only be purchased in pharmacies with a prescription from a medical professional. Furthermore, the Icelandic authorities only permit the sale of CBD products that have received approval from the European Medicines Agency or the Icelandic Medicines Agency. As of now, the list of approved CBD products is quite limited.

This strict regulation extends to the import of CBD products. The Icelandic customs authorities have been known to confiscate CBD products at the border, even those containing less than 0.2% THC, which is the legal THC limit in the European Union. It is crucial for individuals considering bringing CBD into Iceland to be aware of these regulations and ensure they have the necessary prescription and approvals to avoid legal complications.

CBD Oil for Cosmetic Use

While the sale of ingestible CBD oil is tightly regulated in Iceland, there is a different set of rules for CBD oil intended for cosmetic use. In regular shops and beauty stores across Iceland, CBD oil and related products can be sold legally as long as they are clearly labeled for cosmetic use only. This distinction allows for greater accessibility of CBD oil in non-medical settings.

These cosmetic products, including creams and oils infused with CBD, do not require a prescription and are not subject to the stringent regulations that govern medicinal CBD products. However, it’s important for both retailers and consumers to ensure that these products are strictly marketed and used for external applications only. This distinction between medicinal and cosmetic use of CBD oil reflects Iceland’s nuanced approach to regulating different applications of this increasingly popular product.

cbd cosmetics

Recreational Marijuana Laws 

In contrast to the CBD regulations, Iceland has a much stricter stance on recreational marijuana. All forms of recreational drugs, including marijuana, are illegal in the country. Distribution, possession, and consumption of cannabis can lead to serious consequences such as fines, imprisonment, and a criminal record. However, the degree of enforcement of these laws can vary.

Icelandic police have stepped up efforts in recent years to combat drug trafficking and use, particularly focusing on areas frequented by tourists. Despite these strict laws, marijuana use is still relatively common in Iceland, and there have been discussions and debates among Icelandic politicians and citizens about potential changes to these regulations. For instance, there have been proposals to legalize and regulate cannabis to reduce drug-related crime and improve public health. These proposals include licensing, taxation of marijuana products, and restrictions on marketing and advertising.

Nevertheless, there is no consensus on this issue. Some advocate for stricter classifications of marijuana, while others see potential economic and social benefits in legalization. As of now, travelers and residents must adhere to the current laws, which strictly prohibit the use of recreational marijuana in Iceland.

Health and Wellness Perspective of CBD 

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in CBD’s health and wellness potential around the world, and Iceland is no exception. CBD, known for its non-psychoactive properties, has been explored for its potential in areas such as pain relief, anxiety reduction, and improving sleep quality. This interest aligns with Iceland’s general focus on health and wellness, a country known for its pure environment and holistic approach to health.

While the strict regulations around ingestible CBD oil in Iceland might limit its use, the availability of CBD in cosmetic products offers a way for Icelanders and visitors to explore its potential benefits. Often used for skin care and relaxation, these products reflect a growing trend of incorporating natural and alternative remedies into daily health and wellness routines.

Business Impact of CBD Regulations 

The legal landscape for CBD in Iceland poses unique business challenges and opportunities. The stringent regulations around ingestible CBD oil mean that businesses need to navigate a complex legal framework to enter the pharmaceutical market. This includes ensuring compliance with approvals from European and Icelandic medical agencies, which can be a significant barrier for new entrants.

On the other hand, the allowance of CBD in cosmetic products opens a different market segment. Businesses can tap into the growing demand for wellness and natural beauty products, which is a thriving sector in Iceland. Entrepreneurs and established companies alike have the opportunity to innovate with CBD-infused cosmetics, catering to both local preferences and the demands of a health-conscious tourist demographic.

The contrasting regulatory approaches to medicinal and cosmetic CBD products underscore the importance for businesses to be well-informed and adaptable. As the legal landscape around cannabis and CBD continues to evolve, staying updated on changes and trends will be crucial for businesses to operate in this space successfully.

Future of CBD and Cannabis Legislation in Iceland

The landscape of cannabis-related laws, including CBD, is ever-evolving, and Iceland is no exception. The country is currently at a crossroads, considering potential changes that could redefine the legal framework around cannabis.

One significant development is the proposed pilot project to permit the use of medical cannabis. This proposal, if approved, could mark a significant shift in Iceland’s approach to cannabis, indicating a move towards a more lenient and medically focused use of the plant. The project details specific guidelines for the production and distribution of cannabis products that can be legally prescribed and dispensed in pharmacies. However, the approval of this proposal has been postponed, and its future remains uncertain.

This potential shift in policy reflects a broader global trend toward recognizing the medical benefits of cannabis and reevaluating long-standing legal prohibitions. As discussions continue and new evidence emerges, it’s possible that Iceland may align with other countries that have relaxed their cannabis laws.

For now, businesses, consumers, and travelers must navigate the existing legal framework in Iceland, which remains quite strict compared to many other countries. However, it’s important to stay informed as these laws could change, opening new opportunities and considerations for the use of CBD and cannabis in Iceland.

7 minute read

Be ready for 2024 – Boost Your CBD Business with User-Friendly POS Software

What is CBD POS software?

A POS (Point of Sale) system in the CBD industry is a multifaceted tool that goes beyond being a mere cash register or payment terminal. It’s an integrated software solution that aids sales staff in managing and optimizing a range of internal processes. 

This includes:

  • inventory management,
  • sales tracking,
  • customer relationship management,
  • and employee oversight.

The software is designed to create, process, and store detailed data on all transactions, products, sales statistics, and related reports. It’s often customized to meet the specific needs of a business and features an easy-to-use user interface along with powerful analysis and management functions.

Importance of using POS software in your CBD shop

In an industry as dynamic and regulated as CBD, having a POS system that can handle the unique challenges is important. It streamlines operations and ensures compliance with legal requirements.

Benefits of CBD POS System for the CBD Business

Streamlining sales and inventory management

Cannabis POS (Point of Sale) software simplifies the way cannabis businesses keep records. Instead of manually tracking sales and inventory, this software does it automatically. This makes sure businesses follow state rules that require them to keep detailed records of their sales and stock. With everything recorded by the POS system, businesses can easily show their records to government regulators when needed.

Also, this software is great for keeping an eye on how much inventory a business has at all times. This is important for cannabis businesses since many states require them to report how much stock they have regularly. With a POS system, they can easily see their current stock levels and make changes to stay within the rules set by the state. This helps the business always stay compliant with state laws.

Compliance with regulatory requirements

It ensures that all transactions are in compliance with the constantly evolving legal landscape of the CBD industry.

Integration with online sales platforms

These systems seamlessly integrate with e-commerce platforms, allowing for a unified sales experience across multiple channels.

Customer relationship management

CBD POS software helps in building and maintaining customer relationships by tracking purchase history and preferences, which can be leveraged for targeted marketing and loyalty programs.

  • Tracking Customer Purchase History: CBD POS software is equipped with tools that track every purchase a customer makes. This tracking isn’t just about what they bought but also when and how often they make purchases. This information is important for understanding customer buying habits and preferences.
  • Personalizing Customer Experience: Based on the purchase history, the software can help businesses personalize their interactions with customers. For example, if a customer frequently buys a particular type of CBD oil, the software can notify the business, which can then suggest similar products or new arrivals the customer might like.
  • Targeted Marketing Initiatives: The detailed data collected by CBD POS software allows businesses to create more effective, targeted marketing campaigns. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, marketing can be tailored to meet the specific interests and needs of different customer segments. For instance, customers interested in CBD for wellness might receive information about new health-focused products.

Key Features to Look for in CBD POS Software

Age verification and ID scanning

It is important to ensure sales are legally compliant, particularly in verifying the age of customers. In most of Europe, the legal age to buy CBD products is 18 or older. 

Cannabis POS software helps meet this requirement by asking that customers show valid identification prior to making a purchase. 

This verification can be carried out through scanning technology or by manually inputting the details into the system. 

Reporting and analytics

Advanced analytics help in making informed decisions based on sales trends, customer behavior, and inventory levels.

Multi-location support

For businesses operating in multiple locations, this feature ensures consistency and ease of management across all stores.

Loyalty and rewards program integration

An essential feature of CBD POS software is its ability to manage loyalty programs. By analyzing purchase patterns, the software can help businesses design loyalty programs that reward frequent buyers or incentivize larger purchases. This not only helps in retaining existing customers but also encourages repeat business.

Challenges and Solutions for Implementing CBD POS Software

High-Risk Classification and What To Do About It

Many banks and financial institutions consider CBD businesses to be “high-risk” due to the fluctuating legal landscape surrounding cannabis and hemp products. This classification can make it difficult for CBD businesses to find payment processors willing to service their accounts.

Not all payment processors are willing to work with CBD businesses, limiting the options available to them. This can result in businesses having to settle for less favorable terms or services that may not fully meet their needs.

It’s important for CBD businesses to research and partner with payment processors that specifically cater to high-risk industries like CBD. These processors are more likely to understand the unique challenges and offer suitable services.

Staying up-to-date with regulations is also important, and the right POS software can adapt quickly to legal changes.

Choosing the Right CBD POS Software for Your Business

Considerations for different types of retailers (e.g., brick-and-mortar, online, hybrid)

Whether you’re a brick-and-mortar store, an online retailer, or a hybrid, each type has unique needs that should be considered when selecting a POS system.

Questions to ask potential POS software vendors

When selecting a POS software vendor for a CBD business, asking the right questions is important to ensure you get a system that meets your specific needs. Here are some important questions to consider that are specific to the CBD industry:

  1. “How does your POS software help ensure compliance with state and federal regulations specific to the CBD industry?”
  2. “What payment processing solutions are compatible with your POS system, and how do you handle high-risk industries like CBD?”
  3. “Is your POS software customizable to fit the unique needs of a CBD business?”
  4. “Can your POS system handle complex inventory management tasks, such as tracking different CBD product variants and batch numbers?”
  5. “How well can your POS system scale with a growing CBD business?”
  6. “Does your system include age verification tools, which are essential for CBD sales?”

Of course, there are other important questions to consider that are not specific to the CBD industry, like updates, customer support, training and onboarding, hidden costs, hardware requirements, and more. 

Importance of ongoing support and updates

The value of choosing a POS provider that offers continuous support and regular software updates in a rapidly evolving industry is also important. Do not forget to ask:

  1. “How frequently do you update the software? Are updates automatic, and do they come with additional costs?”
  2. “What kind of customer support do you offer? Is it available 24/7, and what are the typical response times?”


In short, CBD POS software helps CBD businesses by ensuring 

  • regulatory compliance,
  • streamlining sales and inventory management,
  • enhancing customer relationship management through purchase tracking and preference analysis,
  • and facilitating e-commerce integration.

This leads to improved operational efficiency, informed decision-making, and adaptability in the dynamic CBD market. Overall, it transforms CBD businesses into more efficient, customer-centric, and compliant operations.

If you haven’t yet, consider investing in a robust POS system as a means of future-proofing your business.

16 minute read

Understanding CBD Liability Insurance: A Guide for Businesses and Consumers

Introduction to CBD Product Liability Insurance

The cannabis industry, particularly Cannabidiol (CBD), has witnessed exponential growth. With this surge comes a unique set of challenges and risks, particularly regarding liability. For businesses operating within this sphere, understanding and securing CBD liability insurance is a key aspect of risk management. 

CBD (Cannabidiol) liability insurance is a specialized form of insurance designed to meet the unique needs of businesses operating in the CBD industry. 

Why It’s Essential for Businesses

CBD liability insurance is essential for businesses in the CBD industry for several key reasons:

Protection Against Legal Claims 

CBD products, being part of the broader cannabis industry, are subject to a variety of legal risks. These can include lawsuits alleging harm or illness from product use. Liability insurance can protect a business from the financial burdens of these claims, covering legal fees, settlements, and court-ordered compensation.

Regulatory Compliance

In many jurisdictions, having liability insurance is a regulatory requirement for businesses dealing with CBD products. This compliance is important for operating legally and avoiding fines or penalties. Insurance policies designed for the CBD industry are tailored to meet these specific regulatory needs.

Financial Security 

The costs associated with legal claims or regulatory non-compliance can be substantial. Without liability insurance, a business may face significant financial hardship, which could threaten its viability. Insurance provides a safety net, ensuring these costs do not directly impact the company’s finances.

Consumer Confidence

Businesses that carry liability insurance are often viewed more favorably by consumers. This insurance signifies that a company is responsible and prepared to address any potential issues related to its products, enhancing consumer trust and credibility in the market.

Market Stability and Growth

As the CBD industry continues to grow and evolve, having a robust framework for managing risks is important. Liability insurance contributes to a more stable and sustainable market environment, encouraging investment and growth within the industry.

Adaptation to a Changing Legal Landscape

The legal landscape for CBD products is constantly evolving. Liability insurance helps businesses navigate these changes by providing coverage that adapts to new regulations and emerging risks.

Product Liability Coverage

This is particularly important in the CBD industry, where products may have unintended side effects or encounter quality control issues. Product liability insurance protects against claims related to the manufacture, distribution, or sale of CBD products.

Types of Coverage

Product Liability Insurance 

This is one of the most critical types of coverage for CBD businesses. It protects against claims of injury or illness caused by CBD products. If a product is found to be defective or causes harm to a consumer, this insurance can cover legal fees, settlements, and any damages awarded.

General Liability Insurance 

This broader coverage is essential for any business. It provides protection against claims of property damage and bodily injuries that might occur on the business premises or as a result of the business operations.

Professional Liability Insurance 

Also known as errors and omissions insurance, this coverage is essential for businesses that offer advice, consultation, or services. In the context of CBD, it could apply to companies providing wellness consultations or personalized CBD treatment plans.

Property Insurance

For CBD businesses with physical locations, such as retail stores or manufacturing facilities, property insurance protects against damage to buildings and contents due to events like fire, theft, or natural disasters.

Product Recall Insurance

Suppose a CBD product needs to be recalled due to safety concerns. In that case, this insurance can help cover the costs associated with the recall process, including logistics, communications, and any refunds or replacements.

Cyber Liability Insurance

As many CBD businesses operate online or store sensitive customer data, cyber liability insurance is becoming increasingly important. This type of insurance protects against data breaches and other cyber-related risks.

Cargo and Transit Insurance

For businesses that transport CBD products, this insurance covers loss or damage to products while in transit, whether by land, sea, or air.

Business Interruption Insurance

In case of unexpected events that disrupt business operations, such as natural disasters or major equipment failure, this insurance helps cover lost income and expenses incurred during the downtime.

Risk Management All CBD Businesses Need

Mitigating Risks in Manufacturing and Distribution

Risk management in the CBD industry involves identifying, assessing, and addressing various risks associated with producing, distributing, and selling CBD products. This is crucial due to the unique legal and regulatory challenges and the industry’s evolving nature. Effective risk management strategies for CBD businesses typically include the following components.

Regulatory Compliance

Staying informed and compliant with local, state, and federal regulations is a fundamental aspect of risk management. This includes understanding the legal status of CBD products, labeling requirements, and any restrictions on marketing and sales.

Quality Control and Product Testing

Implementing strict quality control measures and regular product testing helps ensure CBD products’ safety and consistency. This reduces the risk of defective products and potential liability claims.

Supplier and Distributor Due Diligence

Carefully vetting suppliers and distributors to ensure they adhere to quality and safety standards can mitigate risks associated with the supply chain.

Employee Training and Education

Proper staff training in compliance, safety standards, and customer service reduces the risk of errors and misunderstandings that could lead to legal issues or harm to consumers.

Insurance Coverage

As discussed earlier, obtaining comprehensive insurance coverage is a critical risk management tool. It provides financial protection against various risks, including legal claims, property damage, and business interruptions.

Product Labeling and Marketing Practices

Ensuring that product labels are accurate, comply with regulations, and that marketing practices do not make unverified health claims can mitigate risks associated with consumer misinformation and regulatory violations.

Emergency and Crisis Response Planning

A plan for emergencies, such as product recalls or data breaches, ensures a prompt and coordinated response, minimizing potential damage.

Legal and Financial Advisory

Regular consultation with legal and financial advisors helps businesses stay informed about legal changes and financial risks in the CBD market.

Consumer Education and Engagement

Educating consumers about the proper use and potential benefits of CBD products can build trust and reduce the risk of misuse.

Effective risk management in the CBD industry requires a proactive approach, continuous monitoring, and adaptation to new challenges and regulatory changes. By implementing these strategies, CBD businesses can protect themselves, their customers, and their long-term viability in a rapidly growing and changing industry.

The Role of Insurance in Risk Management 

Beyond financial protection, insurance compels businesses to adhere to industry best practices and regulatory standards, essentially serving as a form of risk management in itself.

Legal and Regulatory Landscape

European Laws for CBD businesses

The CBD market in Europe is a tapestry of varied legal frameworks, with each country having regulations concerning the sale and use of CBD products. This diversity makes understanding the specific insurance requirements in different jurisdictions essential for businesses operating across Europe.

Here are some key aspects.

European Union Regulations

At the EU level, CBD derived from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is legal, provided it contains less than 0.2% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound in cannabis. However, the EU’s stance on CBD as a novel food ingredient has created additional regulatory hurdles. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) requires a novel food application for ingestible CBD products, which includes a comprehensive safety assessment.

Country-Specific Laws

Individual EU member states have their own regulations regarding CBD, leading to a varied legal landscape across Europe:

  • Germany: Germany has a relatively liberal stance on CBD, allowing its sale and consumption as long as THC content is below the legal threshold. CBD is classified as a novel food, meaning ingestible products must comply with novel food regulations.
  • United Kingdom: Although no longer part of the EU, the UK has a significant influence on the European CBD market. CBD products are legal if they contain less than 0.2% THC, and the UK also requires novel food authorization for ingestible CBD products.
  • France: France has recently liberalized its stance on CBD, allowing the sale and use of CBD products derived from the whole hemp plant, provided they contain no THC. The cultivation of hemp for CBD extraction is also permitted.
  • Italy: Italian laws have fluctuated, but as of the latest updates, CBD products are legal, provided they adhere to the THC limits. The Italian government has also attempted to regulate CBD products as a medication, creating a complex legal environment.
  • Netherlands: Known for its liberal drug policies, the Netherlands allows the sale of CBD products with a THC content below 0.2%. However, there are stricter regulations for CBD as a medicine.

Novel Food Regulation

The classification of CBD as a novel food by the EU means that producers must demonstrate that their CBD products are safe for consumption. This involves scientific data and evidence of the product’s use in the EU before May 1997.

Medical vs. Consumer Use

The distinction between CBD for medical use and consumer use is important. Prescription CBD products used for medical purposes are subject to stricter regulations and require authorization from medical authorities in each country.

Ongoing Legal Developments

The legal status of CBD in Europe is evolving, with frequent updates and changes in regulations. Businesses operating in this space must stay informed about the latest developments in each country they operate in.

Import and Export Regulations

The legality of importing and exporting CBD products varies by country, and businesses must navigate these regulations carefully to ensure compliance.

In conclusion, navigating the legal and regulatory landscape of CBD in Europe requires a thorough understanding of both EU-wide regulations and country-specific laws. The industry is subject to ongoing changes, and businesses must remain adaptable and informed to ensure compliance.

Challenges in Obtaining CBD Liability Insurance

Why Insurers Are Cautious

Many insurance companies view the CBD industry as high-risk due to its evolving regulatory landscape, which makes underwriting policies for CBD businesses more complex and uncertain.

Insurers are cautious about providing liability insurance to CBD businesses due to several factors:

Regulatory Ambiguity

The legal status of CBD is complex and varies by region, making it difficult for insurers to navigate the regulatory landscape.

Product Liability Risks

Concerns about the safety and long-term effects of CBD products heighten the risk of liability claims.

Lack of Historical Data

The relatively new CBD market lacks extensive historical data for risk assessment.

Changing Legal Landscape

Frequent changes in laws and regulations around CBD add to the uncertainty and risk for insurers.

Industry Perspectives

The reticence of insurers to engage with CBD businesses highlights a significant gap in the market, but it also presents opportunities for insurers who specialize in this niche.

Understanding High Premium Costs

The premiums for CBD liability insurance tend to be higher due to the perceived risk, the novelty of the industry, and the lack of extensive historical data for insurers to rely on.

Tips for CBD Businesses Seeking Insurance

Finding the Right Provider

For CBD businesses seeking the right insurance provider, consider the following guidelines:

Industry Knowledge

Choose an insurer with a solid understanding of the CBD industry, including its legal and regulatory aspects. If you can, find those that have quotes created specifically for companies operating in the CBD industry.


Look for insurers with experience in providing coverage to similar businesses.

Coverage Options

Evaluate the range of coverages offered and ensure they match your specific business needs.

Reputation and Reliability

Research the insurer’s reputation, financial stability, and claims handling record. Find out if they offer quick and reliable help.


Find providers who offer customizable CBD business insurance and make sure that the coverage is customized to meet your needs.

Ask Questions

Inquire about their experience with CBD businesses, their approach to risk assessment, and how they handle claims in this sector.

Compare Quotes

Get quotes from multiple insurers to compare coverage options and premiums.

Legal Compliance

Ensure the provider understands and adheres to the legal and regulatory framework applicable to CBD products.

The Future of CBD Liability Insurance

Predictions and Trends

The future of CBD liability insurance is expected to be shaped by several key trends:

Adapting to Legislative Changes

As laws and regulations around CBD evolve, insurance policies will need to adapt to these changes, ensuring compliance and relevance.

Market Growth

With the expanding CBD market, demand for insurance will likely increase, leading to more competition and more tailored insurance products.

Risk Understanding

As knowledge about CBD’s risks and benefits grows, insurers will better assess and price these risks, possibly leading to more accurate and fair insurance solutions.

Innovative Solutions

The industry will likely see innovative insurance products designed to meet the unique needs of CBD businesses, including flexible and comprehensive coverage options.

The Move Towards Standardized Policies

As the industry matures, there is potential for the development of more standardized insurance policies, which would benefit both insurers and businesses by providing clearer benchmarks and expectations.


The CBD industry is rapidly evolving, and the legal and regulatory landscape is constantly changing. This presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses operating in this space. 

On the one hand, there is a growing demand for CBD products, and the market is expected to continue to expand in the years to come. On the other hand, businesses must navigate a complex regulatory landscape and manage a wide range of risks.

CBD liability insurance is an essential tool for businesses operating in the CBD industry. It can help to protect companies from a variety of risks, including product liability claims, legal fees, and financial damages.

As the industry matures and more data becomes available, insurers will be better able to assess the risks associated with CBD products and offer more competitive and tailored insurance solutions. In the meantime, businesses can protect themselves by finding a reputable insurance provider and complying with all applicable laws and regulations.

12 minute read

CBD Store licenses: Do You Need a License to Sell CBD?

Introduction to the CBD market and its growing popularity

The popularity of CBD has skyrocketed in recent years. With its numerous health benefits, the CBD market is expanding rapidly. Entrepreneurs worldwide are eager to tap into this market and offer CBD products online. But do you actually need CBD store licenses to operate and sell CBD products?

Addressing the misconception: You don’t need a license to sell CBD products

Contrary to popular belief, offering CBD in the UK and many other EU countries does not require a specific business license. However, it’s crucial for sellers to ensure that their CBD products retail adhere to the legal THC limit and are derived from hemp, not marijuana.

Importance of adhering to local regulations and guidelines

While you might not require a license to sell CBD products, compliance with local regulations is important. Sellers must ensure that the products they offer meet quality standards and are safe for consumption. 

In the UK, for instance, CBD as a novel food is regulated by the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA). Since 2020, you need a Novel Food authorization to offer CBD products. Obtaining this authorization, which involves a comprehensive review of toxicological data, can take over a year and may cost upwards of £50,000.

If you want to sell it as a medicinal product, you need to have approval from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). So, while no specific license is required, ensuring that your products comply with these regulations is needed. 

Overview of CBD’s legal status across the European Union

The European Union is a significant market for CBD products. While recent regulations on novel foods might seem restrictive, they could lead to a more unified and growing CBD market in the EU.

Since the regulation is subject to change, we invite you to follow this page, which is updated yearly with new regulations.

Differences in regulations among EU member states

Countries like Germany and the UK have embraced the CBD business, while others have stricter regulations. It’s essential to understand whether it’s legal to offer CBD products in specific regions.

The EU introduced a revised Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on 1 January 2023. This policy is foundational to the EU, outlining standards for importing specific agricultural products and the benefits farmers can receive, especially for crops like hemp.

CAP now governs hemp imports into the EU, setting the quality standards required. A notable change is the increase in the allowed THC level in imported raw hemp, moving from 0.2% to 0.3%, reverting to pre-1999 levels. Additionally, EU farmers can now access grants for hemp cultivation, provided the THC content remains under 0.3%. This aims to deter the growth of hemp for illegal drug use.

This is an improvement from the past CAP, which restricted benefits to hemp with THC levels below 0.2%. While countries like Italy and the Czech Republic might permit higher THC hemp cultivation, other member states might opt for stricter THC limits.

Potential implications for businesses operating in multiple EU countries

For businesses looking to start selling CBD across multiple EU countries, staying updated with the varying regulations is necessary to ensure compliance. The legal status of cannabidiol-based products varies by individual countries.

The CBD market in Europe significantly relies on the regulatory authorities for its legalization, licensing, and monitoring level.

The Court of Justice of the European Union in November 2020 stated that CBD is not a narcotic substance. This move allows CBD products to be sold freely across the countries of the European Union. However, what’s legal in one country might be illegal in another.

What Else Do You Need to Start Selling CBD products?

CBD Business considerations 

Starting a CBD business goes beyond just having products available.  

In the European Union, hemp is gaining recognition as a pivotal crop, with a growing emphasis on its role in economic and environmental progress. However, the extent to which member states adhere to this judgment remains inconsistent.

While CBD undergoes a transformation within EU regulations, there exists no uniform, EU-wide regulatory framework for medicinal cannabis at present. As the region grapples with evolving attitudes and policies, staying informed about this complex regulatory terrain is important.

Quality suppliers and third-party lab testing

Ensuring product quality is important. Collaborating with reputable suppliers and investing in third-party lab testing can help businesses guarantee the purity and safety of their products. You can find a list of Europe’s top CBD suppliers and manufacturers here.

Here are some  key factors to consider when selecting a reputable CBD supplier

  • Qualifications: Check the supplier’s qualifications. This includes their licensing and compliance with regulations.
  • Product Range: Consider the type of products they offer. Some suppliers may specialize in certain types of CBD products.
  • Hemp Source: Find out how they source their hemp. The quality of hemp can greatly affect the quality of the CBD product.
  • Certificate of Analysis (CoA): Reputable CBD companies provide batch-specific lab results, which you can usually find on the company’s website. If the product you’re buying doesn’t come with a CoA, it is not reputable.
  • Third-Party Lab Results: They should offer third-party lab results. This ensures that the product has been tested for safety and efficacy by an independent laboratory.
  • Testing for Contaminants: The products should be tested for contaminants, pesticides, and heavy metals. This ensures that you’re getting a safe product.
  • Customer Service: Ask about their customer service – how responsive are they to questions, complaints, or feedback?
  • Online Presence: Pay attention to your preferred supplier’s online presence. A strong online presence can be a good indicator of a reputable supplier.

Developing an effective marketing strategy

Given the competitive nature of the CBD market, a strong marketing strategy is essential.

Finding the right payment processor

Some payment processors do not work with CBD businesses due to the industry’s association with cannabis. Therefore, finding a payment processor that accepts CBD businesses is important.

Ensuring product safety

All CBD products sold must be safe for consumption and meet all relevant safety standards.

Insurance in the CBD Industry

Given the evolving nature of the CBD market, having business insurance can protect sellers from potential legal disputes.

Insurance for the cannabis industry in Europe is still a developing topic. Here’s a breakdown:

Health Insurance

The main debate is whether health insurance should cover cannabis. Germany tried to offer national coverage, but Dutch insurers stopped covering it.

Business Insurance

It’s progressing slowly. The focus is on the construction of cannabis facilities and the products they produce. Big players like Munich Re were hesitant to join the conversation in Europe as of 2018.  

There are some private insurance companies that cover the Hemp Industry. Some of them even specialize in the field.

Building Insurance

This area, which covers places of business and employee spaces, hasn’t been addressed yet.

Physical store vs. online store considerations.

While a physical store offers the advantage of face-to-face customer interaction, an online store provides a broader reach. Sellers must weigh the pros and cons of each to determine the best fit for their business model.

Do you need custom private or white-label products for your CBD business?

What is private labeling vs. white labeling

White Label CBD Products

  • White labeling allows businesses to purchase pre-made products from a manufacturer and sell them under their brand name.
  • The manufacturer produces a generic product, which is then labeled by the purchasing company.
  • This method is cost-effective and allows businesses to quickly launch a product without the need for extensive research and development.

Private Label CBD Products:

  • Private labeling involves a closer partnership between the manufacturer and the business.
  • The business provides specific requirements, formulations, or ingredients they want in the product.
  • This method offers more control over the product’s quality, ingredients, and overall branding.

Key Differences


Private label offers more customization options compared to white label.

Time to Market

White-label products can be launched faster as they are pre-made, while private-label products may require more time for development.


White labeling is generally more cost-effective, but private labeling offers more control over the product.

Which is Better?

The choice between white label and private label depends on the business’s goals, budget, and desired level of control over the product.

Best selling products

Overview of popular CBD products in the market

The market is diverse, with products ranging from oils and tinctures to edibles and topicals.

Oils and tinctures

CBD oils are among the most popular products, known for their versatility and ease of use. They are typically made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and then diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil. The main advantage of CBD oils is that they can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) for faster absorption or added to food and drinks. They come in various concentrations, allowing users to tailor their dosage according to their needs.

Edibles like gummies

CBD-infused gummies offer a tasty and discreet way to consume CBD, making them a favorite among many consumers. They provide a pre-measured dose of CBD in a chewable form, which can be particularly appealing to those who dislike the taste of CBD oil. Gummies can come in a variety of flavors, shapes, and potencies. They are also portable, making them convenient for on-the-go consumption.

Topicals and creams

Ideal for localized relief, CBD topicals and creams are perfect for addressing pain, inflammation, and skin issues. They are applied directly to the skin, allowing for targeted relief. The skin absorbs the CBD, which then interacts with nearby cannabinoid receptors. This makes topicals an excellent choice for conditions like arthritis, muscle pain, and skin conditions like eczema.

Pet products

The benefits of CBD aren’t just limited to humans. Products for pets, especially oils and treats, have seen a surge in popularity. Pet owners have reported that CBD can help with issues like anxiety, pain, and seizures in pets. It’s essential to choose products specifically formulated for pets and to consult with a veterinarian before administering CBD to animals.

Marketing CBD Products

Introduction to the unique challenges of marketing CBD.

The CBD industry, despite its rapid growth, faces a unique set of challenges when it comes to marketing. The primary challenge stems from the regulatory landscape that varies by region and country. In many places, the promotion of CBD products is heavily restricted, limiting the avenues through which businesses can advertise. Additionally, misconceptions surrounding CBD, often confusing it with THC (the psychoactive compound in cannabis), can make consumers wary.

Effective marketing strategies tailored for the CBD industry

Content Marketing

One of the most effective ways to market CBD is through content marketing. This involves creating informative articles, blogs, and videos that educate the audience about the benefits of CBD, its uses, and its differences from other cannabis compounds. By offering valuable content, businesses can position themselves as industry experts and attract organic traffic to their websites.

Influencer Partnerships

Collaborating with influencers, especially those in the health and wellness sector, can help brands reach a broader audience. Influencers can provide authentic reviews and testimonials, helping to demystify CBD products and their benefits.

Affiliate Marketing

This strategy involves partnering with individuals or businesses to promote CBD products. In return, these affiliates earn a commission for every sale made through their referral. It’s a win-win situation, as businesses increase their sales and reach while affiliates earn for their promotional efforts.

Importance of transparency and building customer trust

In an industry riddled with skepticism, building customer trust is essential. Consumers are often concerned about CBD products’ purity, quality, and efficacy. To address these concerns, you should do the following.

Provide Lab Test Results

Offering third-party lab test results can assure customers of the product’s quality and purity. These tests can confirm the CBD concentration and ensure that the product is free from harmful contaminants.

Educational Resources

Providing resources that educate consumers about CBD, its benefits, and its safety can help dispel myths and misconceptions. This could be in the form of blog posts, FAQs, webinars, or e-books.

Customer Testimonials

Sharing testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers can offer social proof, further building trust.

Clear Labeling

Product labels should clearly indicate the amount of CBD, list all ingredients, and provide usage instructions. This transparency ensures that customers know exactly what they are consuming.

While marketing CBD products presents its unique challenges, businesses can effectively reach their target audience and build lasting trust with the right strategies and a focus on transparency.

How to Offer CBD in an Online Store

Advantages of offering CBD online.

In today’s digital era, selling products online has become the norm rather than the exception. Here are some advantages of offering CBD online:

Global Reach

Unlike brick-and-mortar stores that are limited by their geographical location, online stores can reach customers worldwide.

24/7 Accessibility

Online stores are always open, allowing customers to shop at their convenience, be it day or night.

Reduced Overheads

Without the need for physical storefronts, businesses can save on rent, utilities, and in-store staff, translating to potentially higher profit margins.

Data Collection

Online platforms allow businesses to gather data on customer preferences, buying habits, and feedback, enabling them to tailor their offerings and marketing strategies more effectively.

Setting up an online store – start selling CBD online

Website Design

A well-designed website is important. It should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and mobile-responsive. High-quality images, clear product descriptions, and an intuitive checkout process can enhance the user experience.

Payment Gateways

Security is also very important when dealing with online transactions. Integrating trusted payment gateways that offer encrypted transactions will assure customers of their financial safety.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

To increase visibility, businesses should optimize their website content for search engines. This includes using relevant keywords, creating quality content, and ensuring fast website loading speeds.

Navigating online advertising restrictions on platforms like Facebook and Google

Promoting CBD products can be tricky due to advertising restrictions on major platforms. Here’s how businesses can navigate these challenges:

Stay Updated

Rules and regulations can change. It’s essential to stay updated with the advertising policies of platforms to avoid violations.

Content Marketing

Instead of direct advertising, businesses can focus on creating educational and informative content about CBD, its benefits, and its uses.

Influencer Partnerships

Collaborating with social media influencers can be an effective way to promote products without directly advertising them.

Alternative Platforms

Consider advertising on platforms that are more CBD-friendly or industry-specific forums and websites.

Importance of customer reviews and testimonials

Building Trust

Positive reviews can instill confidence in potential customers, assuring them of the product’s quality and efficacy.

Feedback Loop

Reviews provide valuable feedback, helping businesses improve their products and services.

SEO Benefits

User-generated content, like reviews, can improve search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic to the website.

Social Proof

Testimonials and reviews act as endorsements, influencing undecided customers and nudging them toward making a purchase.


The CBD industry presents a world of opportunities, especially within the European Union. As the market continues to evolve, staying informed and compliant with regulations is important. 

While the path to establishing a successful CBD business may seem complex, the rewards, both financially and in terms of contributing to the well-being of consumers, are significant. 

Businesses can navigate the challenges and thrive in this burgeoning industry by focusing on quality, transparency, and customer trust. As always, continuous learning and adaptation are key to ensuring that businesses meet and exceed the expectations of their customers.

6 minute read

The Growing Demand for CBD as a Sleep Aid: Understanding Insomnia, Sleep Issues, and Potential Benefits of CBD Oil

Sleep is a fundamental human need. Losing just one or two hours of sleep per night can have the same impact on motor and cognitive functions as going without sleep for a full day or two. Experts in sleep medicine have long emphasized that developing good sleeping habits can help maintain our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

62% of people worldwide don't get enough quality sleep

Sleep problems are common around the world. According to the World Economic Forum, 62% of adults worldwide feel they don’t sleep well, with 70% of Americans not getting the right amount of sleep and millions of people worldwide dealing with disorders that affect sleep and impact their health and daily life.

As the demand for effective sleep solutions grows, CBD emerges as a potential aid. But what is driving this demand, and how exactly can CBD help?

Understanding Sleep Disorders

Common sleep disorders include insomnia, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea. These issues can lead to fatigue, mood disturbances, and severe health complications. Poor sleep has many causes, including lifestyle, stress, and medical conditions.

Environmental factors like screen time, caffeine intake, and irregular sleep schedules also play a significant role. Genetics, age, and hormonal changes can further influence sleep patterns.


Insomnia is defined by persistent difficulty falling and staying asleep or waking up too early, often resulting in fatigue during the day and poor concentration. Its causes can range from stress, anxiety, and depression to medical conditions, medications, and poor sleep habits. 

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome, or RLS, is a neurological disorder. It causes an uncomfortable urge to move the legs, especially during periods of inactivity or when lying down. It often interferes with sleep. The sensations, described as tingling, crawling, or throbbing, can be temporarily relieved by moving or stretching the legs.


Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder where the brain struggles to regulate sleep-wake cycles leading to sudden bouts of sleep during the day, regardless of the environment. Common symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy (a sudden loss of muscle tone), sleep paralysis, and vivid hallucinations during sleep onset or awakening. 

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep, often resulting in loud snoring, restless sleep, and excessive daytime fatigue. These pauses in breathing, called apneas, can last from a few seconds to minutes and may occur 30 or more times an hour.

The Impact on Health and Well-being

A lack of quality sleep doesn’t just lead to grogginess. It’s linked to various health issues, from weakened immunity and weight gain to heart disease and diabetes. Sleep deprivation can impair cognitive functions, reducing concentration, memory problems and mood swings.

Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. It can also exacerbate chronic conditions like hypertension and weaken the body’s ability to heal and repair.

The Rising Demand for Natural Sleep Solutions

Given the profound impact of a good night’s sleep, it’s no surprise that there’s a growing demand for practical solutions. People seek remedies, from lifestyle changes and therapy to medications and natural supplements. Among the most popular natural sleep aids are CBD, melatonin, and valerian root.

CBD market

CBD (Cannabidiol)

Derived from the hemp plant, CBD has garnered significant attention in recent years for its potential therapeutic benefits. Unlike THC, another compound found in cannabis, CBD doesn’t produce a “high.” Instead, it’s believed to have calming and anti-anxiety effects. For sleep, CBD might help by addressing some of the root issues that cause sleeplessness.


Melatonin is the body’s natural sleep hormone, responsible for signaling our bodies that it’s time to wind down and rest. As a supplement, melatonin is commonly used to treat insomnia and regulate sleep patterns, especially for those dealing with jet lag or shift work.

Valerian Root

Valerian root has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy for various ailments, including sleep disorders. Its soothing properties can help calm the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep. 

CBD Oil as a Practically Applicable Solution and Business Opportunity

In the rapidly evolving health and wellness world, CBD (Cannabidiol) has emerged as a front-runner in offering potential therapeutic benefits for various ailments, including sleep disturbances. 

Its practical applicability in diverse forms, such as oils, tinctures, edibles, and topicals, has made it an attractive solution for consumers seeking natural remedies. This versatility, combined with growing consumer awareness and acceptance, has opened up many business opportunities in the CBD sector.

How CBD Can Help with Sleep in Practice

  • Relaxation: CBD may help reduce stress, a common culprit behind sleep issues. Many studies have found CBD to be a potential treatment for anxiety disorders.
  • Reduced Pain and Discomfort: CBD has analgesic (pain-relieving) properties, which can help you sleep by reducing pain and discomfort that may keep you awake.
  • Management of Insomnia: Studies suggest that CBD may be beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of insomnia and improving sleep quality. 
  • Regulated Sleep-Wake Cycle: CBD may help regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycle, also known as the circadian rhythm, promoting better overall sleep patterns.
  • Minimizing symptoms: CBD has been found to reduce symptoms of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome.
  • Extended Sleep: Some studies suggest CBD can increase total sleep time, helping those who wake up frequently during the night.
  • REM Sleep: CBD might influence REM sleep, the deep sleep phase associated with dreaming, which plays a role in mood and memory.

Scientific Backing

In a 2019 study titled “Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series,” the team aimed to determine if CBD improves sleep and/or anxiety in a clinical setting. 

Out of the final sample of 72 adults, anxiety scores decreased within the first month in 57 patients (79.2%) and remained reduced throughout the study. Sleep scores improved in the first month for 48 patients (66.7%) but fluctuated over time. CBD was well-tolerated by all but three patients. The study concluded that CBD may benefit those with anxiety-related disorders. However, controlled clinical studies are needed.

The Market for CBD as a Sleep Aid


The market for CBD as a sleep aid is growing rapidly, with more people becoming aware of its benefits for sleep. In 2020, Europe’s Cannabidiol Market size exceeded USD 1.9 billion, and experts estimate it will experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 33.5% between 2021 and 2027. 


According to a recent report by Contrive Datum Insights Pvt. Ltd, the global CBD oil market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 38.90% and reach a staggering USD 136.64 billion by 2030. This is a significant increase from the estimated value of USD 9.3 billion in 2020.

This growth is fueled by the global acceptance and changing regulations around cannabis products and the increasing demand for natural sleep aids without the psychoactive effects of THC.

Will CBD Help You Sleep?

Sleep disturbances are a pressing concern, impacting countless individuals globally. CBD stands out for its potential benefits in the ongoing quest for viable solutions. 

Initial studies have demonstrated that CBD may be a valuable supplement for enhancing sleep duration.

However, it’s essential to consult with healthcare professionals and ensure any CBD product is high quality and free from contaminants.

Our Mission

Essentia Pura prides itself on producing high-quality CBD products. But we want more than that. We believe in CBD as a practically applicable real-life solution. In plain terms, we want to develop practical solutions for people seeking aid for their problems. And we will continue to do so in the future.

9 minute read

Analysis of the CBD Oil Market [2023 update]

The story of CBD is unique. Its rise will serve as an example of how for a quick global spread, you don’t need huge marketing backed up by big multinational companies. Thanks to the internet, which forever changed the world of commerce, the word of mouth can reach the other side of the planet instantly. And it’s the good word that made it possible for CBD to spread around the globe like wildfire. 

Cannabis, which is the most widely used illicit drug, earns its fame mostly due to the psychotropic substance THC. But who could have predicted 10 years ago that CBD, the non psychoactive cousin of THC, would shoot the value of hemp to the moon?

Like smartphones slowly became a necessity in our daily lives, CBD slowly became everyone’s treat-all solution for a myriad of ailments.

In this article, we will explore how CBD jumped out of the shadow of THC and created a billion-dollar industry, we will also take a look at what the experts say about the future of CBD oil market..

CBD Oil Market Size

With the legalization of industrial cannabis (hemp) in the European Union, its cultivation was meant for industrial needs. It was grown mostly for seed and fiber, viewed by farmers like any other crop. But since the CBD regulations allowed the hemp flower, rich in cannabidiol, to be harvested, the tides have turned.

Image result for eiha hemp cultivation
Source: https://eiha.org/

As we can see in the graph above, in Europe, hemp cultivation is exponentially increasing because of the soaring demand for CBD. In which markets is this reflected?

Market Analysis And Insights

The most valuable hemp derivative remains CBD oil. 

Europe produces 1/4th of the world’s hemp, and it is also the biggest consumer of CBD products. The major upswing in hemp production shows the old continent is trying to cope with demand.

And the market for cannabinoids is just opening its doors. With minor cannabinoids like CBG, CBD, CBN, CBC.. on the rise, the popularity of hemp extracts has just begun. 

Competitive Development And Competitive Landscape:

As we have seen, the hemp cultivation and processing are widely accepted in the European Union, as it can be considered part of the European heritage. 

With the rise of CBD, the production of hemp skyrocketed, as everyone tried to meet the new found demand. 

This can be attributed to the fact that CBD spread naturally, and simultaneously, through various companies and brands aiming for the same goal. To spread something amazing that was previously unknown to most, while still making a remarkable revenue.

Wholesale CBD Products We’ve got you covered.

Our premium CBD oil full spectrum drops are made to be pure and highly profitable.


Key Factors Driving The CBD Oil Market:

In a free market, competition is key. Only competition can drive healthy market growth. At first glance, CBD looks like a bear market. But, when we analyze it from a different perspective, it shows unique development potential. 

Parallels may be drawn with the boom of cryptocurrencies, when something that everybody wants suddenly popped out of nowhere. Although with CBD we are not shooting for big profits in money, we are trying to profit in the wellbeing of the population!

Source: https://ww.newfrontierdata.com/europe

Challenges And Barriers That Impact The Development And Sizing Of The CBD Oil Market

But it is not all roses in the CBD oil business.

While the competition is widely welcomed in an open market, the CBD market still possesses many flaws. With the lack of CBD regulations, the industry can do whatever it wants. Many CBD companies are taking advantage of this situation, and the consequences fall on the CBD consumer. Mislabeled, untested, and overpriced products are the biggest plague of the CBD market. Such practices of which the only goal is a quick buck, are putting a bad image on the entire CBD industry. 

Nn the other hand, too much regulation or straight out prohibition on CBD products is applied in some countries, which do not allow aspiring entrepreneurs to reap the benefits of the CBD demand, nor do they allow the general public to legally enjoy the many benefits of the CBD oil, which leads to consumers turning to the gray and black market for CBD.

CBD consumers are again the victim, but this time they are exploited by the gray and black market.

With the supply of demand already being established in the market, the lack of reasonable laws and regulations is the biggest barrier to the CBD market growth, as companies and investors with major capital available are reluctant to enter the business, which is either tainted by charlatans or in which they risk legal trouble.

Image result for cbd spending in europe
Source: https://ww.newfrontierdata.com

Market Opportunities And Threats

The CBD market is a challenging one! In a way, it can be said that there are high-risks and high rewards. Nobody can really predict how CBD regulations are going to be applied in the future. But as CBD is already widely accepted by the general public, something good like this cannot be simply taken away!

There are still plenty of open questions regarding CBD regulation in Europe, however things seem to be moving in the right direction, with the EU authorities recognizing the extraordinary benefits of CBD.

CBD Industry Growth

The growth of CBD market so far has been exceptional. The European CBD market is expected to reach €2.6 billion by 2026, which is an extraordinary number.

Even though the legal regulation is still not always clear, we are seeing good signs in the industry. For example, more and more companies are embracing strict standards of production and quality control testing, similar to those in the pharmaceutical industry. The recent changes to the EU agricultural policy also mean that the European producers will have access to a wider variety of hemp to produce their CBD oil from, which means that the variety and quality of products is set to increase.

Image result for Europes cbd market
Source: https://www.newfrontierdata.com

Especially when considering the pharmaceutical industry taking foot in the market, billions become pennies. The takeover of GW Pharma, which was acquired by the Irish company Jazz Pharmaceuticals for$ in the second quarter of 2021, shows the real economic potential of CBD and cannabis.

Lorenza Romanese, the managing director of the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA), predicts that the question of THC limits in EU food has a high chance to be solved soon. However the novel food saga has still not been resolved – there are however numerous pending applications in the, EU, UK and Switzerland, with numerous stakeholders involved in the process. We at Essentia Pura are certain that tThe UK CBD market forecast is a tough one! With the Brexit drama final over, the UK is now free to make its own regulations. The CBD market in the UK is growing through a difficult transition, the novel food authorization is still not over and the major pharmaceutical and cosmetics players are so far staying out of the market. 

If you are considering entering the UK CBD oil market, this might be the perfect opportunity to start – the market is still not consolidated, so this means that new companies can differentiate themselves and gain an advantage in 2023!he novel food decision will benefit the consumers in the EU.

With the novel food process for CBD passed, the real breakthrough of CBD and hemp is yet to be seen!

Essentia Pura’s Analysis of the EU CBD Oil Market

Another recent victory for EIHA and the European CBD industry shows that CBD is moving in the right direction – this is the liberalization of regulation in the CBD cosmetics market. CBD was recognised as safe for adding to cosmetics, and thus increasing the requirement for organic CBD oil. This decision has definitely provided a much-needed impetus to the CBD cosmetic industry. 

CBD Oil Industry Trends

The CBD industry is fast and ever-changing. It is not exactly a survival of the fittest game, but adaptability and anticipation are obviously very important. 

The data on CBD consumer demographics are important when we try to predict future CBD trends. As we can see in the chart below, there is not much disparity in age groups when it comes to CBD consumption. On the other hand, this means the CBD market can cater to everyone, no matter their age!

Source: https://www.newfrontierdata.com
CBD by gender
Source: https://www.newfrontierdata.com

Even gender-wise, CBD usage does not vary much. But it makes sense to evaluate how we are going to position our brand and product, taking gender into account. CBD cosmetics will definitely benefit more from a female audience. And target products like CBD vape to male audiences. The CBD vape industry has seen an increase after the good outcome of KanaVape ruling in November last year, which was seen as a big victory by the sector. Be sure to also give a check about the current legal status of CBD in various countries of the European Union on our blog.

Check the chart below to find out more about the trends in CBD vaping:

Source: https://www.cbd-intel.com

CBD pet products are becoming more popular every year. Especially with CBD for dogs, a market has formed on its own. With a projected 40% annual increase for the next years, see what kind of CBD pet products are trending right now on the chart below.

Source: https://www.cbd-intel.com

Essentia Pura’s Analysis of the UK CBD Oil Market

The UK CBD market forecast is a tough one! With the Brexit drama final over, the UK is now free to make its own regulations. The CBD market in the UK is growing through a difficult transition, the novel food authorization is still not over and the major pharmaceutical and cosmetics players are so far staying out of the market. 

If you are considering entering the UK CBD oil market, this might be the perfect opportunity to start – the market is still not consolidated, so this means that new companies can differentiate themselves and gain an advantage in 2023!

Source: https://www.cbd-intel.com

CBD Insider’s Analysis Of The US CBD Oil Market

The in-depth review of consumer trends in the US shows the demands of American CBD users. The US is till without any doubt the biggest CBD market in the world and it is expected to remain so in the foreseeable future. 

The market is fueled by scientific discoveries and by ever increasing awareness about the therapeutic and medicinal benefits of cannabidiol (CBD). The market is set to further grow and reach 6.77 billion in 2032. The EU has a lot of catching up to do, if it wants to keep pace with its US counterparts!

Opportunities For CBD Businesses In 2023

Hemp is on the rise, there is no doubt about that. Food, beverage, textile, automotive, pharmaceutical industries, and others are eyeing this forgotten plant with unique potential. 

Everywhere around the world, entrepreneurs are trying to catch the buzz and get ahead of global competition. Governments are trying to establish a legal framework to ensure the safety of CBD products, while also trying to maximize the revenue from taxation of CBD products. 

At the end of the day, it’s still like every other market, where supply and demand dictate the tides of the economy. It is just that the fresh and unique CBD market has its own quirks. Being a new industry, it’s not about the companies being greedy and pushy. It is just about exploring the demands of everyday CBD users that have not formed yet.

There is no blueprint on where, when, and how to position your new or existing CBD business in 2023 and in the future. What we know for sure, is that there are plenty of opportunities and a lot of room to grow. And we also believe that in the long run, quality and transparency will win the customer’s favor.

CBD Vaping: Our Comprehensive Guide

The number of young adults vaping is increasing each year. It is relatively safer than tobacco smoking, and thus it has a much wider social acceptability and off-take.

Vaping is also enjoyable and in vogue among young adults. They may use regular CBD-infused fluids or single-use vapes that come in many flavours and different strengths, like Geek bars

Many people find it a good way to reduce stress and enjoy some moments. Thus, many manufacturers have started exploring vaping as a way of drug delivery. For example, CBD vaping has some distinct benefits over CBD oil use or gummies. It means quick action and high bioavailability; for many, it also means ease of use.

CBD Vaping: Is It Safe?

Vaping is quite safe, but not entirely. Initially, producers introduced vaping as a highly safe way to fulfil one’s urge for nicotine and give up smoking. Although this still holds true, as it is much safer than tobacco smoking, unlike tobacco, it does not contain hundreds of harmful chemicals. Even if it contains nicotine, it is not as harmful, and in many cases, it may help give up tobacco smoking.

However, vaping is now a kind of hobby, and vaping liquids do not essentially need to contain nicotine. It means that there are nicotine-free vaping fluids, too. 

Regretfully, as millions of young adults started vaping, reports of severe lung damage also started emerging. It seems that some individuals are sensitive to vaping liquids, and this causes severe lung disease in them. However, such kind of issues is rare. Thus, if you have been vaping for a long time and feel well, chances are slim that it would cause any side effects.

The safety of vaping fluids significantly depends on their content. Thus, some vaping fluids are safer than others. In addition, it appears that some people cannot tolerate the oil-based of vaping juices.

Additionally, studies show that one of the main culprits is vitamin E. Vitamin E is safe when ingested but harmful to the lungs when inhaled. Additionally, some additives like aromas, formaldehyde, and other chemicals that manufacturers use to enhance products’ flavour and stability may also cause side effects.

In short, vaping is quite safe. It is much safer than tobacco smoking. However, it isn’t completely free of side effects. Ultimately, the safety of any vaping liquid depends on its components. Hence, it is vital that producers of CBD vape fluids must know more about the safety of various ingredients added to these fluids.

What Is CBD Vaping? 

Vaping is a pretty simple thing. It is a device with a heating coil. This heating device produces inhalable vapours from the fluid. Thus, CBD vaping means inhaling CBD fluids using vaping devices or pens.

Because vapours quickly reach the lungs on vaping, CBD vaping has excellent bioavailability. In addition, almost all of the inhaled CBD reaches blood circulation almost instantly.

Of course, CBD vaping fluids may contain other chemicals to enhance their flavour. Hence, when vaping, one should also pay attention to what else has been added to any vaping liquid. Though CBD is quite good for health, however, other additives may not be.

What Does Vaping CBD Do?

Vaping CBD would do what cannabidiol or CBD is meant to do. It would provide a quick relaxing effect, improve mood, and have mild pain-reducing action. It would have all the benefits of CBD oil. Moreover, due to its excellent bioavailability, it would have more predictable effects.

Although vaping CBD results in faster action, its effect may not last as long as CBD oil. This is something that one must keep in mind when vaping CBD.

Vaping could be good for those who do not need a very high dose of CBD. Since most vaping fluids contain CBD in lower concentrations when compared to oral forms. However, a higher concentration of CBD in vaping juices is not needed in most cases due to its excellent bioavailability.

Of course, you do not essentially need to vape CBD to manage health conditions. One can also use it to relax, enjoy, and improve mood. It may also help prevent some health issues. 

Does It Get You High?

Let’s answer this most commonly asked question concisely & precisely, “no”.

It is one of the most commonly asked questions or worries. However, it is vital to understand that CBD does not cause high. This is not marijuana. 

Most vaping fluids contain CBD isolate. It means that they contain CBD in its purest form and are free from not only THC, a compound that causes high, but these vaping fluids are also free from other phytocompounds in the cannabis plant. Of course, they might contain other phytocompounds, but only in traces, which have little importance, if any.

Of course, there might be CBD vaping liquids using full-spectrum extract. In such cases, there would be THC in minute amounts. However, this amount is just too small to cause high, though it may contribute to its greater relaxing effects.

What are the Benefits of Vaping CBD?

It is vital to understand that vaping CBD would have all the health benefits characteristic of CBD oil

The main difference here is an immediate effect and relatively short-lasting impact, which makes vaping CBD a better choice in some instances. Additionally, unlike CBD oil, one may vape casually or for fun. Hence, CBD vaping may be better for certain less severe health conditions.

Good for stress relief

It is perhaps the most significant benefit of vaping CBD. It would help relieve stress quickly and help improve mood. Most people love vaping when under stress. Taking timely measures like vaping CBD may also help prevent acute stress from turning into chronic stress. Hence, it may also have some long-term health benefits. 


Vaping is an excellent way to reduce anxiety, and CBD will have some added benefits for some people. It has a mild relaxing effect, reduces anxiety, and stabilizes mood. 

Pain relief

Of course, do not expect vaping CBD to help overcome severe pains. However, it may have some additive pain-relieving effects when used along with medications. It is especially good for those living with chronic pains.

Reducing the risk of seizures

In recent years, much attention has been given to CBD’s role in preventing seizures. There are even some medications containing CBD for treating resistant cases of seizures. Thus, there is a strong reason to believe that vaping CBD may help prevent epileptic seizures, especially when used along with other medications.


CBD reduces inflammation and thus lowers the risk of chronic ailments. It means that regular CBD vaping may also help reduce inflammation.

How Much Should I Vape?

It is a complex question due to massive individual differences. For example, some people are more sensitive to CBD than others. Thus, for some few puffs, a couple of times a day would be sufficient, while others would require far more CBD to experience its benefits. Moreover, lots would depend on the CBD’s concentration in any product.

Fortunately, most CBD juices contain low CBD concentration, as they are not for treating some severe ailment but rather for relaxing and having a good time. Thus, most would be safe to use frequently. After all, one does not need to have some illness to vape CBD.

As a Beginner:

Suppose you are getting just getting started with vaping. In that case, it is always better to use CBD vaping juices with a low concentration of CBD, THC-free, something made using CBD isolate, and one that contains a minimum number of ingredients. This will ensure a pleasant experience while minimizing the risk of any side effects.  

Keep in mind that vaping CBD is safe, and side effects occur mainly due to other ingredients and oils, aromas, and so on. Hence, fewer are the ingredients; the safer product is for beginners. Moreover, if you have some reaction to a specific vaping juice, you are more likely to understand the reason or identify an ingredient that your body cannot tolerate. 

And, of course, remember that the maximum daily dose of CBD is 75 mg. However, it is pretty unlikely that anyone can exceed dosage when vaping. 

For example, vaping juices by Koi Hemp come in 250 mg, 500 mg, and 1000 mg strength, and there are 30 ml of juice in each bottle or pack. So, it means that even if you buy 500 mg CBD juice, it would have 16.7 mg/ml. Generally, one ml lasts for about 300 puffs. So, as one can see, exceeding the dosage through vaping is not likely unless you vape continually for hours.

As an Experienced Vaper:

If you are an experienced vaper, then perhaps there is less to worry about as you know that your body can tolerate vaping juices quite well, and there is not much risk. In such cases, you can try vaping juices with higher CBD concentration for stronger relaxing and antianxiety effects. 

Additionally, experienced users can also try full-spectrum CBD vaping juices as they contain terpenes and even THC in permitted amounts (0.3% in the US or 0.2% in the EU). This might provide some additional benefits, like a greater relaxing effect. And such juices may be better for controlling pain and seizures.


So, if you like vaping, using CBD-enriched juices could be a good way for you to enjoy all the health benefits of cannabidiol. However, if you do not vape, we recommend avoiding it, as CBD oils or gummies are healthier options. With that said, vaping CBD still has some unique benefits, like faster action and high bioavailability, making it a good choice for overcoming stress and anxiety. If you want to learn more about vape pens, we have written a detailed article about them.

CBD vs THC: What’s The Difference?

Humans have used cannabis for thousands of years. In countries like India, people have used cannabis not only for its health benefits but even in religious ceremonies. For example, cannabis-infused drinks are traditionally served at some festivals.

Similarly, Europe has used cannabis for various purposes. It grew hemp widely for its fibre. Its cannabis plant or hemp fibre made sailing possible, as early sails were of textile created using hemp fibre.

Similarly, people in various cultures widely consumed cold-pressed hemp seed oil.

However, things suddenly changed in the late 19th century and early 20th century, when different countries introduced a complete ban on cannabis use. For 80-90 years, cannabis was grown only in small amounts, and its cultivation required a special licence. As a result, people stopped using cannabis for good health. Although, illegal cannabis use continued to flourish.

Researchers now understand that banning all kinds of cannabis products or use was one of the biggest mistakes. Science knows that cannabis has some incredible health benefits. Studies show that most health benefits of the cannabis plant are due to cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids.

It is now evident that most of the ill effects of cannabis were associated with the use of high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabis strains. THC is the substance or organic compound in cannabis that causes a high. Thus, if people use cannabis extract responsibly, its benefits outnumber health risks.


What’s The Difference Between THC and CBD?

The cannabis plant contains more than 500 known phytocompounds; out of them, more than 100 are cannabinoids. Additionally, it has more than 100 terpenes and many other beneficial phytocompounds.

Studies of various phytocompounds identified in the cannabis plant show that almost all are highly beneficial for health. In addition, they might help manage a range of health conditions.

It is amazing to note that some of the cannabinoids in the plant may even have the opposite effect. However, researchers think they have only discovered the tip of the iceberg, and there is still much to learn about the plant.

THC and CBD are the two most discussed cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. They do share some traits; however, they are pretty different.

Studies show that cannabis causes euphoria or a high due to its content of THC. It is the substance that stimulates the part of the brain known to generate pleasure. In addition, it stimulates the reward pathway and strengthens the memories related to various pleasures. Hence, it not only alters mental alertness but is also highly addictive, too.

CBD is the most abundant cannabinoid in the plant. Fortunately, it is also one of the most studied of all cannabinoids. Most health benefits of cannabis or hemp plant are associated with CBD.

Since CBD is responsible for most health benefits, it is common to isolate this compound for health benefits. That is why people use CBD oil, gummies, tinctures, capsules, topicals, and edibles for health benefits.

What Is THC?

THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the primary psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant, causing high. It is addictive, and its prolonged use may cause more harm than good.

Here it is vital to understand that THC is also a cannabinoid and may benefit health in minute dosages. Thus, regulations allow CBD products with 0.2% THC.

However, at higher dosages, it would cause more harm than good. At higher dosages, it is more like any other street drug that is addictive, harmful to health, reduces mental alertness, increases the risk of violence, motor accidents, and so on.

What Is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol is a highly beneficial compound. Most of the health benefits of cannabis or hemp are due to its content of CBD. It is mildly psychoactive, as it helps relax and reduce anxiety and pain sensations. However, it does not alter mental alertness at usual dosages. Thus, it is even safe to dry or operate machinery after using CBD.

Health experts are still discovering its health benefits. For example, in recent years, there has been much focus on its ability to reduce epileptic seizures, reduce spasticity in neurodegenerative disorders, and more.

It is suitable for metabolic health, as it can modulate appetite, reduce inflammation, alter immune responses, and more.

What’s The Difference Between CBD and THC?

The main difference between the two is in their psychoactive properties. CBD has a mild relaxing effect on the brain, even at high dosages. However, THC can cause high or euphoria, completely alter mental alertness, and influence body movements or motor function.

It means that at high dosages, THC is quite different from CBD. Although, in minute dosages, it may have health benefits similar to CBD.

Therefore, in the EU, any CBD products must not contain more than 0.2% THC, whereas, in the US, this upper limit is 0.3%.

Additionally, it is worth understanding that THC ingestion would result in a positive drug test. However, ingesting CBD isolate would not result in a positive drug test.

Does CBD Oil Need THC To Work?

The answer to this question is “Yes” and “No”. THC can influence the working of CBD and can boost its certain health effects. However, CBD also works quite well when used alone and thus does not require THC to work.

THC is one of the cannabinoids; thus, even small amounts of THC in CBD oil may result in the entourage effect. In addition, THC-containing CBD oil may help manage muscle spasticity, insomnia, and low appetite.

However, considering the poor safety profile of THC, it is a good idea to use CBD oil without THC. CBD would work quite well without THC and does not require it at all to work. Thus, CBD alone is sufficient to reduce inflammation, seizures, depression, improve gut health, help with migraine, and much more.


What Are the Benefits of CBD Oil Without THC?

Although THC may boost certain activities of CBD oil, but it is better without it. It is now proven beyond doubt that THC, on prolonged use, may cause more harm than good. Below are some of the health benefits of CBD without THC:

Better safety profile

CBD oil that is THC-free has a much better safety profile. It will not cause addiction, euphoria, or other severe issues. THC-free CBD oil may also have lower toxicity and would not influence other organs like the liver.

Does not cause high

This is the number one reason for preferring THC-free CBD oil. Cannabis causes high due to its content of THC. CBD isolate does not cause high and has no adverse impact on brain health. This is because it will not influence reward pathways like THC.

Does not increase appetite

It is no secret that marijuana increases appetite. However, CBD helps with weight loss. Therefore, it seems that THC is rather an appetite stimulant.

Would not result in a positive drug test

When testing for drug use, that is, for marijuana use, doctors look for TCH levels in the blood. Thus, even minute amounts of THC in CBD oil may result in a positive blood test. However, CBD oil that is THC-free would not result in a positive blood test.

Easier to get regulatory approval

Finally, THC-free means fewer issues in getting regulatory approval. Most health authorities are wary of THC. They know that prolonged THC use may harm health and is also a substance of abuse. If CBD oil is THC-free, getting regulatory approval would be much easier.

To sum up, cannabis or hemp plant contains many cannabinoids. Among them, CBD and THC are most well researched and have quite different health effects. Therefore, although THC may benefit health in small amounts, using THC-free products is a better option. On the other hand, CBD is still quite potent without THC and is suitable for prolonged use.

If you are looking for THC-free CBD products, we have a range of products. We offer CBD wholesale, white label CBD, private label CBD, and more. We are among the reputed CBD manufacturers in Europe.

Dropshipping Benefits, Challenges & Getting Started

There are many ways of starting your own CBD business, and dropshipping is one such way. One of the early decisions anyone must make is how and where to source products. One does not essentially need to manufacture CBD products. One can buy CBD wholesale, procure CBD isolate, distillate, and make products.

Even better, one can just buy private label CBD or white label CBD products. These business models require very little understanding of CBD products and only small investments.

For example, white label CBD is quite a simple way of getting started. One just needs to ask the CBD manufacturers about all the products available with them, select the products, and ask manufacturers to label and pack products as per the requirement, and that is it.

However, all the above models have one issue, they require buying some stock. For example, in private label CBD, one may need to buy at least one batch of every CBD product, which is a considerable investment. On the other hand, in the case of white label CBD, one can buy products in smaller amounts, but still, every CBD manufacturer would have a minimum order quantity (MOQ).

Pros and Cons of Dropshipping: An All-In-One Guide

So, what to do, or how to get started if one does not want to maintain any CBD stock?

Well, there is a way out. You can even start a CBD business without buying a single unit of CBD product or investing a penny in stocks. Dropshipping is the simplest way of getting started.

It is the only business model in which a person can have a massive range of products, and yet one would not need to buy any stock. One would not need any place for storage. Not only that, one is not even engaged in product supply. And, yet, consumers receive products as if they were produced and shipped by you.


What Is Dropshipping?

It is the only business model where one can get started with no product stock. The methods are pretty simple. There are dropshipping companies. These may be CBD manufacturers, supplement producers, or even trading companies (often offering thousands of products).

They provide the price of the CBD or other products available for dropshipping. Then, you promote, market, and sell those products like your own products or brands. Once you get the order, you forward it two the dropshipper, and they will supply the product along with your invoice.

Here the customer would make payment to you or at your website. Thus, you will need to pay the dropshipper the basic cost of the product and shipping expenses. What is left after paying the dropshipper is your profit.

This business differs significantly from affiliate marketing, though it may share some of its traits. For example, in affiliate marketing and dropshipping, you have no say in product manufacturing or quality.

However, unlike affiliate marketing, where the customer is redirected to the seller’s website, and you get a commission from every sale, dropshipping differs. In dropshipping, you sell products as if they are your products, and you decide what should be the final price of the product.

In dropshipping, you have greater control over product margins. Moreover, since you are not redirecting customers and selling products like your own products, you can develop customer loyalty over time.

However, unlike private or white labels, maintaining the stocks, storage, and shipping of the products is no hassle. The dropshipper handles everything, and you only pay for whatever sales you make via your platforms.

dropshipping benefits

Top Dropshipping Benefits

Dropshipping is not one of the most popular ways of doing business. In fact, most sellers on eBay and even many on Amazon are working this way. In addition, most sellers or resellers on these platforms are using the services of dropshipping companies. Below are some of the reasons why dropshipping is such a good business model:

  • Low start-up costs: This is the number one reason why anyone would consider dropshipping. No stock maintenance also means zero investment in product stock and storage. In the case of dropshipping, products are lying with the dropshipper, and you have no obligations. Basically, you only buy the product to be supplied after getting payment from the client.
  • Flexibility: This business model provides flexibility in many ways. You can get into the range of businesses, start selling different kinds of CBD products, and more. Since stocks are not with you, there are no pressures of selling them quickly to recover the investments.
  • Massive range of products: Your range of products is only limited by the number of products offered by dropshipper. Thus, most dropshipper would have tens, even hundreds of healthcare products. In addition, a dropshipper may offer not only CBD products but also many other health supplements. To get started, you must decide your margin and list those products on your website. After all, there are no obligations in dropshipping and no investments in product stock.

Other dropshipping benefits

  • No storage of products: In dropshipping, physical products always lie with the dropshipper, and they are also responsible for shipping the products. A good dropshipper would send your invoice along with the product so that customer has an impression as if you dispatched products. All this means there is no need to maintain a warehouse and stocks and requires less staff.
  • Minimal efforts in inventory management: In dropshipping, inventory lies with the dropshipper and not with you. However, you still need to do some inventory management. The number of products with dropshipper may keep changing, and prices may change from time to time. So, yes, you would still require to do some inventory management. However, these are minimal efforts. Moreover, man dropshipper would provide automation software that can readily integrate into most common eCommerce platforms.
  • Easy to scale up your business: Expanding product offerings is a considerable challenge in any business, but not with dropshipping. In the case of dropshipping, one can immediately start offering all the products that are with the dropshipper. Any dropshipper would have tens, hundreds, and even thousands of various products. Thus, one may start with CBD products but readily add other health supplements and even medical devices to the product profile.


Some Top Challenges Associated with Dropshipping

Dropshipping sounds too good to be true, and that is right. However, every business model has its downsides, and dropshipping is no exception. Here are a few of the downsides of this business model:

  • Reliance on the third party: One of the biggest issues with dropshipping is that one is over-dependent on the third party. Just imagine that you have spent much effort and money developing your platform. However, one-day dropshipper decides to change their working condition or even close their business.
  • Poor product branding: In dropshipping, you are selling products “as it is”. There is no control over how the products should look, what they must contain, and more. Dropshipper provides ready-to-sell products, but it also means no control over how the product is branded. Quite often, dropshipping products are a kind of product that has huge demand, but they would not offer niche products.
  • No control over product lifecycle: In dropshipping, you may sell the products as if they are your own. But the truth is that those are not your products, and you have no control over the product lifecycle. It means that if the dropshipper decides to change product packing, its formulation, or even discontinue the product, there is nothing you can do about it.

Additional dropshipping challenges

  • High competition: Since dropshipping does not require much investment, many people are using this model. Additionally, dropshipper offers products that are in high demand. However, such products are sold by so many other people. Therefore, you may struggle to differentiate your offering from the competition.
  • Low margins: Almost no product investment also means you will have to be satisfied with low product margins. Products offered by dropshipper are not niche products; thus, there is no scope for massive margins.
  • Low customer loyalty: Since you are offering products that are available on many other platforms, it also means low customer loyalty.
  • Difficulties in providing customer support: You are not supplying the products or maintaining stocks. It means that providing customer support would be challenging if anything goes wrong. Dropshipper may take longer to deliver products, and there might be issues in getting product replacements.

Is Dropshipping Worth It for My Business?

It is a complex question. Every business model is good in one way or another. And every business model has its pros and cons. Some business models may be better for you.

Generally, dropshipping is an excellent business model for getting started quickly with no prior experience selling CBD or other products. It is also a low-risk model. It is also an excellent way to expand the product portfolio quickly.

However, it may not be the perfect way of doing business in the long run. If your sales pick up and your online platform becomes popular, you will realize that you need better products or niche products and provide better customer services. Moreover, if sales pick up, you can make more profit by using models like private label CBD or white label CBD.

If you are unsure how to start with the CBD business, we can help you out. We are a European CBD manufacturer and also provide many other services. Contact us to learn more about dropshipping, private label CBD, white label CBD, and more.


What’s The Link Between CBD And Neuroprotection?

In the last few decades, there has been a significant upsurge of interest in various natural neuroprotectants. This rise in interest is due to a considerable increase in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and different neuropsychiatric disorders.

We need to find novel neuroprotective measures to stop the onslaught of neurodegenerative disorders. There are many natural compounds that help prevent neurodegeneration to some extent. For example, it appears that CBD exerts neuroprotective action and can be of significant help in many brain disorders.

One of the reasons it is vital to find natural neuroprotective measures is that doctors still do not fully understand why neurodegenerative diseases are rising. Thus, health experts are failing to explain why early cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, depression, and various neuropsychiatric conditions are becoming so common.

Experts know that it does not have much to do with genetics, as it has not changed much in the last few decades. However, it does have something to do with changing environments and lifestyle choices. That is why many experts believe that natural remedies could be the best way to counter neurodegenerative disorders.

CBD and neuroprotection

What Is a Neuroprotectant?

CBD appears to be neuroprotective. Therefore, it has many benefits for brain health. However, before looking into CBD, we need to understand what neuroprotectant is.

There is no universally accepted definition of neuroprotectants. Nonetheless, most experts agree that neuroprotectants are substances that help prevent, recover, and regenerate the nervous system, its structure, cells, and function.

Neuroprotectants may be of natural origins or even synthetic drugs. However, medical experts are more interested in natural compounds due to their higher safety.

Additionally, it appears that natural compounds are safer for prolonged use. Studies suggest that neurodegenerative disorders begin several years before their diagnosis. Hence, any natural supplement would work when taken early and used for several months or even years. Therefore, its long-term safety must be established.

How Does a Neuroprotectant Work?

It is a complex question considering that damage to neurons, brain cells, and structures occurs for many reasons. It means that neuroprotectants work in many ways. A good neuroprotectant is one that may help counter neural damage in multiple ways.

For example, in some conditions like Parkinson’s, neuroprotectants work by boosting the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine. In epilepsy, they work by modulating the activity of various neurotransmitters, especially glutamate-mediated neurotransmission.

In other cases, neuroprotectants work by reducing inflammation or modulating immunity. They may also help boost mitochondrial energy production. In addition, some neuroprotectants may help prevent proteinopathies.

Many neuroprotectants work due to their antioxidant capacity. Thus, they might help prevent neural damage due to stress.

In some cases, neuroprotectants may help protect neurons during periods of low oxygen supply. They might achieve this in many ways like reducing inflammation, reducing neuronal energy demand, countering mental stress, and more.

What Are Some Neuroprotective Measures I Can Take Right Now?

There are many ways to protect your brain cells from damage. To prevent brain disorders, it is a good idea to combine multiple non-pharmacological neuroprotective measures.

One should begin by exercising and improving metabolic health. Reducing systemic inflammation through lifestyle changes, reducing exposure to environmental toxins, and using natural supplements may also help.

Here it is vital to understand that one should start taking neuroprotective measures early enough. Once the damage to brain cells has occurred, reversing it is pretty challenging. Moreover, initial damage to brain cells results in a cascade of events that further accelerate the destructive processes.

One must pay particular attention to managing mental stress and anxiety for neuroprotection. Chronic stress is especially harmful to brain health. The human brain is quite good at responding to acute stress. However, it is not made to tackle low-grade and continuous stress. One way to counter this low-grade and constant stress is using natural remedies like CBD oil.

Neuroprotection & CBD: What Are the Neuroprotective Effects of CBD Oil?

The good thing about CBD is its broad spectrum. It may help in a range of brain disorders and help protect brain cells in many ways. Thus, it has many qualities of an excellent neuroprotective agent. But, of course, CBD would work better when used long enough.

  • CBD may exert neuroprotective effects by reducing anxiety and stress and helping with neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • It may help reduce stress and thus the brain’s energy requirement.
  • CBD may exert neuroprotective action by boosting the energy production of neural cells and preventing mitochondrial dysfunction.
  • It may help the brain recover from minor injuries and even concussions and thus reduce the risk of neurodegeneration.
  • It seems that CBD may even help prevent proteinopathies, and thus it can reduce the risk of conditions like Alzheimer’s.
  • Cannabidiol may boost the transmission of certain neurotransmitters and thus boost various brain functions. For example, studies show that CBD may help boost dopaminergic transmission in a nigrostriatal pathway in the brain and thus help prevent or manage Parkinson’s.
  • It acts on various brain centre and thus helps reduce fatigue, spasticity, and inflammation and help people relax better. Therefore, in many cases, CBD may be neuroprotective in more than one way.

CBD as potent neuroprotectant

List Some Ways CBD Acts as a Neuroprotective

CBD acts neuroprotective in multiple ways, and science is still to understand its mechanism of action wholly. Below are some of the ways in which CBD may exert neuroprotective action and thus help boost brain health.

  • CBD may act as an antioxidant and thus help neutralize free radicals; hence it may help prevent neuronal damage.
  • It can modulate immunity and lower inflammation. Altered immune responses are among the most relevant ways CBD acts as a neuroprotectant.
  • It acts on CB1 receptors and thus modulates the working of neurons, and hence it may strengthen neuronal synapses and help counter neurodegeneration.
  • It may modulate the activity of glial cells and thus exert neuroprotective action. Glial cells are the most abundant cells in the brain and play an important role in the brain’s immunity.
  • Alter activity of neural pathways. Cannabinoids may do this in many ways, like altering the concentration of various neurotransmitters, influencing the endocannabinoid system, and more.
  • It can directly impact some neurotransmitters like dopamine and probably serotonin, and thus it may help protect brain cells.
  • It may also help due to its ability to lower mental stress, stabilize mood, and more.
  • CBD may influence neuronal energy production; thus, it is pretty good for those living with ischemic brain injury or even concussion.

Best Neuroprotection Supplements Containing CBD

CBD is good for brain health and has multiple benefits. However, it appears that most CBD products continue to focus on its anti-anxiety effect. Thus, there is still much scope for CBD supplements for brain health.

Although CBD is quite suitable for brain health, combining it with other nutrients or natural extracts may further boost its neuroprotection qualities. Therefore, it is undoubtedly a market segment that must expand in the future.

At present, there are products like help prevent proteinopathies that mainly contain CBD isolate. FOCL CBD drops (broad spectrum) or Aspen Green CBD (broad spectrum).

As one can see, that market mainly focuses on anxiety but not on neuroprotection or the long-term benefits of CBD for brain health. Additionally, most products for brain health have CBD isolate, broad spectrum, and even full spectrum.

However, much greater neuroprotection may be achieved by combining multiple natural extracts that are good for brain health. It means there is significant scope for such products in the market.

If you are interested in learning more about CBD and neuroprotection or in introducing CBD products for brain health, you can get in touch with us. We are one of the top-rated CBD manufacturers in Europe. Together we can explore various possibilities. Else, you can also consider products from our range of white-label CBD products.

Ultimate CBD & Hemp Glossary

Whether you are just exploring CBD, an experienced user, or even someone already in the CBD business, you may still find some CBD-related terms daunting. So, no worries, here we have explained all the terms related to CBD use, production, and more. If you still find something missing or you cannot understand, you can always contact us, and we would be glad to clarify things.

Anandamide- It is also called the “bliss molecule.” The human body naturally produces it, and its production may increase under certain circumstances. It acts on the body’s endocannabinoid system. Its higher levels are associated with better mood, cognition, learning, and intellectual and motor function. It especially acts on CB1 receptors. Researchers think that THC and perhaps other cannabinoids can mimic the activity of anandamide, thus causing euphoria.

Bioavailability- Describes how much any compound makes to circulation after ingestion. When ingested, many compounds are neutralised by gastric juices or fail to absorb, or the liver destroys them during the so-called first-pass metabolism. Therefore, higher bioavailability means that a greater amount of the ingested substance can enter the blood circulation and thus help boost health. For example, 50% bioavailability implies that if one ingests 100 mg of a particular substance, only 50 mg of it will make it into circulation.

Cannabigerol (CBG)- Hemp or cannabis plant contains many cannabinoids, and CBG is present in small amounts. It is called a minor non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is a precursor to both CBD and THC. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in minor cannabinoids, as they have different health benefits compared to CBD. For example, studies suggest that CBG may have a higher anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Cannabinoids- It is an umbrella term used to describe just any substance that acts on cannabinoid receptors like CB1 and CB2. CBD is just one of the cannabinoids. New studies have identified more than 500 bioactive compounds in hemp, and more than 100 of them are cannabinoids.

Cannabinol (CBN)- One of the cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. It is mildly psychoactive and is present in traces in the plant. It acts on both CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, there is an increasing interest in it due to its ability to alter some brain activities. Moreover, it appears to be safer and less psychoactive compared to THC.

Cannabis sativa- The cannabis plant has three known species: Cannabis Sativa, cannabis Indica, and cannabis ruderalis. Among these three species, cannabis Sativa is mainly used to produce CBD. It is commonly known as hemp. Europeans have traditionally grown this cannabis species for making industrial products. This variety of cannabis is good because it naturally has low THC content, and thus it is a better fit for producing health supplements.

Carrier oil- As CBD manufacturers we often buy pure CBD powder like CBD isolate or CBD distillate. However, they must mix CBD with the oil to make CBD or other products. CBD is naturally fat soluble. Carrier oil is just any oil that helps the body absorb CBD. It may be hemp oil, coconut oil, or olive oil, and one can mix multiple oils to create unique products.

CB1 receptors- CB1 receptors are a part of the endocannabinoid system in the human body. Receptors are a kind of switches that are activated by endocannabinoids, cannabinoids like CBD. Once these switches are activated, it changes the body differently. CB1 receptors are mainly present in the brain, though they are also present in small amounts in other body parts. It means that CB1 activation mainly causes changes in brain function, like reduced anxiety or pain sensation.

CB2 receptors- Like CB1, CB2 receptors are yet another kind of switch belonging to the endocannabinoid system and present in various body tissues. Unlike CB1, CB2 receptors are mainly present outside the brain and abundant in the immune tissues. Thus, they help modulate immunity and reduce inflammation.

CBD broad spectrum- Cannabis or hemp plant contains many phytocompounds, not just CBD. Moreover, these compounds may have many additional health benefits. These different compounds are also responsible for the “entourage effect.” Broad spectrum CBD is the extract that retains many other phytocompounds from hemp, except THC. Thus, it is quite safe and yet beneficial for health, as it is THC-free.

CBD extraction- There are many traditional and modern methods of CBD extraction. For example, extracting CBD through oil or alcohol (tincture) is some of the conventional ways. Modern ways of extraction are CO2 supercritical extraction or hydrocarbon extraction. Modern extraction methods like CO2 supercritical extraction help extract pure CBD with very few impurities, and the end product is of high potency.

CBD full spectrum- Full spectrum CBD is quite like a broad spectrum that retains other phytocompounds along with CBD. Thus, it is rich in terpenes, flavonoids, and even vitamins. However, unlike the broad spectrum, it also contains THC in small amounts or permissible amounts. THC in small amounts would not cause euphoria. However, it may result in some added health benefits.

CBD isolate- As the name suggests, it is an isolated form of CBD. It means that CBD isolate is CBD in its purest form. It is almost 99% pure CBD. The distinct benefit of an isolate is that it is better suited for naïve users and is also safe for prolonged use.

CBD/Cannabidiol- Researchers have already identified more than 100 cannabinoids in cannabis or hemp. However, CBD is the most abundant, and other cannabinoids are in small amounts. Thus, CBD is most widely used for health conditions and is also one of the most well-studied cannabinoids.

Certificate of Analysis (COA)- Not all CBD products are made equally well. Quite often, information on the product label may also be misleading. However, a certificate of analysis is the most reliable way of knowing what is in the product. Of course, COA from a reputed third-party lab can only be trusted.

CO2 supercritical extraction is one of the safest and most common ways of CBD extraction from hemp or cannabis plant. CBD manufacturers use CO2 gas cooled and compressed to the supercritical stage in this process. The supercritical stage is the one when CO2 has the properties of both liquids and gases. Supercritical CO2 acts as an excellent solvent and does not leave any toxic residues.

Decarboxylation- It means removing the carboxyl from any molecule. In the case of CBD manufacturing, it helps convert CBDa to CBD and thus helps boost the potency of CBD products.

Delivery methods- CBD products must be delivered to the body and can be done in many ways. The mode of delivery would decide its bioavailability, how fast it acts, and in what conditions it can help. Sublingual, transdermal, topical, and oral are some of the popular delivery methods.

Dietary supplement/Nutraceuticals- Any compound that is used to supplement the diet and may have some health benefits. These are generally of natural origins, but not essentially. For example, many vitamins are produced these days synthetically. Unlike medicine, these are not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.

Distillate- CBD distillate is another name for broad-spectrum CBD. It is a CBD product created through the distillation process. It generally contains 70-80% CBD, and the rest is other beneficial phytocompounds like terpenes. The distillate is generally fat soluble; however, water-soluble distillate is also available these days.

Edible CBD- All CBD edibles we offer are edible supplements. However, the term edible CBD is mainly used to describe foods or edible products with added CBD. Thus, CBD-infused chocolate would be categorised as edible CBD.

E-liquid / Vape Juice- As the name suggests, these are CBD-added juices created explicitly for vaping. Vaping CBD vape oil has a distinct benefit of immediate effect.

Endocannabinoid system- It is a complex and vast system of receptors and chemicals throughout the body. This endocannabinoids system was discovered in the 1990s. It is a system that can alter various body functions like appetite or alertness. Therefore, this system can help regulate different body functions. CBD mainly acts by modulating the endocannabinoid system, which explains its broad spectrum of activities.

Entourage effect- It is a term often used in the CBD world. Unlike synergy, when two substances are combined, it results in much greater health benefits, but the entourage effect is a bit different. When two or more substances are combined, the entourage effect results in entirely new kinds of health effects. Thus, researchers can make products for specific health conditions by combining CBD with various essential oils, terpenes, flavonoids, and minor cannabinoids.

Ethanol extraction is one of the oldest, safest, and cheapest ways of extracting plant extracts. One can soak plant material in ethanol (alcohol) to ensure that its active compounds get dissolved in it. One can also apply heat for higher potency and even distillation to get purer plant extract.

Farm bill- A law introduced in 2018 removes hemp varieties low in THC (below 0.3%) from controlled substances, thus allowing farmers to grow these hemp varieties like any other agricultural product.

FDA- Every nation has a so-called Food and Drug Authority, though its name may differ a bit from country to country. It is a regulatory agency that ensures that medications, dietary supplements, foods, cosmetics, medical devices, and so on meet certain safety and efficacy standards. So, for example, although dietary supplements are not FDA-approved, they still check those products for safety and quality.

Heavy metals- Generally, lead and metals heavier than it is classified as heavy metals. Thus, for example, arsenic is also a heavy metal. Unlike lighter metals like iron or magnesium, heavy metals do not have any role in the human body and are highly toxic, even in small amounts. However, due to air pollution, many natural products may have some quantities of heavy metals. Thus, every natural product must be tested for heavy metals to ensure their safety.

Hemp- A variety or species of cannabis plant that has been specially grown in Europe for making industrial products. It was mainly grown for fibre, making textiles, extracting oil, animal feeds, and more. Leaves, flowers, and stalks of hemp plants are also excellent sources of CBD, as they are naturally low in THC, unlike marijuana plants or other cannabis species like Cannabis Indica.

Hemp seed oil- It is a hemp or cannabis plant seed oil that is rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. It is among the healthy vegetable oils. However, it is worth understanding that hemp seed oil is naturally CBD or THC-free. Thus, its sales are not regulated in any nation, and it can be sold and consumed just like any other vegetable oil. It is vital to know that it is naturally CBD-free until or unless CBD has been added to it, as many sellers try to confuse consumers by selling pure hemp seed oil that lacks any health benefits of CBD.

Hydrocarbon CBD extraction- It is another method of CBD extraction on an industrial scale that uses gases like butane or propane. These gases are liquified at high pressure and low temperature; thus, they can dissolve or extract CBD. Although this extraction method is quite good, these gasses are highly flammable and explosive and harm the environment.

Lipid soluble- Anything that is naturally soluble in oils, like CBD.

Marijuana- Cannabis plant flowers, leaves or even stalks from varieties like Cannabis Indica that are naturally high in THC. Thus, unlike CBD, marijuana is mainly used for recreation. However, it may also have health benefits.

Medium-Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil- In recent years, MCTs have gained particular attention as they are readily digested. MCTs can bypass the usual way of absorption and can directly enter the lymphatic system. Thus, they can provide quick energy to the body. Not only that, but anything dissolved in MCTs would also enter blood circulation faster.

Novel food- European commission classifies any food item as a Novel that was not consumed in large amounts by Europeans before 15 May 1997. Since Europeans have not traditionally consumed CBD in large amounts, it is also classified as Novel food. Unlike regular foods like wheat or corn, Novel foods can only be sold in the EU after authorisation by the commission.

Organic- Any product of natural origins; thus, it can be readily recycled and does not harm the environment much. For example, paper is generally organic, but plastic is not.

Pesticides- Chemicals that are used by the agriculture sector to kill bugs or insects. However, these food items may retain these chemicals in small amounts, thus causing harm to human health.

Potency- Another way to describe the strength of drugs or food supplements. Highly potency often means a greater dose, though not necessarily.

Private label CBD products- These are products made by a third party but according to the client’s specifications. Nowadays, it is common practice for businesses to get their product manufactured by third parties and instead focus on sales and marketing. Therefore, one can readily buy private-label CBD products, get them branded, and readily introduce them to the market without worrying about manufacturing and regulatory issues.

Psychoactive- Any substance, whether natural or synthetic, that influences the working of the brain, affecting mood, alertness, awareness, thoughts, and more. Thus, alcohol, marijuana, and even caffeine and CBD are psychoactive. However, marijuana and heroin are relatively more psychoactive and therefore are controlled substances.

Solvent- liquid in which solute dissolves to form a solution. Solvents are often used in extracting natural extracts and even making medications. Some of them, like ethanol, are pretty safe, while others might be toxic.

Strain- It simply means variety or species of cannabis. Thus, Indica and Sativa are just different strains of the same plant. However, various strains of the same plant may differ significantly from each other and may have completely different usages.

Sublingual- It is a way of medicine, food, or supplement delivery. When using this route, a substance is held below the tongue for a long time, resulting in its instant absorption, thus reaching blood circulation immediately. This may be a good route for medications or supplements that are not absorbed well via the gastrointestinal tract or are destroyed by gastric juices. However, although this route has the benefit of immediate effect and good bioavailability, it may not be a good route for substances needed by the body in large amounts. Thus, it may be a good route for CBD and vitamins, but not for proteins or carbs.

Terpenes- These are aromatic compounds present in different plants. Plants or even trees use these substances to attract pollinators and defend themselves from different threats. These compounds are quite complex and may have different health effects. Therefore, they are commonly added to CBD products to create products with varying health benefits. Adding terpenes to CBD also results in an entourage effect.

THC/Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol is a highly psychoactive compound found in various cannabis strains. It is the main compound in marijuana that causes “high”. It can be addictive and harm health in large amounts. Thus, regulatory bodies only allow traces of THC in CBD products. For example, the European Commission allows only 0.2% of THC in CBD products. Adding high amounts of THC to CBD products is a criminal offence that may result in hefty fines and prolonged imprisonment.

Tincture- Any medicine, herb, or natural compound dissolved in alcohol. It is one of the oldest ways of making medications and health supplements. In olden times, people would collect herbs and soak them in alcohol for weeks or months. Soaking herbs in alcohol for long dissolves many of their active compounds, thus creating a kind of natural medication or tincture.

Topical- Any medication or substance that is applied to the skin. Generally, such compounds have a local effect, like helping reduce skin inflammation.

Transdermal patches- It is one of the modern ways of drug delivery. Manufacturers may add medications, different compounds, hormones, or even CBD to the transdermal patches. These patches can adhere to the skin; from there, they keep supplying medicines in small amounts over a long period. For example, a testosterone transdermal patch may consistently supply a low dose of hormone for 24 hours. In this delivery route, medication or other substances are slowly absorbed via the skin.

Vaporiser- Any equipment or device that creates vapours of fluids or solid substances. For example, some asthma medications are taken this way. Similarly, vaping devices are also vaporisers, and they can create vapours of vaping juices. It is one of the fastest ways to deliver drugs, as active ingredients instantly reach the bloodstream through the lungs. It may also be a good delivery method for medications acting on the respiratory tract, like bronchodilators.

Water soluble- Any substance that is soluble in water. Quite often, a water-soluble substance is poorly soluble in fats and vice versa. Additionally, it is worth noting that the human body absorbs and processes water-soluble substances differently than fat-soluble substances.

White-label CBD products- It is the easiest way of getting started with the CBD business. These products are ready with the manufacturer and need to be labelled as per the client’s requirement (thus the term white label). Quite often, a good CBD producer would have a range of white label CBD products. However, these products were not made as per the client’s requirements.

Learn What It Takes to Open Up a CBD Café

As CBD gains popularity, it is also opening scope for so many different kinds of businesses like CBD shops, bars, and cafés.

It is good to consider opening a CBD café, as most people visiting the café are health-conscious. Therefore, they may find it interesting if someone offers CBD-infused coffee. Moreover, people often visit cafés, not just to have a cup of coffee, but also to relax a bit.

However, unlike bars, those visiting cafés would like to stay alert. Therefore, they often visit cafés during working hours. Or they might like to have a cup of CBD-infused coffee before closing their working day and relax.

The kind of people who would love to go to CBD café is coffee nerds, freelancers, socially conscious hipsters,  anxious ones, those who love socializing, social media influencers, avid readers, or just tea and coffee lovers. All of them would love to have CBD-infused drinks.

How To Open Up A CBD Cafe: Our Comprehensive Guide

CBD café is still a kind of new idea, and very few have taken it up. But, on the other hand, it means that there is much scope for it. However, many people are wary of opening such a café, as they are unsure of how to get started. Thus, we have prepared a comprehensive guide to getting you started and understanding how to open a CBD café.

cbd cafe

What Is A CBD Cafe?

As already mentioned, this is a special place mainly focusing on young people and individuals looking for a special kind of environment, from freelancers to social media influencers. It is where people predominantly come to have a cup of coffee, tea, or smoothies and some snacks like healthy sandwiches.

Thus, such a place focuses on providing comfortable interiors, a calm atmosphere, range of healthy drinks and snacks.

Step One: Check Whether It’s Legal

Before getting started, ensure that it is legal to open such a café. First, you must ensure that CBD is legal in your nation. If CBD use is still not legally permitted, there is no way that a CBD café may be legal to open.

However, even if CBD is legal, it does not automatically mean that opening CBD café and selling CBD coffee would be legal. Selling CBD products and making CBD coffee are two very different things.

Generally, it is a good idea to confirm the legality of CBD cafés from local authorities. This is essential, as local laws may differ from national laws. Quite often, states, counties, or districts decide if they would allow CBD cafés or not.

There is still a lot of misunderstanding regarding CBD. Many people are unaware that it is quite a different product from marijuana. Some people in authorities still believe that CBD may encourage marijuana use, and so on. So, start by ensuring that CBD café is legal to open in your area.

Additionally, it is good to know that even if CBD café is legal, CBD advertising is mostly not. Not only that, those looking to open such a café must understand that they cannot make any health claims on their menu, promotional materials, or websites. So, yes, there is a lot to be learned before deciding to open a CBD café.

Step Two: Do Your Research

The next step would be to dive deeper into the subject. But, again, it is more about a market survey. You would need to know about the local demand for CBD, CBD coffee, and CBD-infused foods.

There are countries and places where people are still not aware of CBD health benefits, or they are misinformed. Thus, make sure that there is some real demand for the product before getting started.

Learning more about local lifestyle, demographics, and other similar things is also good. For example, opening a CBD café where there are many offices, IT companies, and service centres may be a better idea than in some industrial areas focused on mining.

Step Three: Get Your Bricks & Mortar Together

Once you have done market research, it is time to get ready to open the café. First, it means finding the right location. Then, it means investing in various equipment and also in the interior.

Although opening a café does not require much investment compared to a high-end restaurant, nonetheless, one needs to invest in interior design, furniture, and equipment.

Additionally, make sure that there is a good Wi-fi connection, as many people these days love to work in cafés.

Step Four: Decide on Your CBD Product Range

The final step before getting started is to decide on the CBD product range. This is one of the most critical steps, as ultimately, more so in the long run, how well any business would do depends on the product offering.

CBD Coffee & Tea

A range of CBD-infused coffees and teas is a must. Thus, you can have a regular expresso, latte, or cappuccino, but CBD infused.

Another strategy could be to come up with a completely original range of products like coffee or tea for relaxing, energizing, and so on. For example, one may infuse teas with different herbs like lavender, peach, berries, peppermint, and more.

Where can I buy CBD coffee & tea

Here again, there are two options. The first option is to buy CBD-infused coffee and tea that is ready to make, and you have to do nothing. Instead, you can prepare them like you would make a regular coffee or tea.

For example, you can buy CBD-infused coffee at natures health box in the UK. Similarly, one can purchase various CBD-infused teas, and they come in many flavours like that with lemon, ginger, lavender, chamomile, rose, and other herbs.

However, if you are serious about the quality of your products, it is much better to buy CBD in bulk. One can readily buy CBD isolate (pure CBD), which is either lipid or water-soluble.

One of the problems with buying CBD-infused coffees and teas is that then you have little control over the quality of tea or coffee you are serving in your café. Moreover, these ready-made solutions, that is CBD infused coffee or teas, have very minute amounts of CBD, which may not do much good to the client. Additionally, some of these teas and coffees may not be of the quality that you and your clients are used to.

Thus, it is a much better idea to come up with a range of coffees and different herbal teas and then just add CBD to them. This way, you would know the exact dosage of CBD that goes into each cup. Not only that, you can then offer tea or coffee with different amounts of CBD. Your clients would find such an offer much more attractive.

CBD-Based Edibles

The café would generally have many snacks like sandwiches, muffins, pastries, doughnuts, and more. You also offer CBD-based edibles. CBD edibles are pretty easy to make. You prepare these things as usual, but add CBD oil or CBD isolate to these items.

Here it is vital to understand that since you add just a few milligrams of CBD isolate or a few drops of CBD oil to each food item, it will not result in any changes in the flavour of those foods. So people would be able to experience the benefits of CBD but enjoy the taste or flavours of their favourite snacks.

open cbd cafe

What Are Some of The Common Pitfalls with CBD Businesses?

When getting started with a CBD business or CBD café, here are a few pitfalls to avoid:

  • Ignoring the legal side of the business: It may happen where CBD is completely legal and readily available. This may make some people think that they can just buy CBD oil and add it to their foods. However, laws regulating cafés differ. Therefore, if CBD is legal, it does not essentially mean that the law allows you to open a CBD café or sell CBD-infused tea or coffee.
  • Making health claims: Remember that you are opening a café and not some clinic. So never make any health claims about your products, foods, or drinks. Instead, focus on experience, like tea with lavender and CBD to help you relax or lemon tea with CBD for refreshing your mood.
  • Being unclear about the target audience: Generally, young professionals, students, geeks, and freelancers, love going to cafés. However, lots would depend on the location of your café. So, keep in mind what audience you are targeting.
  • Not considering local culture and influences: Although there are lots of similarities in cafes in different locations. Nonetheless, food preferences vary. So what works in London may not essentially work in Athens.
  • Copying competitors: By copying some popular café, you get some or even no results. However, remember that at the end of the day, the secret to success is how you can differentiate your business from others. Thus, the key word here is “differentiation”.
  • Ignoring online marketing: Many people wrongly think that if they are opening a brick-and-mortar store or café, online marketing is not that relevant. However, local online influencers can bring loads of business. These days people first check online reviews before going anywhere.

Still With Us? Here’s Some Inspiration from Around the World

Now that you know all the ins and out of getting started, you can look at the different online sources for inspiration. Learn what others are doing, how they are running their CBD café, what kind of products they are offering, and how they promote their business.

You can check out the information about some of the best CBD cafes in Vienna. Or here is a website to explore places that serve CBD-infused food and drinks in London. Or get your dose of inspiration from restaurants in France, where you can eat CBD.

If you have decided to go forward and open a CBD café, we can provide you with CBD in bulk to add to your foods and drinks.

5 minute read

Is CBD legal in London?

London is the financial capital of the world. Thus, no surprise that it is among the most vibrant and lively cities. However, it also means that living in London is associated with much stress and using CBD may help.

London is the capital of the United Kingdom (UK). It means that all the laws that apply to the UK are also applicable to London.

The UK has been traditionally quite strict with cannabis. However, things have been changing fast in the last few decades. CBD is now legal in London. Nonetheless, there are few things to know, considering that the UK isn’t part of the EU.

Quite like in the EU, health authorities classify CBD as a Novel Food. It means that one can only sell CBD legally in London after getting Novel Food approval Food Standards Agency. As per UK law, any food is Novel that British people have not consumed traditionally before May 1997.

CBD in london

No, you cannot smoke weed or marijuana in the UK or London since the UK does not allow recreational use of cannabis. It means that smoking weed or its possession may result in severe penalties, and even it may lead to prison for a maximum of up to five years.

The UK has some severe issues related to cannabis abuse, and thus it has been hesitant to legalize recreational marijuana.

However, it is worth understanding that medical marijuana or cannabis is legal in the US. One can get medical cannabis only through a medical prescription by a registered doctor. Medical use of cannabis was legalized in the UK in 2018.

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Get a hold of our top-quality, market-proven CBD products that are ready to sell. Reach out to us today.

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Why Is CBD Exempt

CBD use in London is legal and exempt, though not entirely. Like other food supplements, one can buy CBD without a prescription and use it without supervision. However, there are some restrictions regarding the free sale of CBD products. From March 2021 onwards, all CBD products must undergo approval as Novel Food.

Novel Food regulation may be an issue for CBD manufacturers or businesses, but it benefits consumers. For manufacturers, it means preparing a dossier, going through a tedious approval process, and proving the quality and safety of the product with the help of lab tests and supporting documents.

However, for consumers, the inclusion of CBD in the Novel Food registry means that all CBD products available in the UK or London are of the highest quality. It also means that one gets exactly the same thing as mentioned on the product label. Since the classification of CBD as a Novel Food, only high-quality products could remain on the market.

Why is CBD exempt and not controlled as cannabis? Well, science now understands that CBD is altogether a different thing. Marijuana causes many side effects due to its content of THC, a potent mind-altering substance. However, CBD products in London are THC-free. Thus, they are safe and suitable for health.

Science has proven beyond doubt that CBD is safe for regular and prolonged use. Not only that, but it may also help manage many health conditions. Although extracted from the cannabis plant, but CBD is no comparison to marijuana.

is cbd legal in london

Yes, CBD is totally legal to consume, even in public places. Of course, vaping may not be allowed in public places, but one can use CBD oil and gummies, eat CBD ingested foods, and more.

Here it is vital to understand that Food and Standards Agency (FSA) classifies CBD as a Novel Food. Here the primary term is “food”. It means that one can ingest CBD, quite like other foods and snacks, even in public.

Novel Foods are just those foods that Londoners did not consume traditionally. Other examples of Novel Foods could be imported chia seeds, probiotics, noni fruit juice, and more. Thus, quite like these food items, it is legal to consume CBD in public.

Top CBD Shops in London

Origin 40

It is a store that has a wide range of CBD products like CBD oil and skincare products. However, it is incredible that they also sell delicious CBD-infused foods like jellies, coffee, tea, and more. In addition, many of their products contain multiple herbal extracts, thus resulting in more significant health benefits.

Hemp Botanics

They have really high-quality CBD products for those looking for more potent formulations that may help in various health conditions. Thus, they have high-dose broad spectrum CBD oils, pain relief CBD creams, CBD patches, CBD bath salts, and even suppositories. Therefore, if you are looking to use CBD to manage some health conditions, visiting this store is a must.

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Retail-ready formulas not your type? Reach out and develop your own custom formulation.

Visit Private label

Otherside Cannabinoid Dispensary

Suppose you are looking for CBD products containing hemp oil, MCT, and terpenes, then this store has a good range of products. They also have a range of products for vaping.

Green House CBD Specialist

It is interesting to note that every CBD store in London has quite a unique approach. This particular store is perfect for those looking for CBD-infused teas with other herbs. Thus, one can select from CBD teas that come in flavours like turmeric, orange, lemon & ginger, lavender, peppermint, and many more.


London is among the best places to buy CBD. There are many stores selling a range of CBD products. Moreover, most products available in London are of high quality. CBD use is legal in London, and it has the status of Novel food.

However, it is worth understanding that recreational cannabis use is not legal in London.

If you are interested in starting a CBD business in the UK or selling CBD products in London, we have white label CBD, and private label CBD, with numerous products for various usages.

5 minute read

CBD Paste What It Is, Uses, Benefits & More

As CBD’s popularity rises, so does the demand for different products. Some people prefer CBD oil, others gummies, while others love CBD-infused foods and drinks. As a result, many companies are now introducing the so-called CBD paste.

CBD is just one of the more than 400 known cannabinoids in the cannabis or hemp plant. It is one of the most well-known among various cannabinoids, along with THC. CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol.

Unlike THC, CBD does not cause high and is relatively safe. Therefore, many health benefits of the cannabis plant are associated with its content of CBD. Furthermore, since CBD is the most abundant cannabinoid, it is also relatively easier to extract from the plant.

However, people do not use pure CBD. Instead, they use different CBD products or supplements. There are some distinct benefits of using CBD products, as they are easier to use and have better bioavailability than pure CBD.

CBD paste

CBD Paste: The New(ish) Kid on The Block

CBD  paste is the new kind of presentation. Unlike oil, it is thicker and contains oil, wax, butter, and so on. In addition, CBD is naturally soluble in different fats. Thus, the paste is mainly made by adding CBD to the oily and thicker fat base to produce a paste.

There are some distinct benefits of using paste when compared to CBD oil. Since it is thicker, it is relatively easier to handle. One does not need to use a dropper. Quite often, manufacturers sell CBD paste in a syringe for easier dosing.

It is not essential to sell CBD paste in a syringe; however, then it would be quite challenging to use it in a precise dosage.

What Is CBD Paste

As already mentioned, CBD paste is nothing but a different form of CBD supplement. It is something that is thicker in consistency. Therefore, some may prefer paste over oil or other forms of CBD.

Generally, CBD manufacturers make it by mixing CBD isolate or distillate in a thick oil base containing oil, butter, and wax. However, in theory, it is also possible to produce a water-based paste.

Generally, paste has a higher CBD concentration when compared to CBD oil or other CBD products. However, it is not always the case. Thus, those looking to use CBD paste must always read the product label or information before buying any such product.

Quality CBD Paste From Europe

At Essentia Pura, we can offer your pre-formulated, CBD-rich paste that will satisfy your need. Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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What Is It Used For

CBD paste is rising in popularity, as many find it easier to use. People are finding different ways to use CBD. When it comes to the indication, it has a similar health benefit to CBD oil.

Nonetheless, users find CBD paste more versatile. It may have some additional benefits, but that would depend on the other ingredients and oily base. For example, using coconut oil as a base may improve its use case scenarios and result in a highly effective product.

People may use paste sub-lingually quite like oil, and they might add it to various foods and even rub it on the skin.

Some of the common reasons to use CBD paste are:

  • Boost brain health
  • Help prevent seizures or reduce their severity
  • Boost immunity and help manage allergies
  • Help prevent digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and more
  • Reduce anxiety and stabilize mood
  • Help manage painful conditions
  • Good for premenstrual syndrome
  • Help with acne and is good for the skin
  • Reduce nausea
  • Provide symptomatic relief in conditions like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and more
  • May help with COPD
benefits of cbd paste

How To Take CBD Paste

It is pretty simple to use, and some people find it easier to take than other forms of CBD supplements. If you are starting using CBD, always start with a minimum dose. Generally, one can start with 2.5 to 5 mg.

It is good to rub CBD paste on the tongue or below the tongue for a faster effect. However, one can also ingest paste and add it to various foods.

CBD would act faster when rubbed on the tongue or consumed sub-lingually. However, not everyone may like using CBD in that way. Therefore, if you decide to add the paste to various foods, then remember that you may need to use it at a higher dosage.

When added to foods, it may take longer to act. It is good to use CBD paste twice a day for a week, and once the desired effect has been experienced, a maintenance dose of once a day is sufficient for most.

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Retail-ready formulas not your type? Reach out and develop your own custom formulation.

Private label CBD products

CBD Paste Dosage: How Much Should I Take

Experts recommend starting CBD with a minimum dosage of 2.5 or 5 mg twice daily for a week. After that, one may switch to a daily dose. After one week, peak plasma level is achieved, and thus once a day is sufficient.

From the third week onward, one may slowly increase the dose if the initial dosage fails to help. For example, one may increase the dosage by 2.5 mg to 5 mg weekly. However, one should avoid using CBD paste at a dosage of more than 70 mg a day.

Generally, a person would measure dosage in milligrams, though paste is supplied in the syringe. This is because concentration may vary. In addition, different CBD manufacturers produce products of varying strength. Hence, it is not possible to say how much of it will suffice. It is always a good idea to read the product label for more information.


CBD paste is a new kind way of using CBD for health benefits. CBD manufacturers make it by mixing CBD with a thick oily base containing oil, wax, and butter. They generally supply CBD butter in a syringe for easier dosing.

There are generally two kinds of CBD pastes, one that is made of CBD isolate or a broad spectrum that mainly contains CBD distillate.

CBD paste is either THC free or contains less than 0.2%. Thus, it is quite safe and does not cause euphoria. However, unlike CBD oils, CBD paste may have a higher concentration of an active ingredient, though not necessarily.

Finally, it is worth understanding that if living in the EU, one should prefer products approved by the EU Commission and registered as Novel Food. This would ensure that the product is of the highest quality.

If you are a CBD manufacturer or looking for private label CBD manufacturers, write to us, we can provide products of the highest quality.

When should I take CBD?

People are taking CBD in all imaginable manners like oral spray, CBD oil, gummies, CBD-infused foods, vaping, and more. Yet, it appears that the reply to one of the most straightforward questions is missing: when should a person take CBD?

What is the best time to take CBD? How many times should one take CBD? Can one take CBD by food, or not? What is the perfect CBD dosage? There are many such questions.

One of the issues is that information on various online platforms varies significantly. Thus, the more you read, the more confused you get. Hence, this article tries to put an end to all this confusion by exploring what science is saying.

How you take CBD matters

One of the reasons for such confusion is that CBD’s pharmacokinetics is not fully understood yet. After all, it is a food supplement and not a pharmacological drug. However, people tend to use it to manage health conditions.

The most important thing to know first is bioavailability. It means how much CBD will enter the blood circulation after its intake. Products with low bioavailability will only work if taken at a higher dosage so that a sufficient amount enters circulation.

The bioavailability of oral CBD (ingested) is just about 6%. However, bioavailability is high if it is taken sublingually. For example, the bioavailability of oral mucosal spray and vapes could be as high as 31%. It means that the dosage of oral CBD products must be higher than vapes.

However, things do not end here. It seems that products with higher bioavailability like vapes and oral mucosal sprays have a shorter half-life of 10-15 hours. In comparison, oral CBD has a longer half-life of 1-2 days.

Half-life is the time after which half of the CBD that entered the circulation has left it.

Understanding half-life is essential to know when to take CBD, whereas bioavailability shows how much to take and how to take it.

Just take an example of oral CBD, which has quite a low bioavailability, but a long half-life. It means that on the first dose of oral CBD, only a small amount will enter the body. However, it also means that much of it will remain in the body even the next day. Thus, when you take the second and third dose, it results in the accumulation of CBD in the body and, therefore, its higher plasma levels.

when to take cbd

Is There an Ideal Time of Day to Be Taking CBD?

The ideal time to take CBD would depend on the intake route and why someone is using CBD.

CBD accumulates in the body and reaches a peak and consistent plasma level after 4-5 days. It means that after a week of use, the time of taking CBD does not matter much if one is using it for chronic health conditions like improving metabolism, chronic pains, stress, and so on. So important is just to keep taking CBD regularly at a fixed time of the day.

However, besides bioavailability, there is another thing like peak plasma level. It means that after taking CBD, its level increases significantly in the blood for a few hours. Therefore, it means that after its intake, it may help better for the next few hours.

This means that intake time matters when using CBD for acute conditions or something that affects at a particular time. For example, taking CBD in the morning may help reduce stress and anxiety during the day and help normalize blood pressure.

Similarly, taking CBD in the evening may be better for improving the quality of sleep. It may also be good for those who experience evening pains and other issues.

What Some Common Reasons for Taking CBD?

CBD has widespread health benefits, and thus people may use it for a range of health conditions. CBD is not a medication; thus, it is not used to treat or cure health conditions. However, when used along with treatment, it may help. It is also good for preventing certain health conditions.

People are more likely to use CBD for:

  • Managing stress and anxiety
  • Chronic pains of various origins
  • Improving brain and nerve health
  • Managing mental health disorders
  • Seizures control
  • Enhancing sleep quality
  • Normalizing metabolism
  • Managing mood swings
  • Managing substance withdrawal syndrome
  • Improving skin health, especially preventing acne as it has sebostatic action
  • Good for heart health
  • Countering inflammation

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CBD Dosage Chart: How Much Should You Take?

The optimal dosage of CBD is not established. Moreover, there are massive individual differences, with some experiencing benefits at the lower dosage while others require higher dosages. Thus, the advice is to start with a minimal dosage and then increase it gradually.

Food and Standards Agency (FSA) UK recommends not exceeding a dose of 70 mg daily, which is about 28 drops of 5% CBD.

Below is the recommendation for getting started with CBD;

  • Start taking 2.5 mg to 5 mg twice daily for a week
  • After one week, switch to a maintenance dose of 5 to 10 mg once a day
  • If it does not help sufficiently, gradually increase the quantity weekly, like by 5 mg weekly. However, do not exceed 70 mg a day.
best time to take cbd

How Often Should You Use CBD?

As mentioned above, starting with a twice-daily dosage is a good idea. However, after a week, CBD achieves a stable plasma level, and thus one can continue with a once-daily dosage. The timing of a once-daily dosage would depend on the health condition. For some, it would be better to take it in the morning, while for others in the evening.

When Should I Take CBD?

When you are getting started with CBD, it is better to take it twice daily. Once in the morning and once in the evening. This will provide you 24 hours relief.

However, after a week, CBD accumulates in the body, and one can continue with a single dose a day. Therefore, if one wants relief for some health issue during the day, it is better to use CBD in the morning. However, better use CBD in the evening for relaxation and improving sleep quality.

Also, avoid taking it with food, as it may interfere with absorption. Thus, either take 30 minutes before a substantial meal or one hour after it.


CBD may not have such a high bioavailability, but it has a long half-life. It means one needs to take it continually for a week to experience its benefits. Generally, when a person takes it, it does not matter much. However, in some cases, it may play a role. Thus, if one experiences symptoms during the day, better take CBD in the morning. However, take it in the evening to relax and improve sleep quality.

If you are into the CBD business and want to know where to source high-quality CBD products, contact us. We are among the best CBD manufacturers in Europe.

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